Media Has Duped Americans Again, This Time With Gun Crime Statistics
todayMay 8, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just imagine this: the law abiding are being surveilled and have to prostrate themselves in front of their own government to prove they’re worthy of defending their own lives, while those that flaunt the law don’t obey it, probably don’t even know what it is other than to avoid it and are out there running around in vast quantities obtaining the weapons that our almighty federal overlords and nanny state do-gooders purport to keep out of their hands. What a joke. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: “Americans Convinced Gun Homicides Soar Despite Actual Plunge In Gun Crimes.” This is absolutely mindboggling here, folks. I picked this up at ZeroHedge, but it was all over the internet yesterday. You could have read it for yourself.
Hear the story of the United States AFTER the Constitution like you’ve never heard it before
In yet another example of the massive gap between the American people’s perception of what is going on around them and the actual reality, Reuters reports that while gun-related homicides are down 39% from the 1993 peak, only 12% of people believe that gun crimes have fallen. [Mike: In other words, you’ve all been duped.] Non-fatal firearm crimes declined by 69% to 467,300 in the same period but56% of Americans believe that gun crime is higher now than it was 20 years ago, the Pew Research Center said its poll showed.
Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.
Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69%, from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 victimizations in 2011.
For both fatal and nonfatal firearm victimizations, the majority of the decline occurred during the 10-year period from 1993 to 2002.
Firearm violence accounted for about 70% of all homicides and less than 10% of all nonfatal violent crime from 1993 to 2011.
About 70% to 80% of firearm homicides and 90% of nonfatal firearm victimizations were committed with a handgun from 1993 to 2011. [Mike: Handgun, not semiautomatic weapon, not military-grade “assault weapon,” not rocket-propelled grenades, not Uzis, not machineguns and Tommy guns and whatever, handheld weapons.]
In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun at the time of offense, less than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show and 40% obtained their firearm from an illegal source.
[end reading]
Mike: Meaning the bad guys know where to get guns, and it’s not going to an FBI-approved store where you buy your gun and have your background examined. Just imagine this: the law abiding are being surveilled and have to prostrate themselves in front of their own government to prove they’re worthy of defending their own lives, while those that flaunt the law don’t obey it, probably don’t even know what it is other than to avoid it and are out there running around in vast quantities obtaining the weapons that our almighty federal overlords and nanny state do-gooders purport to keep out of their hands. What a joke. There’s more on this. You can find it posted in today’s Pile of Prep. What I find most intriguing is it doesn’t matter what the actual statistics are. [mocking] “The sky is blue.” — “No it’s not, it’s purple.” — “No, dude, it’s blue.” — “No, it’s purple.” The American sheeple believe what their media overlords tell them to believe. What else have we been duped into believing that’s not actually true, I wonder.
Doesn’t this then put the kibosh on the next story I have in my Pile of Prep, “Jeff Flake May Support Gun Background Checks With Changes To Internet Sales Provision”? Under what constitutional authority does constitutionalist and Senator Jeff Flake now purport to be changing his mind on?
Sen. Jeff Flake said Tuesday that he could support tighter background checks on gun sales . . .
[end reading]
Mike:Again, all this does is torment — the people that this is going to affect are going to be the ones that seek out law-abiding living. What’s the law? How do I comply with it? Go there. What do I do? Submit yourself to that. Okay, if that’s what I’ve got to do, if that’s what the state tells me I’ve got to do [baa], that’s what I’m going to do. All these people that are lining up and hopping on the more background checks bandwagon, this is not going to matter a hill of beans. As the statistical evidence shows, the lawless are just that in most if not all of their law-breaking activities. There is not force of law on earth, other than God’s law, that is going to stop them, unless it is a law-abiding person that is in possession of the same, similar, or larger weapon that can defend himself and stop the lawless from perpetrating the crime.
In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Flake said the only reason he voted against the background checks bill sponsored by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) was because he thought it would be too costly and inconvenient to require checks on Internet sales.
[end reading]
Mike:What about the Second Amendment, Senator Flake? Boy, talk about a flake. Again, “conservative” members of the Republican Party in the United States Senate are anything but. The Constitution as we know it or as it was known to previous generations is for all practical intents and purposes dead. It is mortis. It’s on life support.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
I leave no stone unturned in the debate for the freedom to arm and defend oneself. I use statistics when possible, outside of the philosophical argument of freedom for the citizen to play a part in the protection of society, and the deternce of evil or tryanny from inside or outside. You strike a good point, that there are so many people who refuse to accept the facts, or ignore them. Why are gun crime rates down so much? Why are homicides, and injuries down, yet more and more guns are owned by citizens, and with the advent of so many States having concealed carry, and or open carry laws? Irrelevent of the 2nd amendment being incorporated or not, Sates have moved forward and done much to promote this freedom, while others have suppressed it. We then see the statistics of those places like Chicago versus other vestiges of freedom. Compare and contrast statistics to most other coutries, and one can can make the supposition that there is a natural deterence when the citizen is trusted to carry a burden within society to play a role in keeping the peace. Its not perfect, but it is freedom. The Founders envisioned this balance. We are freemen with a stake in the success of society. Freedom and Liberty are not always clean, net, and safe; it is hard choice to take responsibility for oneself and society, as oppossed to ceeding it to Leviathan.
Duane Cunningham on May 9, 2013
I leave no stone unturned in the debate for the freedom to arm and defend oneself. I use statistics when possible, outside of the philosophical argument of freedom for the citizen to play a part in the protection of society, and the deternce of evil or tryanny from inside or outside. You strike a good point, that there are so many people who refuse to accept the facts, or ignore them. Why are gun crime rates down so much? Why are homicides, and injuries down, yet more and more guns are owned by citizens, and with the advent of so many States having concealed carry, and or open carry laws? Irrelevent of the 2nd amendment being incorporated or not, Sates have moved forward and done much to promote this freedom, while others have suppressed it. We then see the statistics of those places like Chicago versus other vestiges of freedom. Compare and contrast statistics to most other coutries, and one can can make the supposition that there is a natural deterence when the citizen is trusted to carry a burden within society to play a role in keeping the peace. Its not perfect, but it is freedom. The Founders envisioned this balance. We are freemen with a stake in the success of society. Freedom and Liberty are not always clean, net, and safe; it is hard choice to take responsibility for oneself and society, as oppossed to ceeding it to Leviathan.