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john thames on May 5, 2013 I enclose some famous quotations about the achievements of women workers from an old book called “Women and Communism” published back in 1950. The comments by Lenin and Stalin from the 1920’s sound exactly like Megan Kelly. How deliciously ironic! PRAISE FOR WOMEN WORKERS “We want women workers to achieve equality with men workers not only in law, but in life as well. For this, it is essential that women workers take an ever increasing part in the administration of public enterprises and in the administration of the state. By engaging in the work of administration women will learn quickly and they will catch up with the men. Therefore, elect more women workers, both Communist and non-party, to the Soviet. (Lenin, February 21, 1920.) “Our country has a population of nearly 140 million and no less than half are women, mainly women workers and peasants, backward, down trodden and with little political consciousness. In our country has begun the construction of the new Soviet life in earnest, then surely it is clear that the women of this country, constituting half its population, would act as a drag on any advance if they remained backward, downtrodden and politically undeveloped in the future also? The woman worker stands shoulder to shoulder with the man worker…” (Stalin, on Fifth Anniversary of First Women Workers and Peasants’ Congress, 1923.) Log in to Reply
john thames on April 15, 2013 A woman’s “right” to reproduce on the compay’s time is rather likea man’s “right” to sleep on the company’s time. Both are nonsense. Log in to Reply
john thames on April 14, 2013 I just read an old 1950’s book called “Communism and Women”. The book quoted numerous speeches by Joseph Stalin praising the achievments of Soviet women workers, waxing eloquent over maternity leave on the factories time and lavish work place protections for women and children. Why, “Uncle Joe” sounded exactly like Megan Kelley. If Megan Kelley knew where her “ideas” really come from, her jaw would hit the floor. Log in to Reply
john thamesjohn thames on October 13, 2012 English female calls it BS. Log in to Reply
john thames on August 21, 2012 I enclose the relevant sections of the Soviet Constitution; I thought you might find it useful for future use. I recently got kicked off a Canadian site for pointing out the obvious. The end came when I recounted how, in the late 1960’s, the feminists dealt with employers complaing about the possibility of maternity disruptions. The “Party line” back then was that Motherhood was obsolete in an overcrowded world and no more babies were necessary. Every politically correct bimbo was reading “The Population Bomb” and “The Parent Trap”. Women would never reproduce on the company’s time because that would disrupt the office and violate the “equal work” half of the equation. Now, if you remind them, they tell you that you are a “social-fascist” reactionary and that you have committed the ideological deviation called consistent thinking. No more posting. Log in to Reply
john thames on August 21, 2012 My compliments, Mr. Church for telling it the way it really is. I would like to point out that Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Constitution of 1936 , in article 122, guaranteed the ‘right’ of women to equality in the work place s well as paid maternity leave. How amusing that a so-called “conservative” takes the Communist position. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on August 21, 2012 Thank you John. I tell it the only way the history guides me to tell it. You cannot possibly hope to restore employment lost to the 2nd world with “benefits” like this that are expected of employers. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757