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Michael Lotfi And Mike Ask Geezers To Help Millennials Instead Of Just Bashing Them

todaySeptember 3, 2015 4

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    Michael Lotfi And Mike Ask Geezers To Help Millennials Instead Of Just Bashing Them AbbyMcGinnis


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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Those of you that listen to this show on a regular basis know that the millennial generation is in for its share of hard knocks here on any given day.  That day was no different — although I did mention that the author of the essay, Michael Lotfi, had written a very provocative point, or had tried to make a very provocative point, which was those of us that are in the generational war against the millennials need to stop blaming the millennials and help them because we created the millennials.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Michael Lotfi And Mike Ask Geezers To Help Millennials Instead Of Just Bashing Them AbbyMcGinnis

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    Michael Lotfi And Mike Ask Geezers To Help Millennials Instead Of Just Bashing Them AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Those of you that listen to this show on a regular basis know that the millennial generation is in for its share of hard knocks here on any given day.  That day was no different — although I did mention that the author of the essay, Michael Lotfi, had written a very provocative point, or had tried to make a very provocative point, which was those of us that are in the generational war against the millennials need to stop blaming the millennials and help them because we created the millennials.  This is true.  I thought that we would have Michael Lotfi on, and since he’s a friend of Andy Holt, our representative friend from Tennessee, I thought we would have Michael on and discuss this just a bit.  We’ll go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to Michael Lotfi who is on the line.  Hello, Michael.  How are you?

Michael Lotfi:  Hey, Mike.  I’m doing great.  How are you, boss?

Mike:  I am well.  Wait a minute, now.  You can’t start off with the millennial protest calling me boss.  I’m not the man, okay?  Don’t come after me, man.  Don’t set me up as boss, okay young man?

Lotfi:  That’s just a term of endearment I use.

Mike:  I was motivated by your piece, I really was.  I self-corrected myself and admonished myself, so you got to me.  You’re right.  I do beat up on millennials.  I’m working on programming my thought process into the manner of thinking that Lotfi is correct.  We did create this generation.  They are our children.  I may not be old enough to be quite the parent — I would be the young nephew of a millennial but I’m not one.  I’m the next generation before.  I think you have a point.  What’s been the reaction to what you wrote?

Lotfi:  I think anytime you call someone out, you tend to receive some defensive feedback, which is pretty normal I would say.  Overall, I think, my intent in writing that wasn’t necessarily to point fingers because I tried to end it on a high note.  I think overall it allowed some people to read that and sort of look at themselves in the mirror.  I think overall it was a pretty positive response.  It’s been read quite a few times.  I wouldn’t say it’s gone viral or anything.  I think overall a pretty good response and I’m happy with it.

Mike:  No look in the mirror ever does go viral.  That’s the point of looking in the mirror.  No one wants to admit: That guy has a point.  Maybe I ought to think about that.  The fact that it didn’t go viral is probably an indication of how spot on it hit people as — I don’t want to say hit.  It revealed things to people as it revealed things to me.  What would you say to people listening right now that think that the millennial generation, which we will ultimately have to hand off governing and politics and financing and everything else to ultimately?  Your suggestion was we should stop complaining about it and help you guys.  How can we help?

Lotfi:  I think first and foremost to quit playing the blame game.  The oldest of the millennials are actually being elected to public office right now as we speak.  That’s pretty terrifying for a lot of people, including myself.  The oldest of the millennials are actually being elected to public office.  They’re just now finishing law school and medical school and becoming the next generation of doctors and lawyers and public office holders and leaders.  I think for the vast majority of those millennials, I think obviously they have their head screwed on pretty tight.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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