
Mike Church Show Withdrawals? We’ve Got You Covered

todayNovember 6, 2015 4


trainspotting_I_Need_Mike_Church_ShowMandeville, LA – We have heard from THOUSANDS of Mike Church Show fans and loyalists since Mike Announced that SiriusXM had not renewed his agreement nor found any place on their service for the Mike Church Show. Since we believe the audience is at or near 1 MILLION listeners, we ‘re certain 994,000 people will realize on Monday Morning next, that Mike is gone. First they’ll think its a fluke, then a hoax, then a broken radio dial, then… well the graphic says it all. Those listeners need to know a few things:

CRUSADE-logo1 – Mike Returns to LIVE radio , Wisdom Wednesday, November 11 at 08:00 a.m. Central time on his own network (to be announced at Tuesday’s Press Conference). The show will air on CRUSADE a channel designed by Mike and will be FREE while playing LIVE. There will be a Mike Church Show App forthcoming, the show will soon be featured on the Stitcher app, will stream WITH video LIVE on YouTube and right here in the Founders Pass Media Player. LIVE listeners will NOT need subscriptions on any of those venues!

2 – You will of course want ALL of the Mike Church Show everyday and that’s where a Founders Pass will come in handy because for the first time since 2009, the show will be available as a commercial free podcast for Founders Pass members. Truth be known, we projected the need for 2,000 NEW Founders Pass Members to make all this work, we are well on our way but not there, please support this effort or there will not be a Mike Church Show, LIVE 5 days a week as you have come to know and love it!

3. There are also ENORMOUS startup costs with this venture and Mike’s dream is to populate the CRUSADE Channel with like minded radio hosts, 24/7. PLEASE MAKE A CROWDFUNDING DONATION to help get us closer to realizing that goal.

4. Now for the BIG NEWS, for those suffering Mike Church Show withdrawls beginning this Monday morning. Flip over to the FOUNDERS PASS LIVE STREAM at 05:00 a.m. for commercial-free, Mike Church Show classics, FREE as an incentive to yet to register members because MCS Classics will become a MEMBER ONLY feature come November 11. You can find that LIVE STREAM HERE, currently airing Mike Church’s Farewell Show from Tuesday past.


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Jim on November 10, 2015

    You had a listener call in during your final show and said his money will follow you. Mine has as well. I look forward to your new program.
