insert_link 1 Pile Of Prep Tuesday Pile of Prep – The Great Debate is Set: The Don vs The Demon’s Dame todayAugust 28, 2024 116 1
insert_link 1 Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep – Biden Rides Into Sunset On A Horse Who Can’t Remember His Name todayJuly 25, 2024 83 1
Dallon on December 16, 2012 Naawww. You all have it wrong. There is a bigger picture here that is bidding like those squiggly line pics that are 3D. Deminit’s quitting because he was told to do so. Look at the other rearrangments in the leviathan for proof. Caroline Esterbrook resigned from the CFTC during the Clinton administration under threats on her life because she was investigating the housing derivative market’s. Something else is afoot here that only history will record. Log in to Reply
Tom McNulty on December 9, 2012 Why oh why do the news reports I am watching from Fox news , all reporters are saying “Syria has Sarin gas…..what can we do about it???” How about NOTHING!!!! seems in the 80’s no one was talking about Iraq using chemical weapons on their people nor did we do anything about it. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on December 9, 2012 The DeceptiCONS cling to their lethal and un American quest for empire because it is the only thing they have left. The moral struggles have been settled by the political class in the political realm meaning the Republican claim of “family values” etc. is a non-starter as are the issues of abortion, homosexual marriage, single motherhood and just about any other deviant behavior the State subsidizes. War is king among Establishment Republicans but their record on that is nothing to boast of. Change is coming, BIG change. Log in to Reply
Michael Presley on December 7, 2012 The real story is NOT that DeMint is leaving for Heritage. Why is that much of a story at all, and what did anyone expect? Instead, the real story is whom it is that DeMint would like for his replacement. But no one cares about Majority dispossession, anymore, since it’s all “the economy.” Unbelievable! Log in to Reply
Ranger Mooney on December 7, 2012 I think Sen DeMint is forward looking. He is escaping the public eye of the august body of the Senate before the peasants arrive with pitchforks, torches and cries to “Send the monster out!” Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757