
Mike Reads Letter from the Earl of Chesterfield

todayOctober 19, 2012 4


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you really want to educate yourselves and your sons, gentlemen, I want you to pick a copy up — it’s free of charge at the Gutenberg Press or at — the Earl of Chesterfield’s wonderful work of letters to his son on how to become a gentleman of the world and a statesman.  Every morning I make it a ritual now, I read a letter from John Stanhope, the Earl of Chesterfield.  There’s a reason why this work has survived 400 years and influenced Thomas Stonewall Jackson. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  If you really want to educate yourselves and your sons, gentlemen, I want you to pick a copy up — it’s free of charge at the Gutenberg Press or at — the Earl of Chesterfield’s wonderful work of letters to his son on how to become a gentleman of the world and a statesman.  Every morning I make it a ritual now, I read a letter from John Stanhope, the Earl of Chesterfield.  There’s a reason why this work has survived 400 years and influenced Thomas Stonewall Jackson.


“Like words congealed in northern air,” to a vulgar notion, that in Greenland words were frozen in their utterance; and that upon a thaw, a very mixed conversation was heard in the air, all of those words set at liberty.  This conversation was, I presume, too various and extensive to be much attended to: and may not that be the case of half a dozen of my longer letters, when you receive them all at once?  I think that I can, eventually, answer that question, thus: If you consider my letters in their true light, as conveying to you the advice of a friend, who sincerely wishes your happiness, and desires to promote your pleasure, you will both read and attend to them; but, if you consider them in their opposite, and very false light, as the dictates of a morose and sermonizing father, I am sure they will be not only unattended to, but unread.  Which is the case, you can best tell me.  Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.  [Mike: Are you catching the prose here and the little pearls of wisdom he’s passing onto this 15-year-old?]  I hope that your want of experience, of which you must be conscious, will convince you, that you want advice; and that your good sense will incline you to follow it.

[end reading]

Mike:  Read this work and share it with your sons, gentlemen.  Read it yourself and share it with your sons.  I don’t think you will be disappointed.  I think you will thank the Earl of Chesterfield and yours truly for discovering this so late in my life and passing it on to you.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Plaque from The Earl's Estate

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Suzanne on October 23, 2012

    Hey Mike,

    Love your show! Did you know that Yuengling, America’s Oldest Brewery, makes Lord Chesterfield Ale? It is great! You should give it a try! A real tribute to him.

    Have a great day!

    • TheKingDude on October 23, 2012

      Suzanne, it si actually The EARL of chesterfield, I’m not sure if he and Lord Chesterfield are the same but I have had Yuengling here in LA! Our local brew is Abita Turbodog or Covington Ale (& Pilsner). I will swap a case of either for some small batch Yuengling, if he makes it!
