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Mike, Solution To SCOTUS Decision On Marriage

todayJuly 2, 2015 8

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    Mike, Solution To SCOTUS Decision On Marriage AbbyMcGinnis

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I predict we will very soon see communal, Catholic & Orthodox Christian gatherings of families and single laity.  The effort must now be to stop associating with the pagan idolaters in any and every way imaginable. You people that accuse me of never providing a solution, well, here’s one simple man, yours truly, and a proposed solution.  Do what you will with it.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Mike, Solution To SCOTUS Decision On Marriage AbbyMcGinnis

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    Mike, Solution To SCOTUS Decision On Marriage AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I predict we will very soon see communal, Catholic & Orthodox Christian gatherings of families and single laity.  The effort must now be to stop associating with the pagan idolaters in any and every way imaginable. You people that accuse me of never providing a solution, well, here’s one simple man, yours truly, and a proposed solution.  Do what you will with it.  Stop associating with pagan idolaters in any way and every way imaginable.  I suggested five; there’s probably fifty.  You’re free to add to it.  You can make comments on it if you like.  Here are the five areas we’ve got to begin in: food, clothing, farming, building, and banking.  Why those five?  Again, this is my feeble attempt at a solution.

These must be first because we cannot survive without them.  What happened to Brendan Eich economically is coming by legislative fiat to your and my careers too.  And if you think these pagan idolaters are finished, just sample one of hundreds of stories being published bellyaching about all the atrocities being committed against homosexuals still.  The war has begun, they shot first, and all that remains is to learn who the demonic CIC a la Lincoln is who will lead the armies raised to put down Vendee-style refusals to comply.

David Simpson, to Warren Montgomery — I suggest, again, you send something like this to your district attorney, to your state representative if you know him or her to be a person of faith, especially if they’re a Catholic.  Call them on it right now.  Answer the question right now.


Dear Warren:

Andrew Jackson is reputed to have said of his Supreme Court decision with which he disagreed, “Chief Justice John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”  In other words, the president was proclaiming open defiance to the Supreme Court, would that we had such a president today.  But we do not.  Rather, the average citizen like me cannot rely on heads of state or any lesser executive to uphold morality in the face of radicalized public opinion.  We are left to appeal to those authorities closest to us who may respond to our concerns and defend us and themselves from the abuse of reason and morality, to say nothing of legality, that is turning our free society into a mobocracy.  Very soon, Warren, you will be called upon to prosecute a fellow churchgoer for violating the rights of another citizen.  In short, you will be asked to violate your own conscience and the conscience of the “perpetrator” by enforcing an immoral Supreme Court decision.  I am writing you to ask that you say flatly, openly, and loudly that the Supreme Court has made its decision, now let them enforce it.  When the government insists that we violate our consciences, they’ve gone too far.  It will do us no good to wait around and see if it happens to us.  It already has.  I beg you, therefore, to join with as many leaders as you can and insist that you uphold God’s law over the law of man.  I, of course, will gladly stand with you.  Let me know how I can help you, but please, let me know what you intend to do about this travesty.

God bless you in this time of great trial.

David Simpson

[end reading]

Mike:  Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists, the famous phrase he used, “the wall of separation.”  Jefferson knew what he was doing.  That’s why he saved all the drafts and a copy of the original letter that he sent to the Danbury Baptists.  Yet, his attorney general of the United States, Benjamin Lincoln, he and Lincoln actually draft that letter first.  He sent him a draft and Lincoln scratched out a bunch of stuff and said: Don’t send them that; send them this.  Then Jefferson re-wrote it.  The separation of the Church and the State, most people take that today as American gospel.  There’s nothing that is more filled with danger, politically speaking, and danger, morally and ecclesiastically speaking, than that.  It is fraught with error.  Most people will then use that and say, [mocking] “Don’t you bring your religion into this situation.  This is a matter for the State.  This has nothing to do with religion.”  Everything has to do with religion.  There’s nothing you can do that doesn’t have to do with religion.  [mocking] “This only answers to the legal authority, to the political authority.”  The political authority is supposed to answer to the religious authority, to the eternal, transcendent law of Almighty God.  This stuff is not hard to figure out.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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