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Mike to Young, Abortion Promoter Amy: Just Because Something is Legal Doesn’t Make It Right

todayOctober 5, 2015 5

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    Mike to Young, Abortion Promoter Amy: Just Because Something is Legal Doesn’t Make It Right AbbyMcGinnis


Planned_Parenthood_GOD_t_shirt_FEATUREDMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript and Audio – Caller Amy:  There’s been a lot of dialogue about calling women evil or calling them serial killers and really condemning women who have a legal medical procedure.  Meanwhile — so the original quote that I called about —

Mike:  Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.  You can’t keep preaching your errors, madam.  Error has no rights.  We haven’t even crossed the first one.  You said the first biological one, [mocking] “That’s a biological one.”  No, it’s not.  As soon as that egg is fertilized, bammo, God puts an eternal, mortal soul in there.  Right then and there, that is a living, viable creature.  Like I said, Ms. Amy, if that cell, as you might wish to call it, or biological entity was discovered on Mars, scientists and other assorted modernist types would be hooting and hollering about how we have discovered life on other planets, not biology, life.  It is life.  It is alive.  It will grow.  It has an eternal, immortal soul in it.  And in a matter of a few weeks, it’ll start looking like one of us.  That is not biology.  That is life.

Caller Amy:  Abortion is a legal, abortion is a legal —

Check out today’s transcript AND CLIP OF THE DAY for the rest….

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    Mike to Young, Abortion Promoter Amy: Just Because Something is Legal Doesn’t Make It Right AbbyMcGinnis

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    Mike to Young, Abortion Promoter Amy: Just Because Something is Legal Doesn’t Make It Right AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  It looks like Amy in Philadelphia is back.  Hello, Amy.  How you doing?

Caller Amy:  I got cut off for a few minutes, but I think I’m the first woman that’s been on the air.  So far I’ve heard a lot of men calling in to condemn women, which worries me a little bit because, of course, men also — there’s no immaculate conception here, right?  Men participate in the process when a woman gets pregnant.

Mike:  I said this.  I condemned both parties.  Maybe you didn’t hear any callers do it, but I certainly am not guilty of the charge.  I don’t say that so you’ll stop your point.  Please go ahead and make it.  But I did point out: What are the men thinking that are participating in the procreation activities as well?  They know that Planned Parenthood is out there, and they know that some of these women are serial killers lurking out there in the streets waiting to just go perpetrate another act out of convenience.

Caller Amy:  I think that’s pretty inflammatory.  I don’t think serial killer is the right — that’s not even accurate.  I think viability — I think — I’m not an expert, but I believe the law is that you cannot put a fetus’ interest ahead of a woman’s until viability, which generally I think is 24 to 28 weeks —

Mike:  Viability is at conception.  As soon as the strands of — as soon as the chromosomes, the DNA, as soon as they meet and the 26 strands are married or matched inside the egg and it’s now fertilized, all the genetic material necessary to make you is there, all of it, every single piece of it.  The color of your hair, the color of your eyebrows, the color of your eyes, the color of your toenails, the color of your complexion, how tall you will grow, your bone structure, everything about you or me is there.  That doesn’t sound like something that’s not viable to me.  If that’s not viable, please explain to me what is.

Caller Amy:  I think they’re talking about medical / biological viability.  I don’t want to get off track.  What I wanted to say was —

Mike:  This is the track.

Caller Amy:  There’s been a lot of dialogue about calling women evil or calling them serial killers and really condemning women who have a legal medical procedure.  Meanwhile — so the original quote that I called about —

Mike:  Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.  You can’t keep preaching your errors, madam.  Error has no rights.  We haven’t even crossed the first one.  You said the first biological one, [mocking] “That’s a biological one.”  No, it’s not.  As soon as that egg is fertilized, bammo, God puts an eternal, mortal soul in there.  Right then and there, that is a living, viable creature.  Like I said, Ms. Amy, if that cell, as you might wish to call it, or biological entity was discovered on Mars, scientists and other assorted modernist types would be hooting and hollering about how we have discovered life on other planets, not biology, life.  It is life.  It is alive.  It will grow.  It has an eternal, immortal soul in it.  And in a matter of a few weeks, it’ll start looking like one of us.  That is not biology.  That is life.  All the nominalism in the world is not going to change that.  Besides, something that — you said: Well, it’s legal.  Legal according to who?  Not according to —

Caller Amy:  Abortion is a legal, abortion is a legal —

Mike:  It is a legal thing according to the civil religion of the United States of America.  It is not legal under the eternal law and the natural law.  There’s two distinctions there.

Caller Amy:  Okay.  I think you began this segment saying that there was value in discussing the issues.  That’s why I’m calling, to kind of discuss the issues a little bit and be constructive.  What I originally reacted to and why I called was there was one quote I think you pulled from the Twitter feed where somebody said she felt happy in an unqualified way about her abortion.  You called that evil.

Mike:  Diabolical.

Caller Amy:  Diabolical, evil, okay.  So what I was thinking when you repeated that quote was, I’m wondering if there are men out there who also perhaps felt relieved when their partner elected to have an abortion.  But we’re not talking about that, right?  We’re condemning women’s emotions.  I’m a little puzzled about the logic of the debate.  I don’t think you can have it both ways.  I think either you can have men call in and have a male host and talk about these issues and have both genders . . .

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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