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Mike’s Lenten Suggestion-Give Up America’s War Porn & Study The Crusades

todayFebruary 23, 2015 13

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    Mike’s Lenten Suggestion-Give Up America’s War Porn & Study The Crusades AbbyMcGinnis

Crusader_tee_printed_versionLenten Suggestion: Give Up War Porn And Study Secession Instead

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “By the bye, I also talked earlier today, for those of you that aren’t into Lent and don’t do it, I can give you a Lenten penance.  It’s not really a penance, but it is an experiment that you could do.  You could perform this any time of the year.  That would be trying to go 40 days without watching, reading, listening to any war porn, America’s never-ending perpetual war porn.”  Check out today’s transcript AND Clip of The Day for the rest….

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Clip of The Day videos, Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Not convinced? Take the tour! Thanks for 18 years of mike church.com! – Mike


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    Mike’s Lenten Suggestion-Give Up America’s War Porn & Study The Crusades AbbyMcGinnis

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

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    Mike’s Lenten Suggestion-Give Up America’s War Porn & Study The Crusades AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  By the bye, I also talked earlier today, for those of you that aren’t into Lent and don’t do it, I can give you a Lenten penance.  It’s not really a penance, but it is an experiment that you could do.  You could perform this any time of the year.  That would be trying to go 40 days without watching, reading, listening to any war porn, America’s never-ending perpetual war porn.  Instead, as I said, try to read about just wars.  There have been some.  Read about the French Revolution, horrifically unjust wars like the French Revolution.  If you go to KeepTheFaith.org — [mocking] “That’s a Catholic site.  I’m not going to it.”  Okay, well, then don’t.

If you want to hear Michael Davies’ brilliant lectures on the Crusades, brilliant lectures on the French Revolution and the real history of it, and his brilliant lecture on the genocide that was committed and perpetrated against the Vendee, the French Catholics of that region of France, then Davies is just an amazing — as Chris Ferrara explained it to me: Well, Mike, he was a titan.  He was a titan as far as historians go.  His audio work — the fact that he delivered it all multimedia and you can listen to it — you can get it written form, too, but you can listen to it.  It just adds to it.  Read, study — if you’re a praying person, and I hope most of you are — pray upon the unjust wars and upon the mindset and the enlightenment philosophy behind them.  I think you’ll have a different point of view.  You won’t view peace as a four-letter word — yes, I know it’s a five-letter word — as it is viewed today.  Try it for 40 days.  It would be interesting to see how you come out on the other end.

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

We have secession news here today.  I have an update on the State of Jefferson in California, “Supervisors support joining state of Jefferson movement.”


The majority of a split Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to consider placing before Lake County voters a ballot measure to withdraw from the state of California and join the movement to create a 51st state.

The board voted 3-2 – with Anthony Farrington and Jim Steele dissenting – to move forward with support for forming the state of Jefferson.

There was, however, some confusion about the precise action the board took on Tuesday.

The motion, made by Supervisor Jim Comstock and seconded by Supervisor Rob Brown, stated, “Upon approval by the State Legislature of the petition for withdrawal from the state of California and to form the state of Jefferson, the Lake County Board of Supervisors will consider the measure for placement on the ballot of the next general election.”

However, when clarified later in the meeting, County Counsel Anita Grant raised issue with the motion’s wording, suggesting that bringing it back to local voters after the approval of the State Legislature suggested a fait accompli.

In an effort to clarify the language, the board will bring it back for further discussion and action at 9:15 a.m. at its meeting on Tuesday, March 3.


Jefferson – a concept that began in the 1940s – would include Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, [Mike: All of you that still partake in the 420 know Humboldt County, do you not?] Lake, Lassen, [Mike: [mocking] “Mike, how do you know it?” Well, I haven’t been dead for 53 years.] Mendocino, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity and Yuba, and several Southern Oregon counties.

With Tuesday’s action, Lake County becomes the seventh Northern California county to show some kind of official support for the idea.

[end reading]

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

Mike:  You should support the idea.  You have nothing in common with southern California.  You’re being ruled by a bunch of bureaucrats that call Los Angeles their home, if not Los Angeles, San Diego, if not San Diego, San Francisco.  You don’t have anything in common with those people.  All these counties are basically rural counties, agriculture counties.  You should be able to govern yourself. And look, you don’t have to join the union of states.  For Heaven’s sake, don’t do that.


FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17years of mike church.com! – Mike

Just tell California to go pound sand and tell Oregon you’re escaping their menacing taxes as well.  Just kind of hover around for a little bit.  Here’s what you do.  After you secede from California and Oregon, keep having meetings where you have prearranged that you’re all going to disagree on how you should rejoin the federal union.  Just keep putting it off.  Sooner or later we’ll forget about you.  You’ll be self-governing, you’ll be happy, and you won’t have to live under the aegis of the federal monstrosity.  Of course, if there’s something in those counties that they want, they’ll find an excuse to try to force you to join.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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