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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2017 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “Knighthood in medieval Europe began as a profession of heavily armed male thugs—men obsessed with vanity, violence, and rape. It took the Church and royalty centuries to tame and channel it. But it provided the animating ideal at the core of the Templars: to build a new order of new Christian men, skilled at arms, living as brothers, committed to prayer, austerity, and chastity, and devoting themselves radically to serving the Church and her people, especially the weak. The ideal of this “new knighthood” was often ignored or betrayed. Then and now, humans are sinners—all of us. But the astounding thing is how much more often and how much more fruitfully the ideal was embraced, pursued and actually lived by the brothers, rather than abused.” – Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., the archbishop of Philadelphia – Memory, Sex And The New Man
The Deep State’s Memo Recap – If you haven’t heard much about the now infamous “memo” the House Intelligence Committee prepared after its investigation into RussiaGate, here’s a 7 point rundown of the business as usual deceit the Deep State enlisted to thwart the election of Donald Trump.
The Federal Monstrosity, Making Debt Great Again – People used to fear a debt-induced market crash/correction but since Daddy Big Brother is promising an Oprah-esque “you get a paid family leave and you get a paid leave and errybody gets a paid leave!” the hoi polloi are either oblivious to the debt bomb that’s ticking in Mordor or don’t care about it exploding. This while we learn that there are now real consequences looming and the big-debt ruling masters “are out of maneuvering room“.
Headline of The Day: Who Let Dr. Strangelove Write The NPR Guide!? – I have been talking about the shocking revelation that the Trump Administration has adopted the fanatical “policy positions” of the DeceptiCON war-mongers and is on the verge of making Little Fat Man Great Again.
The Federal Government Has Gone “Hobson”, Now Washing Helpless ‘Murican Families – Robert Tracinski has the line of the day in response to President Trump’s call to increase “family and medical leave”.
“This is the essence of the kind of nanny state we’ve talked ourselves into over the last 80 years: the idea that the most basic tasks humans have been doing for thousands of years—such as parents caring for their children—suddenly can’t be done unless the government subsidizes us to do them.”
I am reminded of the hilarious scene from Arthur where Hobson, played by Sir John Gielgud, quips to his liege “perhaps you’d like me to come in there and wash your **** for you, Sir?” We are all Arthur’s now, waiting for Leviathan to provide for our every need including now providing subsidies for the basic functions of life. The fact that this subsidy is now being offered as part of the effort to “MAGA” shows you just how far modern ‘Muricah has
SOTU: The #MAGA Faitfhul got What They Voted For – One thing can be said for last night’s State of The Empire speech: if you are a flag-waving, national anthem singing, red, white & blue “patriot” you are flying high, flush with cash and looking forward to a land war in Asia. The NY Post’s Michael Goodwin says Trump is “teaching Republicans How To Fight”, that may be, but from where I sit, he is teaching the ‘Murican middle-class how to wear their ‘Murican pride like they’re wearing their faith. That faith of course is in the backseat yelling slow down while Trump & the MAGA minions enjoy the ultimate materialist’s moment. Marx is smiling from Hell.
The Palmetto State Becomes The Sycophant State To Uncle Sam – The MAG hysteria has now reaching embarrassing and dangerous levels: the GOVERNOR of South Carolina, Henry McMaster has issued a proclamation demanding that all South Carolinian’s stop whatever it is they are doing this SUNDAY and stand, place their hand over their hearts and sign the national anthem before the Stupid Bow starts.
“I ask that all South Carolinians show the world our state’s resolute commitment to supporting our troops by standing for the national anthem wherever you watch the Super Bowl with your loved ones this Sunday. #IStand”
Got that, Murican? This Sunday, show your faith and devotion to the force on earth that matters most and is “the greatest symol of freedom in the history of the world”, the ‘Muircan flag The Cross of Christ.
The Crying Dead, Season 45, Just Got Picked Up By Senate.evil – The U.S. Senate has failed to pass the Pain Capable Infant Protection Act by a vote of 51-46, last night. Thus the diabolical sanction to continue slaughtering the soon to be born, most precious and innocent among us, will continue apace with the full legal protection of the Federal Government and all its agents. This outrage cements the government of The United State’s place in the pantheon of evil “democracies” right next to Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Castro’s Cuba et al. In the celebrations that followed the vote, Senator Chuck Schumer can be seen slapping a high five to Senator Heitkamp (what a fitting image, a Jew and a German celebrating the continuation of death clinics). But the joy didn’t stop there, according to Live Action News:
Pro-abortion Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) referred to late-term abortions as “peace” and “mercy,” and a saving from suffering for the preborn child.
See my Tweet to Senator Tim kaine, a fallen Catholic, who proudly voted to join the new Nazis.
Is there a bishop in Mr Kaine’s diocese? Does he read the news? Senator there is only 1 line for Reconciliation. You don’t get a “vocational dispensation” to license the evil of abortion in the “professional opinion” confessional (which doesn’t exist). Oremus per praetorian Kaine
— Mike Church (@TheKingDude) January 30, 2018
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The Screws… – The transgenderMammy™ contagion has spread so deeply into the medical profession that young women are now being mutilated for profit without any oversight and no mental counseling. That is the conclusion of the new book When Harry Became Sally reviewed here by Austin Ruse, and it ain’t for the squeamish.
“One girl started on testosterone gel at 18, switching shortly thereafter to injections. At college her “voice broke,” her hips narrowed, her shoulders broadened. Then she had her otherwise healthy breasts amputated, an operation that was botched and left her with severe scarring. Anderson points out that in all these interactions with the medical profession she never received any counseling on why “she felt so strongly that she wanted to be a man.” She now says, “I have become a female who looks like a man. I will always have a broken voice and will never grow breasts…” And she never received even a moment of counseling.” [Emphasis mine-M.Ç.]
The book’s stories are harrowing from the point of view that bodies and lives are being physically altered with no chance of repair. This is being done, allegedly, to bring about a more fairer world in which those born into the bodies of the sex they believe is not for them. But what is fair about having your breasts cut off while being doped up with drugs that get you banned from any professional sport? This is the work of Beazelbub and the boys and the poor souls who undergo these mutilations are the prizes.
DeceptiCONNED: The Military Industrial Complex Has Won – It is now all but officially over: the former United States of ‘Muricah is being changed into the People’s Union of Military Fiefdoms. The WaPo reports that the Trump Admin will ask for the biggest military spending increase since military spending increases.
We’ve Reached Peak Sex And The City – Newsflash: the #MeToo “movement” cannot be taken seriously and maintain the feminist version of sexuality at the same time. This only makes sense when you consider the consequences of women becoming the serial fornicators they accuse men of being. Oh but they are superior to men because they are….women…huh? Joanna Williams serves up a historical view of modern feminism that cannot reconcile its hype with reality and certainly not with the victimology being pimped by the #MeToo’ers.
Something Holy This Way Comes – The spirit of Christendom, defeated and consigned to Satan’s ashtray (he thought) has resurrected from the dead per its Founder and poses a threat to the EU bigger than Brexit ever will. Christopher Akers has a nice rundown of the growing “threat” and the courageous sovereignties behind it.
“The emergence of conservative governments in the east, unafraid to assert their sovereignty and Christian cultures, is the real threat, and further collision seems inevitable.”
Recall that one million Poles showed on on the anniversary of the Battle of LePanto to form a human-Rosary-wall against Islamic immigration into their lands. Question, Pollack joke: How many Pollacks does it take to save Europe? Answer: 12.
To Save Your Neighborhood, There Should Be A Pub In It…On Every Corner – On yesterday’s show I talked about how that most needful of leisure activities, drinking beer at a Pub, is quickly becoming extinct in many towns because of a combination of zoning laws, MADD and the political racket that mandates you and I maintain a fleet of expensive, insured vehicles. Put another way, to force the necessities of life OUT of communities where people live and into “commercial” or “shopping” districts mandates that people risk their reputations, livelihoods and even their families if they dare stop in “for a pint”. Josh McCarthy, points out the obvious.
“I have never understood how a zoning code could, in good faith, permit a drinking establishment that could only possibly be reached by car. In doing so, are we not creating a scenario in which people have no option but to drive to a place where they then become unable to safely drive home?“
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who’s My Bestest “Liked” Friend Of All? – Facebook conducted their own study of the consequences of Facebook addiction and the results read like a confession given to Lt. Joe Kenda on ID’s The Homicide Hunter.
“The Bad: In general, when people spend a lot of time passively consuming information — reading but not interacting with people — they report feeling worse afterward. In one experiment, University of Michigan students randomly assigned to read Facebook for 10 minutes were in a worse mood at the end of the day than students assigned to post or talk to friends on Facebook.”
But don’t worry because The Good section is 5 times as long complete with cherry picked ramblings about suicide prevention and even getting over a breakup or a divorce. The bottom line is with print magazines and books making organic comeback, the obsession with the digital is bound to fizzle because it does not comport with the need for personal, analogue interaction we call: life.
DeceptiCONNED: The Pentagon Under Trump Becomes A Powerball For The MIC – I know, I know, “Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, the Pentagon and the Military Inductrial Complex (MIC) are getting bigger than the Ice World of Hoth and even becoming more menacing…blah…blah…. Well, its not just me and it is most certainly true; Andrew Bacevich is just the latest to ring the warning bell of the dawn of the Military Füeher State we are about to be ruled over by all the while the MIC cries “the sky is falling!”
“Despite all this extraordinary activism, the NDS tells us we’re in big trouble. The global “security environment” has become “more complex and volatile than any we have experienced in recent memory.” What the NDS refers to as a “long-standing rules-based international order” is coming undone. In short, things are bad and they’re getting worse by the minute.”
Since knowledge of this threat and the grift of the middle class’s earnings and resources, extend a hundred years into the future, the window to do something about it is closing…fast.
What 987 Women Know About Aborting Babies Can Hurt You – The science community, against their philosophy of scientism, mind you, continues to stumble onto inconvenient scientific facts on the ramifications of murdering the soon to be born. Now, a new study of women who have had abortions and suffered the medical consequences, sheds horrifying new light on just how dangerous the ghastly procedure is
“The findings, which went largely unnoticed by major news outlets, run completely afoul of today’s media narrative about how abortion is a benign, safe procedure that represents the pinnacle of female empowerment. One interesting result was the increase in women seeking mental health care and prescription drug use pre- and post-abortion. Prior to their first pregnancy resulting in an abortion, 13 percent of those surveyed reported having visited a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor, compared to 67.5 percent who received mental health services after their first abortion.”
We didn’t need science to tell us this because Our Lord warned us in Matthew, Mark and Luke. “And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” But Mitter Chur, how can a “little one, not yet born, believe in anything!?” Simple, the soul is created by God to love him and therefore has preternaturally instilled knowledge of God.
Notice To Dumbocrats: Disorder & Error Do NOT Produce Leaders You Want To Follow – Professor Michael PPolk quipped once “no matter what the party in power is doing wrong, because they are what they are, we still hate the Democrats” is an adage that is being repeated across Libtardistan after Chuck Schumer’s epic “cave-in” to President Trump on the DACA and the shutdown it engendered. has published what looks like an assassination list of the Dumbocrats who sided with Schumer and voted to reopen Yosemite. The firestorm on twitter is even more caustic as the usual suspects play Twitter Stratego with each other; what a farce.
Buchanan & The End of Days: The World Is Going National While ‘Muricah Goes For Democratic Justice – The Chinese politburo had a great, worldwide laugh over the Schumer Shutdown and and equal chuckle over the “solution” (extend the power to BORROW money) to “fund the government”. If there ever was a phrase that is need of being banned, that one is it. As Buchanan notes, the Chines, Russians and every nation of Islam country are drawing borders, preserving what “culture” they have and rallying their citizens to a national identity that stands as tall as ‘Muricah’s falling one.
What the left is saying is this. Our idea of a moral society is one of maximum ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, and, in the burying of the old wicked America, and the creation of a new better America, we will not accord evil ideas equal rights. In the old rendering, “Error has no rights!”
Correct, error has no rights. I’m no promoter of nationalism for its own sake but I can see the beauty and usefulness of rallying under the carrillion de scare coure!
The Scientists Discover Life Begins At Conception Then Deny It Is a “Pro-Life” Discovery – The hideous and dangerous religion/philosophy of scientism is on wicked display among scientists studying the development of humans in utero. Emma Green has a lengthy essay on the increase in scientific knowledge about the early lives of humans and the reaction of the scientists who are making the discoveries yet deny their importance. Green quotes scientist Vincent Reid thus.
“It’s frustrating that people take something which actually has no relevance to the position of anti-abortion or pro-abortion and try to use it … in a way that’s been pre-ordained.” He’s not going to stop doing his research on fetal development, he said. But he “will probably be a bit more heavy, perhaps, in my anticipation of how it’s going to be misused.”
I struggle to divine a method for “misusing” increased knowledge of the miracle of life to do anything other than extend and preserve life.
Where Are The Real Manly Men? v- Well, they aren’t being killed on jobsites anymore but they are allegedly being killed by gluten and lack of Peleton bicycles. Article by The Z-Man. “My grandfather’s generation had the very real fear of starvation. Men were still routinely killed on work sites and personal violence was a part of a normal man’s life. They never heard of soy or ADHD, but they were willing to open the door for women to take over the culture. For thousands of years men knew how to control their women. Then they didn’t.”
Will You Go Georgetown, Impostor Catholic or Will You Go Carmelite? – I lamented the recent announcement that the Catholic Impostors at Georgetown University are to break ground on a new, Catholic, LGBTQ “Discovery Center” wherein impostors posing as Catholic students can get in touch with, experiment with, participate in the “diversity” of lesbianism and other sodomite “lifestyles”. Kelly Marcum exposes the fake catholics without calling them such (she leaves that to me).
“The LGBTQ lobby has managed, for all practical purposes, to appropriate and redefine what cura personalis means within the gates of Georgetown, and has persuaded the Jesuit administration, with seemingly little difficulty, to go along with their game.”
Do those who try and wed Catholic moral teaching with its antithesis really think they are doing the souls of those who will swallow their apostle-arsenic any favors! If they do, then they should find good company with faithful Lutherans in their muses’s charge to “sin boldly” and then also become heretics. Does Georgetown not teach of the sacrifice of the 16 Carmelite nuns at the Guillotine scaffold on 17 July, 1794? Did those nuns die for the faith and to end the great terror (which they gracefully did) or for an “outdated” moral teaching and doctrine? I’d like to see a Guillotine at Georgetown to lop off the venerable term “Catholic” from “Georgetown”.
DeceptiCONNED: The War-Hawks Have Quietly Taken, One Trump Tower – Kelly Beaucar Vlahos has a must-read exposé on who the new kids on the block are singing “…better governing the world through the ‘Murican Military Empire, yeah, yeah, yeah, and we get opulently rich while the bombs fly, yeah, yeah, yeah!” For example, two new names have joined the band but they sing from the same old song book.
“This was [Nadia] Schadlow’s first position in government. Her résumé includes doctoral degrees from Johns Hopkins Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) under the tutelage of vocal Never Trumper and Iraq war promoter Eliot Cohen, who runs the largely neoconservative Strategic Studies program there, and whose last book, The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power, argued that the U.S., backed by a more robust military, must be the “guardian of a stable world order.” In that vein, Schadlow published a book last year, War and the Art of Governance, that extols the virtues of long-term military intervention for “achieving sustainable political outcomes,” requiring “the consolidation of combat gains through the establishment of stable environments.” [emphasis mine, MC]
So the Trump foreign policy has gone from ‘;Murica first to ‘Muricah first in the rest of the planet’s affairs. But don’t worry, you won’t have to pay for it, thanks to the recently passed tax bill, your kids and mine will. Who will be around then to “make ‘Murica great again”?
When Machiavelli Runs Out Of Ammo, You Get Trumpzilla’d – I just read then re-read President Trump’s statement in response to claims made by Steve Bannon in Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury book about the Trump White House’s early days. Whether Bannon told Wolff the truth or not we may never know but we do know this: Bannon will have no future influencing Trump’s presidential decisions save for which newspaper to kindle fires with. What’s truly remarkable about this saga is that Bannon has made a real-world, living example of what Matthew Sheffield accurately called The Conservative Echo Chamber. Sheffield:
“It is poetic justice that many of the same people who pushed these naive positions and strategies saw their own imbecilic noise machine turned against their preferred presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, in this [2016’s] Republican primaries. The seeming success of Fox News and talk radio has made many conservatives think they now have a massive media empire. In truth, they have constructed an intellectual ghetto that no one else wants to visit.” [emphasis mine – MC]
The TRM bromides of bumper sticker solutions animated by the theoretical magic that “liberty” supposedly guarantees are all the TRM have left because that’s all they ever had. READ MY ENTIRE ESSAY ON THIS ISSUE HERE.
Diamonds, Not The ‘Murican “Republic” Are Supposed To Last Forever – Brad Birzer points out that the “republic for which it stands…” was not supposed to stand as long as it has.
“As Tom Woods and all sensible economists have recently claimed, the United States of America is simply insolvent. The only shocking thing is that no one in the mainstream media or financial institutions seems to care.”
Yes Brad, apathy toward the coming crash is a national pastime now celebrated with Twitter s”storms” and Facebook Live parties. Look at the Talk Radio Mafia hedonism festival going on right now after the GOP saved Endor by passing “tax reform” which ostensibly prolongs the life of “the republic” by giving the old girl a $50 billion per year shot in the arm of old fashioned, deep red, nay crimson, debt increases. Party on dude!
The U.S. Constitution Now REQUIRES Abortion & Contraception – When Judge Wendy Beetlestone made her ruling (in cahoots with Pennsylvania’s AG) last week against the Little Sisters of The Poor & The Trump Administration, she basically stated that because ObamaCare is “the law of the land” and because that law provided that the Federal Leviathan can require employers to provide “women’s reproductive care”, thus the U.S. Constitution now requires abortion and contraception. Margot Cleeland reports on the diabolical ruling:
“[I]n her 44-page opinion, Beetlestone concluded the Trump administration lacked the authority under the ACA to exempt employers from its birth control, abortifacient, and sterilization mandate. She also held the mandate did not substantially burden religious objectors’ rights and, in turn, did not violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”
Well, if the Trump Adminsitration doesn’t have executive prerogative to enforce the ACA, then who does, Judge Bettlejuice? The Bureau of Land Management? Planned Parenthood? And if this heinous, what I call “insure to kill order” doesn’t violate religious consciouses, then what in Margaret Sanger’s name will!? More reason folks, that the separation of us from This State must happen. The Feds AND some States are basically saying that baby-killing is now part of the Constitutional “order”. That is a legislative bridge too far, isn’t it?
DeceptiCON Central To Me: You’re Right Mitter Chur, There Will Be Revival of “Conservatism” Until The Catholic Church Revives – In a shocking essay splashed across the National Review’s website, Paul Ingrassia revives WFB’s criticism of the Catholic revolt against tradition that began 50 years ago and ties it to the general decline of the West. Ingrassia even makes the CRUSADE Channel/Mike Church Show’s point that political jockeying and “progress” cannot solve the decaying Western culture that is crying out for The Church to save her. Peter Kwasniewski (author of Noble Beauty), take a bow:
“Although Christians should know that God’s plan will ultimately prevail, the pitiful state of the West can be assuaged only when we begin to believe again that the Church is the sole source of divine truth. Real progress as traditionally understood can be achieved only through the reorientation of mankind to those fundamental tenets, as it was eloquently argued 16 centuries ago by Augustine in The City of God, and as it remains today, when the greatest gift to mankind, revealed per ipsum et cum ipso et in ipso, is still readily applicable, and perhaps of greater importance than ever before.”
Ingrassia even takes on the materialism obsession of his colleagues at the National Review (although not by name) as the saving paradigm it clearly is not. When the NR starts publishing features that actively, as opposed to metaphoric, identify a robust and dominant Catholicism as the antidote to ‘Muricah and the West’s ills, an event horizon for the future is at hand.
How about trying the St. Wenceslaus Option • Christians Are Leaving Christ & Christmas: Pew Research Center • When In Rome… Women’s Chapel Veils Are Making A Comeback
Glasses Half Full: A Fashion Magazine Finds “Fashion” In Catholic Women Wearing Veils Again – Just when you think all sanity in feminine modesty has been lost, along comes a fashion magazine with a feature on the return to popularity of Catholic women wearing veils to Mass. Next thing you know someone is going to photograph Beyoncé in what seems to be clothes.
The Mike Church Show List Of The REAL Important Book List For 2017 – The editors of The Federalist have published their choices for 2017’s best books and as I would expect have left off their lists the books that will actually change people’s lives and even save souls. Any book that doesn’t promote the last things, cannot possibly be “important”. First, The Marian Option is well written handbook to install a Marian society in ‘Muricah that everyone would benefit from reading. Second Noble Beauty is the best defense of the Catholic Latin liturgy and its restorative powers in recent memory.
Is The FCC’s Undoing of Dear Leader’s Internet “Protections” really A Doomsday Pill For You? – I have already been taunted through a Facebook post, that the new “Net Neutrality” rules spell the end of all internet radio and the CRUSADE Channel. You can read Tyler Durden’s take on the issue here. The Austrian economics Mises Institute has this take that includes the following:
The First Church of ‘Muricah – Suzanne Sherman nails the point home of ‘Muricans worshipping at the first Church of ‘Muricah and just how ritualistic this putrid faith has become. “What started as a policy to promote military recruitment has surreptitiously evolved into a full-blown liturgy of national worship. Social mores now demand you stand and pay homage to the “nation” at every single sporting event. Football games have become a church of nationalism.” Yes! And the Pledge of Allegiance is the Pater Noster (Our Father).
DeceptiCONNED: Why The War Party Hates Putin – MBD posits that Putin “hatin'” has become a John Boltonesque blood sport precisely because he keeps showing up in the places ‘Murica’s aggression leaves him no option but to bolt to, like Crimea after Ukraine.
The accusations of Putin’s influence have been hottest precisely where democratic results have upset the historical self-confidence of the post-Cold War liberal order: Brexit and Trump. Putin’s influence is a way of explaining why the destiny of liberal champions was upset by populist ogres, why liberal policies haven’t pulled us into the final glory at the end of history, or why the liberal world was vulnerable to these “mistakes,” the ones produced by voters.
Of course, if you are reader of this space you know the real reason the DeceptiCONS despise Putin and Russia in general.
What Ale And Coffee Snobs Want For Christmas – Joseph Pearce gives us his literary recommendations for Christmas gift giving if you’re going to buy fiction books.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
It’s January 2018 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!
The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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