Natural-Born Citizenship As Defined By The Founding Fathers
todayMay 21, 2015
The Constitution Eliminates Rubio’s Candidacy
The Spirit of ’76 – Writing & Ratifying the U.S Constitution.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“If you get into an argument with someone, in my estimation anyway, that’s the best way to defeat or diffuse the argument as to whether or not someone like Senator Rubio is a natural-born citizen. He is not. No amount of arguing, no amount of foot stomping, no amount of mangling and twisting of the 14th Amendment is going to make him a natural-born citizen.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: If you want to know what natural-born citizen is, I can tell you. We can read it from Vattel. Book One, Subsection 25, A Nation Ought to Know Itself. By the way, this will also cause, should cause, questions to be asked – yes, this would apply to president Obama, and I said so at the time and so did Professor Gutzman. This would apply to Senator Cruz as well. It might have even applied to Senator McCain, although I think that case is harder to make since his father was deployed militarily.
We shall conclude this chapter, with observing that a nation ought to know itself. Without this knowledge it cannot make any successful endeavors after its own perfection. It ought to have a just idea of its state, to enable it to take the most proper measures; it ought to know the progress it has already made, and what further advances it still has to make, — what advantages it possesses, and what defects it labors under, in order to preserve the former and correct the latter. Without this knowledge a nation will act at random, and often take the most improper measures. It will think it acts with great wisdom in imitating the conduct of nations that are reputed wise and skillful, — not perceiving that such or such regulation, such or such practice, though salutary to one state, is often pernicious to another. Every thing ought to be conducted according to its nature. [Mike: That’s where we get the term natural-born citizen, from nature.] Nations cannot be well governed without such regulations as are suitable to their respective characters; and in order to this, their characters ought to be known. [Mike: Then he talks a little bit about Great Britain and the principle that they have existed under.]
This principle is in every respect recognized and acted upon by our municipal law. It is in respect of, and as a due return for, the protection every natural born subject is entitled to, and actually does, by law, receive from the instant of his birth that all the obligations of allegiance attach upon him, and from which he cannot by any act of his own emancipate himself. This is the principle upon which is founded the rule “Nemo potest exuere patriam” . . .
[end reading]
Mike: To translate, you are under the execution from your homeland. In other words, they can order you to do things. Then he cites Coke Upon Littleton, which is, if you’re really interested in reading a very old and archaic book that explains, that is the foundation of all English common law, then you can probably find yourself a copy at Google books or an internet archives site or Gutenberg Press of Coke Upon Littleton. I have it. I tried to read it and couldn’t read it. That was five years ago. It’s very difficult to read because it’s written by smart guys, smarter than us.
Understand what Vattel just told us. Who your parents owe allegiance to at the time of your birth determines whether or not you are a natural-born citizen. I can’t make it any more clear than that. Let’s review. What sovereign entity your parents owe allegiance to at the time of your birth determines where, to what entity you are a natural-born citizen of. All of us are born as natural-born citizens of some nation-state, all of us, unless you’re born on a submarine that claims it’s sovereign or a boat in the middle of the ocean or something to that effect, or you’re born on Gilligan’s Island, I guess. Then you may be able to escape this rule. Generally speaking, who your parents owe allegiance to, that is the country or the entity to which you are a natural-born citizen of.
At the time of his birth, Senator Rubio’s parents owed allegiance to Cuba. He therefore cannot be a natural-born citizen, he can’t. There’s no argument that makes him a natural-born citizen, none, unless, as Professor Gutzman said on Monday last, you want to use the weak argument, the lame argument, the miracle amendment argument that he’s an anchor baby. That’s the only argument. Again, it’s a poor one. I just wanted to be clear. Here’s another way to think about this. What country could draft, conscript your father into a war, into military service to fight a war? Conceivably you could only be conscripted, if you will, if you were a citizen of a country.
FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7, here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike
That’s a very simple way to think about it. If you get into an argument with someone, in my estimation anyway, that’s the best way to defeat or diffuse the argument as to whether or not someone like Senator Rubio is a natural-born citizen. He is not. No amount of arguing, no amount of foot stomping, no amount of mangling and twisting of the 14th Amendment is going to make him a natural-born citizen. I don’t even know why he’s being considered as a candidate for president. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure he’s eligible to be a United States senator, especially if you know the story of Albert Gallatin, who was elected in 1789 from the State of Pennsylvania and was kicked out of the Senate because he was born a Danish citizen. They say he can’t be a senator. True story.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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