
Northern Colorado Secession Hangs In The Balance

todayNovember 4, 2013 4


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There will be other legislators from Colorado that will say: It’s not really our choice now.  If they want to leave, who are we to tell them they have to stay?  This is what progressives and libs do all the time.  They tell you you have to do things you don’t want to do.  Why would then the progressive legislature of the State of Colorado do something that’s not progressive?  In other words, for what reason would they let the revenue source that is northern Colorado go?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Hello, Jamie, how you doing?

Caller Jamie:  I’m doing well, doing well.

Mike:  I’m glad to hear it.


Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILCaller Jamie:  I have a question.  If northern Colorado, if the results are positive and they do succeed —

Mike:  Secede, not succeed.

Caller Jamie:  — what is the earliest — if they succeed and secede —

Mike:  What if they succeed and secede, there you go.

Caller Jamie:  What is the earliest date I would reckon three representatives and two senators would be there?

Mike:  I’m sorry.  Can you ask the question again?

Caller Jamie:  What is the earliest date we could expect two senators and one for the House of Representatives to arrive in Washington?

Mike:  Well, there’s a lot that has to happen after they succeed in seceding.  Then they will take their ballot results and put them into some kind of an official statement from each county.  Then when the next session of the Colorado Legislature meets, then those ten counties will say: We voted.  The people that live in our counties do not wish to be part of this state’s government anymore.  We wish to withdraw, which is what secede is, from the Latin secedere, we wish to withdraw from the government of Colorado and form our own state.  The rest of the Colorado legislature is then going to have to vote on this.  I suspect that the tyrants and all the Hollywood progressive liberal types that have moved from California after they ruined it, and Massachusetts after they ruined it, and New Jersey after they ruined it, and New York after they destroyed it, and have moved to the mountainous, beautiful countryside that is Denver, I suspect that those people do not think that men are created free and independent and endowed by their creator, our God with inalienable rights.  One of them is the right to determine your own form of government.  I would suspect that those people will pull a Lincoln and start yammering on about the indignity of it all and that they’re not going to allow the counties to leave.

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There will be other legislators from Colorado that will say: It’s not really our choice now.  If they want to leave, who are we to tell them they have to stay?  This is what progressives and libs do all the time.  They tell you you have to do things you don’t want to do.  Why would then the progressive legislature of the State of Colorado do something that’s not progressive?  In other words, for what reason would they let the revenue source that is northern Colorado go?  Even if you just appeal to Jeffersonian ideals, why would they do that?  That’s the hurdle that has to be crossed.  I don’t think there’s any chance whatsoever that once they get past the Colorado state legislature that Congress is going to tell them no, you can’t become a state and we won’t accept you as state 51.  I think there’s 0.0 chance of that.  That would be a precedent that has never occurred, to my knowledge anyway.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtThose are the two things that have to happen.  What if the State of Colorado says no?  I don’t know and I don’t have in my hands how each county was formed.  Is there a charter?  Was there an agreement made?  Did counties petition to become part of what used to be the Northwest Territory that was then carved off into Colorado?  Did counties petition to join?  Was there a compact made?  I suspect that there was.  If there was a compact made, then can a county say: If you don’t let us go, we’re going to opt out.  We’ll sue you.  In the meantime, we want out of the compact.  We’re petitioning for a divorce whether you like it or not and we’re not going to acknowledge you any longer.  I wonder.  The Constitution guarantees to every state in the union a republican form of government.  What if the ten northern counties argue they’re not giving us a republican form of government, and because they’re not, you have to guarantee it to us?  You have to tell Colorado to back off.

I think the excitement begins after what I believe will be an affirmative vote tomorrow.  I can’t wait to see what the secession deniers — just imagine the Rachel Maddows and the Chris Matthews and the Ed Schultzes and Lawrence O’Donnells and all the rest of them.  Just imagine them now being embroiled in this debate.  It would be difficult to try and say that northern Colorado ranchers want to secede from the rest of Colorado because they fancy a return to plantations and slaves picking cotton.  That will be a very difficult sell.  How will they then oppose it?  [mocking] “You’re a blob.  You’re a big, giant blob of a state.   You’ve got to remain a blog of a state forever.  Nothing can ever change that.”  They won’t be able to use Lincoln, so they’ll use Calhoun.  They’ll bludgeon northern Colorado by calling you northern Coloradan patriots Calhounians, thinking that’s an insult.  In my book, that’s not.  I think the fun begins tomorrow night about 10 o’clock when the votes are counted and all ten of those counties go: Colorado, how about no?

End Mike Church Show Transcript


Secede or Die-BLACK shirt

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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