The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Last Train to Brokesville: National debt to hit $16 trillion when the Dumbocrats gavel their convention open tomorrow, how fitting!
14 year old pens new book on the Constitution and understands the document more clearly than most adults
Karl Rove suggests it is ok if Todd Akin, Senate Candidate & Republican in MO, is murdered, Rove , the Dark Lord continues his empire building inside the GOP
WaPo has 8 questions for the Obama coronation this week and not one of them has to do with the debt, the deficit or the Constitution
Hoover Dam is the worst publics works project in the history of Earth and tens of millions will be forced to emigrate away from the Southwest as a result
GOP to stage attacks against Obama at poorly chosen venue for the DNC, Charlotte NC
Let’s see what urchins Stephanie Cutter & Co have dredged up from former Bain employees
Told you so: Obama seizes anti-war sentiment as a line of attack against Romney
More tales of subterfuge from the Good Ol Party and the RNC toward Ron Paul delegates
Founding Mother of Gal Queda – Naomi Wolf – wonders why her plumbing isn’t the subject of course study for 17 year olds
Steyn: We are the only nation on earth that doesn’t enjoy its drinking and doesn’t commit its own racism even when accused of doing so
WSJ: There is a danger that the entitlement state CAN & WILL last a lot longer that people think regardless of who runs Congress or the White House
VIDEO: New RNC ad shows Obama saying the exact same things today the sheople gobbled up in 2008
ObamaBotZombies still LIVE and roam the countryside in search of paychecks to seize, oil rigs to cap and car companies to nationalize
Written by: TheKingDude
bain Gal Queda gop Karl Rove national debt Obama RNC romney Ron Paul Steyn The Constitution
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
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