
Obamacare Should Have Asked For Help

todayOctober 23, 2013 7


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is what is amazing to me.  What did you expect it to be able to do?  It would be too much to ask, wouldn’t it, that the powers that be inside Mordor on the Potomac River would, I don’t know, maybe ask the people that built the Amazon website to give them a hand?  That one seems to be able to deliver products to tens of millions of people on a timely basis, doesn’t it?  It seems to be able to process payments, doesn’t it?  It seems to be able to process customer concerns, doesn’t it?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Here is from, “Obamacare’s Rollout Is a Disaster That Didn’t Have to Happen.”  The Beast is what you people out there would call a liberal website, because we’re all divided into two camps, right?  There’s the white horse-riding, gilded armor shining and glimmering in the sun conservative, Republican, and then there’s the evil, despicable, on the black horse with dingy armor liberal, nasty, stinking, filthy libs, you people call them.  I would put The Daily Beast in the nasty, stinking, filthy lib category, just as an observation.  “How cronyism, secrecy, and authoritarianism doomed Obamacare, and why it was all so unnecessary,” by Gregory Ferenstein.

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Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILI really like the principles of universal coverage under the Affordable Care Act, and I hope it will succeed. But the disastrous rollout of represents everything that President Obama promised would be different about his administration—but isn’t.

[end reading]

Mike:  What do people expect?  This is what is amazing to me.  What did you expect it to be able to do?  It would be too much to ask, wouldn’t it, that the powers that be inside Mordor on the Potomac River would, I don’t know, maybe ask the people that built the Amazon website to give them a hand?  That one seems to be able to deliver products to tens of millions of people on a timely basis, doesn’t it?  It seems to be able to process payments, doesn’t it?  It seems to be able to process customer concerns, doesn’t it?  Think of it like this: What does not do that you would want it to do?  I don’t spend my life on Amazon, but I do sell a lot of stuff on it.  I do a significant amount of business on it.  What does Amazon not do that you would want it to do?  I suppose there are a couple things I could conjure up if you put a gun to my head and I had to.

For the most part, it operates pretty much how you would expect it to operate.  Why does it have to operate like that?  It has to operate like that because if it doesn’t, people will stop going there.  If they stop going there, what happens to  It has this thing that happens in the real world.  It’s called it goes out of business.  That’s not going to happen with the Affordable Care Act.  I suppose one way to read the protestations and now the confessions of many over the rollout of the website — the president was actually out there talking about this yesterday.  One of the ways to read this was there seems to be some remorse, some buyer’s remorse.  [mocking] “We didn’t know we were actually going to be on the hook for having to run this thing.”

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Break it down like this: There is hardly anyone that’s actually a patient whose life depends on the Affordable Care Act yet, thank heavens.  There is purportedly to be tens upon tens of millions of people whose lives are going to be saved or made better by the same Affordable Care Act.  That’s once we get all the kinks worked out on the website.  If from the start of the initiative when there’s no one that’s reliant upon it and it cannot function as it was advertised, what is to make anyone think that when there are tens upon tens of millions of people that are going to be reliant upon this monstrosity, this gargantuan endeavor here, that it’s going to function any better?  Here’s an even better question: Why would you trust your life, health and wellbeing to it?

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailNow that the “progressives” have gotten nearly the goal that they have pursued for the course of the last century, which is universal health coverage, meaning every living soul on the continent has to go and beg and plead with them for kidneys and livers and treatments for kidneys and livers and hearts and every other thing you can imagine that makes up what is called healthcare today, now that they have gotten it, shouldn’t they be held to account?  How do we know that someone has not been denied?

Remember, the whole selling point for the Affordable Care Act and for Obamacare that was while they were dragging their feet and debating it, and while all these obstructionists were standing in the way of passing it, there were people living in discarded Maytag refrigerator boxes underneath America’s overpasses that were being denied healthcare.  These people were dying.  Just drive underneath any overpass, I used to joke, and look at the discarded refrigerator and washing machine boxes.  You’ll find a family of four in there.  They’re all dead.  Why?  Because they were waiting for healthcare and they were denied.

If someone in need can’t get on the Obamacare website and is being denied today, don’t you think we can go to an overpass somewhere and find a boxful of dead or nearly dead people?  Here, let’s grab some CNN cameras and bring them over here.  Let’s go in here and knock on the Kenmore box.  [mocking] “Hey there, anybody inside that refrigerator box?  You got any sick people in there?”  It’s almost like Monty Python’s search for the holy grail in the part of the movie where they’re going through the town “Bring out your dead.  Bring out your dead.”  There’s a peasant-looking guy pulling the cart behind him.  Seriously, shouldn’t they be held to account?  This is serious business here.  We’ve got people’s lives that have been jeopardized, don’t you think?

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For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

I’m going to hit on that theme all day long today.  We’ve got the Affordable Care Act now.  If there is one solitary person in the entire continent that does not receive immediate and timely and the highest quality, spared no expense like Jurassic Park healthcare, isn’t that Obama’s fault?  Isn’t that Pelosi’s fault?  Isn’t that the famed senator from Maryland, Barbara Mikulski, isn’t this Ms. Mikulski’s fault?  Isn’t this Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s fault?  After all, it was they that designed the system.  Whose fingerprints are on the 2,187-page bill?  Shouldn’t we find these people?  Shouldn’t they be responsible?  I think that intrepid news-gathering organizations ought to be out there right now as I speak lining up in emergency rooms trying to find people that are on hold for the Obamacare service.

Folks, I am not going to demagogue this issue and do some of the hysterical stunts that have been done to prove that the “president is a miserable failure” when it comes to this.  I believe this is going to be self-evident.  It will not be very difficult for most people to conclude that just like the Department of Motor Vehicles, the last place you want to be on a Tuesday morning is waiting online somewhere in an office where this thing called Obamacare is administered.  If you are, you’re going to be in the company of some of the most miserable people on the face of the planet.  Here’s the sad part: there’s always going to be a market for that.  There will always be people that will go to those places and they’ll complain mightily about it, but they’ll go.  Why?  Because we’re Americans and someone else is paying for it, that’s why.  We have ample evidence to this.  You can see this manifest itself.  Look at the run on the food stamp food at the Wal-Marts a couple Saturdays ago when the EBT cards in this location were said to have no limit on them.  See that as Exhibit A.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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