Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Going back to Thomas Fleming and PaleoCon 101. He spent decades trying to apply formulas to the differences between men and women when all he had to do was look it up in fairy tales. You have to have these vainglorious political science formulas. These are the same people that gave us, by the way, Center for American Progress and all the rest of them. I don’t care what think tank you are, you’re part of the problem. These are the same people that gave us the formulas that said that Medicare would pay for itself in 1965. These are the same ones that said Medicaid would pay. These are the same ones that said that the war on poverty would pay for itself. These are the same ones that said the formula shows if we build high-rise tenement buildings for impoverished blacks in inner cities, it’ll pay for itself, the multiplier effect. There are going to be paradises, utopias around the high-rises in Chicago. What did it turn out to be? It turned out to be the most crime-addled places on the planet, derisively known as “the projects.” They can take their little formulas and do you know what with them. The sun doesn’t shine there.
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Going back to Thomas Fleming and PaleoCon 101 from the second hour. He spent decades trying to apply formulas to the differences between men and women when all he had to do was look it up in fairy tales. You have to have these vainglorious political science formulas. These are the same people that gave us, by the way, Center for American Progress and all the rest of them. I don’t care what think tank you are, you’re part of the problem. These are the same people that gave us the formulas that said that Medicare would pay for itself in 1965. These are the same ones that said Medicaid would pay. These are the same ones that said that the war on poverty would pay for itself. These are the same ones that said the formula shows if we build high-rise tenement buildings for impoverished blacks in inner cities, it’ll pay for itself, the multiplier effect. There are going to be paradises, utopias around the high-rises in Chicago. What did it turn out to be? It turned out to be the most crime-addled places on the planet, derisively known as “the projects.” They can take their little formulas and do you know what with them. The sun doesn’t shine there.
To solidify their base, they have called for restrictions on immigration—restrictions they have no intention of enacting or enforcing—but their tough rhetoric has alienated the one group on whom their future depends: Mexican-American voters. Conservatives were warning them of this danger as long ago as the 1980’s, but the Republicans’ response is that agribusiness and other industries depend on the cheap labor of underpaid illegal immigrants. As the novelist Edward Abbey pointed out at the time, the Republicans want their cheap labor, while the Liberals have their cheap cause. Between them, they pried the doors off our southern border and flung them into the Rio Grande. Whether they win or lose this presidential race, the Republicans will have to run openly, next time around, on a program of open borders, amnesty for illegals, and stepped up Affirmative Action privileges for Latinos. If the strategy does not work, they have only themselves to blame.
But, are the polls correct? Is the race Obama’s to lose? Possibly, probably. I have one nagging doubt. As they used to say in the Westerns, it’s too quiet out there. Four years ago, at this point, there were yard signs all over my neighborhood. This time, there is hardly anything. The people I meet in business or at church are all promising to vote for Romney, but it is not because they like the governor. In fact, they do not. They do, however, fear that an Obama victory will finish off the American economy, wipe out their pensions, and eliminate Social Security. That is enough for them, and it may be enough for me. [Mike: In other words, ABO is a powerful motivator, Anyone But Obama.] But, then, why are there so few Obama signs?
Apathy is Romney’s only hope. The Republicans will probably turn out their base. I haven’t voted Republican in a Presidential election since 1980, but I am strongly considering it now. My only motives are greed and fear. I can see my dreams of retiring to Italy going up in smoke if this inept administration is reelected. This is a wide-spread feeling in the American middle class. If Romney does better than expected with Mexican Americans and if the black voters persist in their apathy, we may be spread the dreaded four more years. In the long run—and in America, long runs are shorter than the election cycle—it does not matter who wins. Within a few years, tax-consumers will so outnumber tax-payers that there will be no point in working or saving. I have seen the future—in places like Mexico—and it doesn’t work.
[end reading]
Mike: Boy, is he right about that. We’re delaying Terminator 3, judgment day. How ironic that Arnold is out pimping his new tell-all. Thought I’d pass that along. What is my personal take on all this? You better learn what your founders knew. That’s my personal take. You better become acquainted with how it was the supernatural basis from which they declared their independence in the Declaration. None of this natural law stuff, none of that. There is a supernatural basis for this. You better become reacquainted with the term [r]epublican. You better learn how to choose wisely, sheriffs, county, city, municipal judges, mayors, city councilmen. If you have any inkling to do this, become one yourself, state legislators, what have you. You better get reacquainted with how it is that states are sovereign, what it is that makes a sovereign state. All these things are going to come in handy in the very dark days that lie ahead, regardless of who wins.
The federal train wreck is just that, a train wreck. There are those of us that believe that it will resist any effort to repair it, because that’s what an entity of that size does. It either implodes of its own weight or it crushes everything around it and everything implodes at the same time. Hope that choice A is what happens here, that it implodes and doesn’t take the rest of us down with it. If there is hope and optimism to be found, folks, and there is, it is in getting back to actually practicing self-government. To do that, you have to actually do it. You can’t talk about it. You can’t cry about it. You can’t go on Facebook and whine about it. You actually have to do it.
Let me give you a suggestion, and I rarely do this and I rarely promote this. is up. Go register your chapter. It doesn’t cost anything. The whole site is there for the taking. Start a ReFounding Fathers Society chapter. What is a re-founding father? It’s exactly what the title says. We may have to re-found here, ladies and gentlemen. We better start reading the right stuff. We better start acting like good Christian gentlemen. We better learn how to self-govern. If you want to reach out to friends in other states or maybe those around you to organize, try the ReFounding Fathers Society. I only throw that out there because many of you have responded to calls for ReFounding Fathers Society. I went to my own personal expense of putting that website up. Please take advantage of it. You can register your chapter by state.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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