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Pat Buchanan and the GOP House

todayJanuary 4, 2013 9 2

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    Pat Buchanan and the GOP House ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – The Republicans, your saviors in GOP clothing, control the House of Representin’ and have just capitulated and signed onto nearly the largest tax increase in American history.  Just for a moment, just for argument’s sake, imagine what happens if the Democrats control the House of Representin’.  There will be some that will say: Mike, that will just hasten the end.  Will it really hasten the end or will it increase the misery?  We seem to be able to discover new and more inventive ways of prolonging the inevitable, which is how you get to the ubiquitous phrase “kick the can down the road.”  The legislative branch is actually controlled by the good party, as we’re told, yet the best that can come out of that is the largest tax increase in American history, not one solitary nickel of a decrease in spending from the federal edifice, a president who’s still out of control. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

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    Pat Buchanan and the GOP House ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Would you ever have thought in early November 2010, when the Boehner Congress was going to become a reality, Pelosi Congress had been kicked out, that we would be sitting here in January 2013 talking about how not much can get done now until, at the earliest, the mid-term elections in 2014?  That’s probably not going to happen.  You have to now wait till the next election of a president.  You have to wait until 2016.  If you read Patrick J. Buchanan today, that’s what Buchanan basically says.  2016 is now the new target date to actually do something and not kick the can down the road.  Would you have believed that?  Speaking as XM DC command center, is that something you would have thought [mocking] “You’re not really serious.  That’s not really happening here.  That can’t possibly come to fruition”?  Do you think that’s an apt characterization?  I don’t know if you read Patrick Buchanan today.  Buchanan’s piece is “After the Republican Rout.”  Buchanan’s postulation here is basically that the Boehner Congress got hosed, that there’s not much they can do — although I say there’s a lot they can do because they control the power of the purse if they really wanted to.  Saying there’s not much you can do and saying you don’t have the power to do it are two different things.  Buchanan has some statistics in his piece today.


At the Potsdam conference with Harry Truman and Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill learned that the voters of the nation he had led for five years through World War II had just voted to throw him out of office.

“It may well be a blessing in disguise,” said his wife Clementine.

“At the moment, it seems quite effectively disguised,” replied Churchill.

Republicans must feel that way today. For they have survived their own Dunkirk. They may have left their helmets, canteens and rifles behind, but they did finally get off the beach.

That Republicans suffered a rout, as the British did with the fall of France and evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, is undeniable.

The party that blocked tax increases since George H.W. Bush agreed to raise Ronald Reagan’s top rate of 28 percent to 35 percent, thus repudiating his “no-new-taxes” pledge, just signed on to one of the largest tax increases in history.

[end reading]

Mike:  Think about that for just a moment.  The Republicans, your saviors in GOP clothing, control the House of Representin’ and have just capitulated and signed onto nearly the largest tax increase in American history.  Just for a moment, just for argument’s sake, imagine what happens if the Democrats control the House of Representin’.  There will be some that will say: Mike, that will just hasten the end.  Will it really hasten the end or will it increase the misery?  We seem to be able to discover new and more inventive ways of prolonging the inevitable, which is how you get to the ubiquitous phrase “kick the can down the road.”  The legislative branch is actually controlled by the good party, as we’re told, yet the best that can come out of that is the largest tax increase in American history, not one solitary nickel of a decrease in spending from the federal edifice, a president who’s still out of control.

That reminds me, did you see the story the other day of the judge that said that President Obama can basically launch drone strikes and kill whoever he wants without a consultation of Congress?  Did you see that?  Somebody had sued to try to stop the drone strikes basically.  I don’t have the story here in front of me.  I read it the day before we came back on the air.  Someone had sued to contend the president did not have the authority to kill people, and he doesn’t.  The President of the United States does not have the authority to launch a strike and keep a secret kill list and all these other things.
A federal judge ruled: I’m going to go ahead and determine that the President of the United States most certainly can kill whoever he thinks is the threat.  Really?  Seriously?  Although, we must continue this because we’re Americans.  We must continue to devote ourselves to this because we’re Americans.  Devote ourselves to the indiscriminate whims of an American president who does not even have to now make a public case?  Hell, he doesn’t even have to make a private case on whether or not he’s going to fly a drone over someone’s house or someone’s castle, tent, whatever the case may be, in some foreign land, and drop a bomb on them.  Really?  The people are okay with this?  Shocking times we live in, ladies and gentlemen.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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J. Lee Haley, MD

Actually, my facts are straight, Mike. The caller alleged that because teachers are incompetent at their jobs, they are not competent to carry firearms. When he said he didn’t think it was the solution to the problem, you said, “No it’s not”.

Whether you have discussed concealed carry by teachers as “the” or “THE” solution in other commentary, I have no idea. But I did hear this call and am reporting it factually.

Now, I am sorry that you perceived my comment as mockery, for that was not the intent. I was merely making the point that our lamentations over societal decline will not save the lives of schoolchildren in the immediate future. My only goal is to save the lives of other schoolchildren, right here, right now. And as a 59 year old father of 3 kids in public school, I definitely have a dog in this hunt, as the saying goes.

Glad you invoked Beowulf and asked for my suggestion as to how to drive the fear of death into future monsters. Do you ever wonder why these monsters wear Kevlar on their macabre missions? Well, they already have the fear. The fear of getting shot dead before their evil deed is done. It’s a bit of a paradox that they cap themselves in the head at the end of it, but hey, these loonies are not logical, by definition.

So, my suggestion is to allow the teachers their God-given right to self protection. So far we have given them locked doors, turned over desks, closets and so-called security guards and we see how that has turned out. I stand by my opinion that the caller’s assertion is laughable (on several levels actually). There is no data correlating occupational competence with firearm competence. And to assert that all teachers are incompetent is just ridiculous. Like I said, I was disappointed that you let him get away with this nonsense. Ordinarily you would have jumped down his throat and tap danced all the way, but, in your defense, you were running out of time and had to go to break.

Look, I am not some crackpot taking pot shots. Hell, we are on the same team, amigo. As the Texas state co-chair for the Buchanan for President Campaign, 1988, my credentials are clear. I would not begin to mock either Pat or you. You are both spot on regarding our nation’s decline, unfortunately for all of us.

Our hearts are broken and our emotions are running high, thus the misunderstanding I reckon. My only hope is that we not let the deaths of these schoolchildren be for naught. As it happens, our little debate may be entirely moot, as scores of teachers across the country are not waiting for permission, and are training to protect themselves and their little ones. My point will be made when school massacres stop (and they will), when the killers no longer have their “gun free” zones to target.

Thanks for all your hard work for the republic. Love the show, listen when I can. And thanks for recycling the Smurf line. I’ll take it as a complement coming from the master 😉

All the best,

J. Lee Haley, MD


Thanks Doc! I actually talked about this extensively on today’s program. We should have a transcript up on it shortly.

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