The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Today’s guest: Chuck Thompson’s site where you’ll find his book and writings on our North/South divorce er… secession
Thompson uncovers story that chronicles US Marines marching in combat under rebel flag
American Conservative Magazine’s Noah Millman presents a completely and utterly historically incorrect view of the Declaration, the Constitution and the new craze of “Declarationism” – this thinking is precisely “What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I” was created to combat
2005 Book challenges men to become “Compleat Gentleman – Here is a preview chapter from “Compleat Gentleman”
VIDEO: Dumbocrat Senator claims Obama “led the mission that brought bin-laden to justice”
Newsweek’s Niall Ferguson nabs cover story “Hit the road Barack-Why Obama must go”
Obamanomics: Jay Leno takes pay cut to save staffers jobs on The Tonight Show-what is more surprising is that Leno makes “$15-20 MILLION from his other gigs”…WHAT other gigs?!
Steyn: Obama and the deems have no records left to play other than to fabricate their own successes and ignore the reality that is the failing world of their creation that we live in
Flashback: Paul Ryan’s roadmap DID call for a 1/3 stake of SS to be owned and invested by the individual or partly privatized making it a “partly correct” solution
Andy McCArthy continues his yeoman’s work in detailing the unfolding catastrophe in Egypt brought on at least partially by our meddling infatuation with the “Arab Spring”
“Four Score & 7 years ago” was just another piece of propaganda/fiction created by Lincoln to justify his lethal actions
So, the “conservatives” in the House of Representin’ DID appropriate bailout money for Farm-Aid but not to worry because Obama appropriated much more than that himself
Written by: TheKingDude
Gentleman Jay Leno lincoln Mark Steyn Medicare Obama Paul Ryam Scession
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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Jim Battarbee on October 10, 2012
In the event that some part of this once great country decides to secede, just what would they take with them? No matter how much any of us object, this country has gave away wealth to pestholes all over the world, we have provided so called charity, taken from the productive by force. The Fed has made many loans in our name, and we didn’t find a way to object or stand up against this evil. We let it grow to the point where we are now almost choked to death. So, those that now wake up and wish to walk away, will have to think about what the Fed can burden them with on the way out the door. All Fed funded projects in their states will now come with a bill, as well as a bill for the future costs of those things they can claim are done as mutual benifit.
No, I don’t believe the answer it to secede, better to clean up your own town, no more bonds to sell, no more services that should be private, no more power for Mayor Bedfellow to hand perc’s to his buddies. Neibouring towns doing the same thing can work with you to clean up the state in the same manner. This foundation can and will choke off DC and all the evils of collectivism!
Perhaps some day we can get to the point where morality is understood to come from rational self intrest, rather than some savage witch doctors dogma! For me, I cannot tell the diffrence between religious dictatorships like Muzzys today or the Christian swords from 600 years ago. Both and any other that gets control will make men like Stalin blush! I do not believe king Obama would be diffrent to a state witch doctor, at least to “their” subjects.
TheKingDude on October 11, 2012
The states that declared Independence would treat with the remaining states over what would be returned, if anything, back to the Union states. Recall that at the end of the war for Independence, Patrick henry handled the legal case, in court, of how and what must be repaid or returned to its British owners. This was done peacefully for the most part so this should not quell the ambition to acquire political Independence from Leviathan.