Daily Clip

Planned Parenthood Has Zero Mammography Clinics

todayAugust 5, 2015 4

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    Planned Parenthood Has Zero Mammography Clinics AbbyMcGinnis


Humility_Cover_featuredMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You may have heard some debate yesterday.  You may have heard some hysterical, radical, angry, ugly women, members of Gal Qaeda, demanding that Congress not remove funding for Planned Parenthood because [mocking] “We need our mammograms.  We need our women’s health.”  The fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms, none, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Planned Parenthood Has Zero Mammography Clinics AbbyMcGinnis

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    Planned Parenthood Has Zero Mammography Clinics AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Sean Davis writing at The Federalist, “Guess How Many Licensed Mammogram Facilities Planned Parenthood Runs.”  You may have heard some debate yesterday.  You may have heard some hysterical, radical, angry, ugly women, members of Gal Qaeda, demanding that Congress not remove funding for Planned Parenthood because [mocking] “We need our mammograms.  We need our women’s health.”  The fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms, none, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.  They do serve Moloch.  There are adjutant generals under Commander Moloch.  Yes, Moloch, the child-consuming demon.


Planned Parenthood, the nation’s top abortion provider, swears up and down that notwithstanding the numerous admissions made on tape by its top officials, the organization doesn’t buy or sell organs and body parts harvested from aborted babies. Then, in order to defend its reputation, Planned Parenthood points to other medical procedures performed by the group that don’t result in body counts. One of its top rhetorical gimmicks is to reference all the mammograms that women can receive by visiting Planned Parenthood:

“Planned Parenthood helps women nationwide get access to mammograms, as part of the range of health care Planned Parenthood health centers provide to nearly three million people a year.”

There’s only one problem: Planned Parenthood does not manage a single licensed mammography facility in the U.S. Not one. Of the 8,735 licensed mammography facilities in America, Planned Parenthood operates exactly zero.

How do we know this? Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration keeps a list of every licensed facility in the country. It updates this list weekly. And the most recent list of the more than 8,700 licensed mammogram facilities in the U.S. shows that not one is operated by Planned Parenthood. [Mike: Then Davis has this graph that is presented by the] Alliance Defending Freedom that shows just how little breast cancer screening is done by Planned Parenthood . . . [Mike: None, zero. But the adjutant generals and warlock warriors of Moloch’s minions insist] . . . has even intimated that if its spigot of federal funding is turned off, women will have nowhere to turn for vital health care and cancer screenings. But that’s also a lie, as Mollie Hemingway explains. It turns out that Planned Parenthood only qualifies as the nation’s largest health care provider for women if you think abortion — the deliberate taking of an innocent human life — counts as health care.

[end reading]

Mike:  Speaking of Planned Parenthood, Moloch’s minions, it’s not going to happen because there are other things at work here.  Remember just a moment ago we talked about intellect.  I know some of you probably think that I’m full of it and that this Brother Francis Maluf character at the St. Augustine Center has brainwashed me into this Thomistic philosophy thinking and Aristotelean philosophy and philosophia perennis and all that and it’s just a bunch of hogwash.  It was good to get rid of it.  We should all just start thinking like modern-day Republicans and Democrats and blah, blah, blah.  Yes, by all means, let’s continue all the modern heresies and continue all the erroneous thinking and thinking process.

I meant what I said to that last caller.  Your intellect is there.  You can deny it all you want.  It won’t make a difference.  It’s there and it does know the truth.  I’m telling you that the intellect also knows when one of Moloch’s minions is priming them for coercion, for a vote, whatever the case may be.  That’s provided that the Republicans don’t do something stupid and nominate someone else who’s in Moloch’s minions.  They have ample opportunity to do so.  Mrs. Clinton also is not going to escape a 35-year record of virulent and obstinate advocacy of the continuing slaughter of the soon-to-be-born.  There is no defense for what these warlocks at Planned Parenthood and Stem Express and all these people that are in on this, for what they have done and what they are currently doing.  It’s indefensible.  It’s our job to keep the pressure up.  That is enough.  That’s cause enough for a public that will have to come to terms – some people come to terms with this and will reverse their position.  Remember, that intellect will hear truth.  We just have to make sure that we’re speaking the truth on it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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