
The New Christendom Daily

The Church Doctrine-Episode 3-The Hichborner’s Guide To The Galaxy

micMike ChurchtodayApril 24, 2024 135

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    The Church Doctrine-Episode 3-The Hichborner's Guide To The Galaxy Mike Church

The Church Doctrine-Episode 3-The Hichborner’s Guide To The Galaxy

The FULL Episode is EXCLUSIVELY available on The CRUSADE Channel

The KingDude sits down with LePanto Institute founder and old friend Michael Hichborn for a 1 hour 49 minute chat that includes topics that literally go from Creation to today!

Episode 1 “The Wright Stuff” | Episode 2 “O’ Brother Wherefore Art Thou”

Topics Include (in order)

The origins of The Lepanto Institute

Did Mitter Hichborn have a calling to being a media type as a kid?

Michael expresses what his concerns are about “journalism” today and its not what you would think!

Eve, the first tranny.

The KingDude lauys out his view of Ante-deluvian andPost-deluvian earth.

Hichborn takes TKD’s “history of the world” and expands on it with mid-blowing results!

The Hichborner’s Guide to good and bad priests.

HR Gieger, satanist, and the Aliens movie franchise.

Why homeschooling 8 children was never an option.

Why only Real Men acting all Manly-y and stuff can save the world from its current evil.

EPILOGUE – The Story of The Garden And The Cross.



The New Christendom Daily

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