
Political Ideology Blinds Us To The Truth

todayMay 22, 2013 4


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Again, what is at issue here is an out-of-control, very dangerous government.  It doesn’t matter who it is that’s running it.  Obama just happens to be the latest provocateur, and yes, he is dangerous, and yes, he is impeachable as well.  When President Bush had Judith Miller locked up, [mocking] “She poses a threat!”  He was equally injurious to the First Amendment.  What we have here now is the press corps has now come face to face with the demon, the monster that they themselves helped to create and empower.  They’ve been running cover for it for decades.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  What Rosen did is the exact same thing, in speaking with Stephen Kim, following Stephen Kim, going to the State Department and getting him to leak to him what he thought the North Koreans might do in response to the United Nations’ protestations against their nuclear weapons programs.  It’s the exact same thing.  I’ll tell you what this points out here, though.  This is not just about the mainstream media being a bunch of arrogant elitist East Coast snobs, and it is about that.  What this points out here is, once again, you’ve got guys like Kuhner that are running around out there with the conservative medal like a member of Run-D.M.C., conservative in big gold hung around their neck.


The intellectual basis for this and for the continuance of this movement, the participation of people like Mr. Kuhner in it ought to be a disgraceful embarrassment.  Where’s the intellectual basis for this?  Again, what is at issue here is an out-of-control, very dangerous government.  It doesn’t matter who it is that’s running it.  Obama just happens to be the latest provocateur, and yes, he is dangerous, and yes, he is impeachable as well.  When President Bush had Judith Miller locked up, [mocking] “She poses a threat!”  He was equally injurious to the First Amendment.  What we have here now is the press corps has now come face to face with the demon, the monster that they themselves helped to create and empower.  They’ve been running cover for it for decades.

Mike Church Show Transcript: IRS Scandal Continues To Be About Party Politics Instead Of Tyrannical Powers

AG:  Too often we see the elites in the media, on both sides of the political spectrum, refuse to acknowledge the shoe on the other foot.  They don’t think about flipping the ideological perspective of a given incident.  At the time of the Julian Assange / Wikileaks / Bradley Manning issue, they didn’t think of the possibility of what is occurring now as potentially dangerous to their wellbeing.  The left does it just as equally on any number of issues.  I would argue members of the left aren’t doing it right now with the IRS.  They should be coming to the defense of these Tea Party groups that are being extraordinarily and wrongly scrutinized about their tax filings for the idea.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailWhat happens if this next election cycle, or say a Republican president gets elected in 2016, are we all right if in 2018 there are a bunch of progressive / liberal PACs that want to influence the midterm election?  Is it all right then, because we’re not complaining about the Tea Party groups being scrutinized extraordinarily, is it all right then for the IRS under a Republican administration to extraordinarily scrutinize liberal groups?  Because they’re all right with it now, I would hope that you’re going to be all right with it then so you have some kind of consistent ideology.  That, too often, has escaped a lot of the media, I would say a good portion of the media.  It too often escapes a number of politicians that kind of have this bully pulpit of being able to espouse what they believe in.

Mike:  The problem also is, as it is escaping those people, they are writing, babbling on television, babbling on radio, babbling and writing on the internet.  The hoi polloi are absorbing it because there’s no one out here crying out: That’s wrong!  What you just did is what every journalist that cares a lick about their journalistic integrity and the freedom of the press to report on what the State is doing.  What you just did is exactly what they ought to be doing.  It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on, tyranny is a tyranny.  An excess and abuse of power is an excess and abuse of power.  If one party’s members are abused by a power, all parties’ members are abused by a power because the same power can be used, as you just pointed out, when the other party is in charge.  That’s the danger.  It is just depressing.  It’s sad.  It is sad that you don’t have universal denunciation of this.  Rachel Maddow in that clip you and I watched when I was in DC last week could not bring herself to sympathize with the Tea Party groups that were singled out for what the IRS did to them and making them jump through flaming hoops of fire.  She just couldn’t do it.  She could not separate a life lived politically and for the sake of politics, not a life lived that has politics in it.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Social Security Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme – The Money’s Been Spent!

Ideologies like this, folks, this is what happened before the French Revolution.  This is what Russo unleashed, absolute ideological purity.  It doesn’t matter if the other side is right. You’re not even allowed to say in some popular circles that President Obama has been right about something.  Trust me because I have said it, and when I have said it, I have been disowned and am still disowned by many.  We don’t want to talk about the truth, because the truth is just a conservative thing, right?  Truth only comes from conservative news organizations.  No liberal news organization is ever capable of telling the truth.  If you live an ideological lie like that, folks, you deserve the government and the tyranny you get, baby.  Put that in your pipes and smoke it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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