Pile Of Prep

Ray of Hope for Romney!? The CEO Channels Basis of Higgs “Crisis & Leviathn” in CNN Interview (yay)

todayAugust 6, 2012 4


Anthony Gregory: The “Progressives” have betrayed civil liberties they used to champion

Books You’re Not Supposed To Read: Justin Raimondo reviews the brilliant pessisimist Gore Vidal’s book on the Founding Generation and what it was REALLY like (note to DeceptiCONS, the anti-war positions of the framers are well fleshed out by Vidal)

Where the jobs aren’t: As I have been telling you the infaltion monster is what is eating the MIDDLE class alive, here’s the graphical proof

Larison: Media pundits discover the irreconcilable flaws in Mitt Romney’s “foreign policy” which is really no policy at all but more like a chant of Republican criticisms against Obama

Raimondo’s Obit for Vidal is worth reading here

VIDEO: Romney & Obama react to WI shootings (as if there is anything the President can do other than PRAY.

HOPE!: Romney kinda smacks down the Fed without really smacking down Bernanke’s sinister QE:1, 2 and 3 BUT Romney goes a long way toward burnishing his moderate-small gubbmint creeds  and sounding like he has read Higgs’ “Crisis & Leviathan”

Romney channeling Higgs “the problem with growing government, among other things, is that it stays long after these little stimulus years.”

MA GOP pulls a “Villere” on Ron Paul delegates, denying them their legally earned seats at GOP in Tampa

REVIEW: Lew Rockwell reviews the new Total Recall flick and likes it – Here is Debbie Schlussell’s review from my show which not too flattering

Charlie Daniels has had enough of Obama and Socialism AND Europeans too. “After November, America my never be America again” said Daniels

FLASHBACK: The Mike Church Show Band’s most popular parody ever “Manuel Went Down to GA” cover of “Devil Went Down…” download/listen in the parody archives

Written by: TheKingDude

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