
Rethinking The Union Is Not Just For Mike, Wilkow Gets In On The Action

todayJanuary 22, 2014 14


Rethinking The American Union Is Not Just For Mike, Wilkow Gets In On The Action

Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!
Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“Let’s say 20 states are going to band together to say: That’s it!  Obamacare, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, wars all around the known universe, trillions of dollars in debt and deficit, unfunded liabilities out the wazoo, there’s no way we want to be a part of this.  Even more important, we do not wish for our posterity to have to suffer under this, so we’re out.  We’re done.  We’re going to pick the federal laws that we think…  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I just wanted to share something with you real quick.  I’m only going to read this particular email in the hopes that it is inspirational, not confrontational, not looking to pick a fight, not looking to pick an argument, not looking to second-guess or micromanage the affairs of anyone else in media or that runs in our circles  here, not do anything other than just share this with you.  You may not have heard it.  I didn’t hear it, and that’s mostly because I don’t listen to other radio shows.  That’s not an indication of the other hosts.  Somebody when I write the book, I’ll explain why.  In any event, a listener writes me to alert me that he was listening to Andrew Wilkow yesterday, and that Wilkow brought up an idea that maybe if 20 or so states just banded together and chose to pick which federal edicts they would adhere to, because there would be strength in numbers, maybe those 20 states could become a smaller, peaceful union inside the United States.

The letter writer says, “This is something way short of an Article V and secession.  I’ve listened to both of your shows faithfully for years and can see that this is quite a jump in thinking for Mr. Wilkow.  He wanted to float this idea amongst his peers on the Patriot Channel.  I would love to know your opinion.  Thanks, Rob.”

Rob, thank you very much.  I did not know that.  As I responded to Rob, I told him: Rob, I’ve brought this up for five years now.  I don’t seek to go: Oh, you’re trying to take credit!  No, there is no credit.  Let me give all the credit to Jefferson.  Jefferson said that every generation ought to consider its own constitution.  Let’s give the idea credit to Jefferson.  I would actually credit Professor Donald Livingston with igniting this fire in me with his great book that too many of you still have not read and we have autographed copies of called Rethinking the American Union for the 21st Century.

Related Material: Mike’s interview with Professor Donald Livingston on “Rethinking The American Union”.

Just based on what the letter writer wrote to me, and based on what Professor Livingston has said about this, and about what I have thought about it — I have muddled this over in my noggin for years.  There are some, myself included that believe that that is really the only way out of the political maelstrom that we’re currently in, which is to wipe the slate clean, form new unions, and start over again.  The danger that comes along with that is, let’s say 20 states were going together to say: That’s it!  Obamacare, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, wars all around the known universe, trillions of dollars in debt and deficit, unfunded liabilities out the wazoo, there’s no way we want to be a part of this.  Even more important, we do not wish for our posterity to have to suffer under this, so we’re out.  We’re done.  We’re going to pick the federal laws that we think ought to still be enforced.  We’re going to re-ratify the Constitution sans a couple of amendments (14th) and we’re going to go about our merry business.

Order your "Secede or Die" T-shirts while supplies last
Mike Church’s famous “America, Secede or Die” engravement art, custom redrawn from Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” engravement of 1857. Order yours today in sizes md-4XXXXL.

The danger of that ought to be obvious to many of you, that is you leave the nucleus of Mordor on the Potomac intact.  If there are things that they think you have and that they want, or there are things that are happening inside of our new territory or new federation that they wish to know about, then we’ll be dealing with the NSA and CIA and every other hell forsaken entity that has been created by that monstrosity as an enemy.  We’ll be the enemy.  Like Patrick Henry said: Are fleets and armies necessary for a work of love and reconciliation?  Where is the enemy in this quarter of the globe that requires this massive accumulation of armies and supplies?  I have news for you, gentlemen, we are that enemy.

We would become the enemy simply because you desire to do what?  This is what just pisses me off to the end of the earth and angers me even more when I think of how many hundreds of millions of fellow citizens don’t care about it.  Here’s what angers me.  All the good people that would undergo this action would be seeking would be peace, liberty, and community.  That’s what we would be seeking.  We no longer want to be a part of a federation that makes war on the entire known universe, even in outer space.  We no longer want to be a part of this shell game that you clowns are playing with trillions of dollars at stake, where bankruptcy and involuntary servitude are all but guaranteed for the future and for future generations.  All you’re doing is seeking what your forefathers sought, which is life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, but more important, legally speaking, independence, the ability to be ruled by your own republican tyrants.  What was that line in the movie The Patriot?  [mocking] “Why should I choose one tyrant 2,000 miles away for 2,000 tyrants ten miles away?”  That’s when Mel Gibson was confronted with South Carolina seceding from Great Britain and joining the American Revolution or the independence movement.

For the gentleman that sent me the letter and for those of you that may have considered the same thing, I think that is a very healthy enterprise.  It gets your brain cells thinking about other solutions to problems outside of the 3×5 index card menu that we are told we may only choose from those options.  [mocking] “You only have these options here.”  Why?  There have to be other options, aren’t there?  Rethinking the American union is something I think that productive people would engage in.  Even if just the thinking of it sparks concern among those that say: Why do you want to leave the party?  We haven’t even brought the punch bowl out yet and you want to leave the party?  We’ve got a cake coming out there.  There’s a chick that’s going to pop out of it.  You’re going to love it.  Why do you want to leave the party?  Even if it never happens but it causes those tyrants and those that are so corrupt to pause for a moment and acknowledge that it is their actions that are bringing it about and maybe they should pursue a different course, then it’s a worthy endeavor.  Let me get to the bottom line.  There is no harm that can come from this exercise, none.  There is a lot of harm that comes from not talking about it and you’re witnessing it right now.  Ken in New Jersey is next.  Hello, Ken.

Caller Ken:  I’m just about five minutes from getting to my car at the office, but I want to clarify the letter writer talking about Wilkow’s plan.  I think I need to clarify a little bit.  He was talking more about 20 or so states getting together and not following particular mandates, and when that would happen, the federal government and the states would get into a legal battle and it would cost the government too much money to enforce those mandates.  If only one state did it, the federal government would eat them alive.  If 20 or 25 states did it, they wouldn’t have the money to defend themselves to enforce that mandate.

Mike:  You’re assuming that the federal government has any consideration for cost whatsoever.  Show me an —

Caller Ken:  That was my question.

Mike:  Show me in the historical record where they care what something costs.

Caller Ken:  I completely agree with you.  I just wanted to clarify what he had presented.

Mike:  It is part of the historical record that when the Virginia Assembly of 1798 and the Kentucky Legislature, when they asked for nullification and interposition against the Alien and Sedition Acts, they sent letters.  They sent letters to the other eleven states and asked them all to join.  Not one state joined them.  If there weren’t states in 1798 that would oppose and organize in legal fashion against the Alien and Sedition Acts as they were being asked to — of course, they could not have known that Jefferson and Madison had anything to do with this.  The fact is, few knew that Jefferson and Madison had anything to do with this because they would have been prosecuted under the sedition part of the Alien and Sedition Acts.  The fact of the matter is that the other states — of course, the northern states were not going to follow Virginia because they hated Virginia, despised Virginia and Virginians.  So no one went along with it.  It’s a long and long and very long shot that a consortium or federation of states, as was suggested yesterday, would ever band together for one solitary and explicit purpose.  I want you to think about this, Ken, and I want the rest of you to think about this.  The Affordable Care Act, part of the enforcement mechanism comes from what entity?

Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike's hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like
Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

Caller Ken:  The IRS.

Mike:  That’s right.  If you’re going to make war against the Affordable Care Act, you’re going to make war against the IRS.  If the states are then going to band together to enforce this, you’re going to have to withhold money, and you’re going to have to tell the IRS: You try to come in here and prosecute Mike Church or Ken from New Jersey, you’re going to have a party on your hands, brother.  It’s going to be a blanket party in a jail cell.  We can’t wait to get our hands on your skanky behind.  In other words, you’re not just waging war against an act, you’re waging war against the agencies that are duty-bound to enforce the act.  You’re also going to find yourself at odds with a few other acts that cost hundreds of billions of dollars: Medicare and Medicaid.  If you’re at war with the IRS, and then you’re at war with the agencies that are created under to administer the Medicare and Medicaid acts, you are basically at war with over half of the federal government.  That’s not a small part of it.

Regardless of how you slice it, and perhaps he didn’t think of it in these terms, you’re basically telling the current American Union goodbye.  You could not then nullify in concert with other states the Affordable Care Act without also nullifying relationships with the agencies that are in charge of implementing it and administering it.  You basically then are saying: We told you guys to stop and you wouldn’t do it. We got on our knees.  We prostrated.  We petitioned.  We did everything the 3×5 index card said we should do.  You guys wouldn’t stop.  We’re out.  Think about that about Rethinking The American Union.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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