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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Citing the Constitution’s Copyright & Patent clause the Roberts SCOTUS will hear a case that will do to garage sales what the Courts did to Limewire and Napster-SHUT THEM DOWN
Reversal of fortune: My favorite Federalist-Johnathan Vilm-is told to shut up and obey his NFL overlord, serve his suspension and be done with it
Channeling my econ guru David Simpson’s BYOB plan, ZeroHedge counsels investments in intrinsic worth items to survive the coming collapse
Romney: I will see your “Sesame Street/Big Bird is more evil than Wall St ad and raise you ending NPR’s funding too, I’m all in”
Their at the Pole…I mean POLL: Reviews of ALL the newest polls and trends shows Obama still leading Romney without Big Bird factored in
Brad Birzer at TIC: Want to save your country? Go back to church and follow Christ young man, follow Christ
Citizens of Libtardia throw Obama under the bus and begin the “I told you so” recriminations over the latest poll results, some friends! But like all parasites, they really only seek out healthy hosts to suckle from
Why is Columbia University so mortified over the teaching of a simple course in Austrian Economics!? Oh but they are…
Win one for the Grifter: Notre Dame lobbies Mordor for…wait for it… Increases in student aid and other subsidies
The geniuses without spellcheck at Yahoo News (read the story carefully) cannot BELIVE there is any unemployment statistic outside of the “beauty pageant” 7.8% fraudulent stat!
Hope: Maybe Romney, if elected will realize that bombing every country on earth and bullying those that remain is not practical and not “what American does” oh and my favorite DeceptiCON word-hubris-is NOT a policy either
AP Photo controversy: Romney draws laughter from some OUTRAGE from the perpetually outraged at Fox and a “I fart in your general direction” from those with a sense of humor
LAst Train to Brokesville: ObamaCare has ALREADY cost the U.S. 30k jobs and it is only 1/4 implemented
Former GE CEO Jack Welch finds out that the “truth industry” is VERY small and doesn’t pay very well if at all
Written by: TheKingDude
AP Photo Austrian Economics big bird Brad Birzer copyright Craigs List david simpson Limewire Napster nfl Notre dame Obama ObamaCare romney scotus unemployment Vilma
todayAugust 28, 2024 124 1
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