insert_link 5 CRUSADE channel The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy todayJuly 27, 2024 98 5
Latest Parrott Talk-Groomers Ruined Mother’s Day PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Social media was full of men pretending to be mothers. These groomers shared pictures of their families, and created posts that celebrated their motherhood. Mike Parrott has a few examples of how these […] todayMay 13, 2024 39
MilkMushMeat on September 24, 2012 So our choice is Nero or Caligula? Wrong. My choice can be a third party or a write-in, and if that’s not available I can choose not to vote. I will never be bullied into voting for one of two poor choices. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on September 24, 2012 The “voting” we have today isn’t so much “voting” as it is a physical exercise, made to in the one instance preserve ownership of your property and the second make it legal to steal said property for “government use.” The civilization that practices this, will only practice it short term before all is lost to subjugation. Log in to Reply
Live free or die fighting for it on September 21, 2012 Just as I was a Tea Party member back before the Tea Party was “cool” and there were only a couple dozen people showing up in the town square, I was also supporting Ron Paul before he was “cool”. As a matter of Principle I cannot, in good faith, EVER under any circumstance vote for EITHER O’Romney or Maobama. I will never again vote for “the lesser of two evils” as that is still voting for evil. We, as a people, MUST stand up for ourselves because it is obvious that our politicians are not going to do it for us. I am swallowing my pride in this next statement. I am starting to think that it would actually be better to have Maobama re-elected for 4 more years than to elect a possible 8 year reign of someone who is just as unprincipled and anti-Constitution as O’Romney. They are both tyrants and dangerous to the American way of life. Even noting the dangers of a reckless lame duck with the possibility of the emergence of the next Thomas Jefferson juxtaposed to the dangers of an empirical neo-con/libtard hybrid for 8 years, I’d take the 4 years hands-down. I feel that to allow the GOP to force the people to vote for a tyrant would show a sign of weakness of the people. While ALL the right’s obtained by our forefather’s are worth dieing for, the right to vote one’s conscience is probably the most important & influential of them all. Because, as long as the polls remain untainted (this is debatable today), it is the only true way for the average citizen to affect change. When the people start holding their government accountable for their actions and violations of the oath of office, only then will the country re-establish it’s moral-compass and regain control of their government. There are many facets to this problem, however, all of which are equally important if we are the effect the end result. They range from the importance of Family & Tradition to education to a truly free press and beyond. Until then, those of us who recognize the problem must remain vigilant in our STRICT adherence to the U.S. Constitution by living our lives as best we can, free of government intervention and dependence. While today this is all but impossible, we as individuals are still able to make certain decisions for ourselves that help to not contribute to the problem. For instance, do not buy a house with FHA, save up the 20% and finance it the econ 101 way, or instead of drawing unemployment for the outrageous 2 years take the job at the local restaurant or dept. store, etc. To be conservative is to LIVE conservative. No One but Ron Paul 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Log in to Reply
johhn millican on September 21, 2012 I think there will be civil war, probably sooner than later. My theory is if Obama wins, within four years. If Romney wins, it may be delayed to six or eight years, but internal division has become so intense that there will be a massive backlash by the people. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on September 21, 2012 I don’t see it because we do not have enough true [r]epublicans in State governments to proceed with secession. They don’t even believe in the right to say no to the general government. That is the first step. Deny and defy, with proper authority. If that fails, declare independence. I see a more dire future where we are persecuted for our political views and objections. I am not sure whether it will be violent on the part of the tyrants or if we shall continue to be ‘nudged’ into compliance or revolt. The technology exists to coerce us without violence and if one dares be nudged to the point of violent resistance, the the public opinion has already been drafted to call us domestic terrorists and lunatics. This can’t be won by trying to fix the system, people must change. They must want to wake up and educate themselves. In any case, I believe we are too outnumbered and both of our views are depressing prospects. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757