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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Ron Paul’s win in the LA Caucus is reported by FoxNews, CNN, OMSNBC, Drudge? Nope, just relayed by those that voted in the LA Caucus and posted the official results: LA Caucus results, District 1
The good news doesn’t end with Louisiana Caucuses though, the Ron Paul campaign has made inroads into many state Rep Party power structures including Alaska
Gottfried: “Weak tea” is indeed what plagues the Te Party’s fortunes these days while the Leftist flash mob known as Occupy enjoys the same public approval but poses FAR more damaging a potential
FoxNews’ promoter of populist democracy (Frank Luntz) claims “conservatives” aren’t really very “conservative” anymore and really want Leviathan run by Mitt Romney not a SMALLER Leviathan
Baier: The Newtster will drop out Wednesday and endorse Governor Romney
Al Queda TNG is organizing and looking for U.S. targets
Prog Rock and Brad Birzer make a dynamic duo of conservative thought!? Well, you just might have to hear Birzer’s lecture to decide
What’s $1.5 TRILLION Between tax-paying friends and the Pentagon!? New aircraft that isn’t really new, the F-35 STILL won’t fly after 20+ years of being a flying money-pit
Mish: The Obama Recovery is now flatlining while Europe is on life support, the recession has already begun but the numbers won’t confirm until AFTER the elections (shockuh!)
Social Insecurity is set to go bust a LOT sooner than anyone thinks and has lost $2 TRILLION in ‘worth” in just 3 years
More on the Ron Paul LA Caucus win and what it means
Red vs Blue, Yankees vs Red Sox begins: Obama campaign says Romney is a ninny who would not have had bin Laden killed, Romneybots respond that Romney would have called the mission with glee
WSJ warns you [r]epublican “liberals” to “Obey your federal overlords” and gleefully submit to the NDAA being implemented by your state troopers at traffic stops or else you’ll be bombed back to 1776
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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