
Rules For Modern Men

todayOctober 20, 2015 1


How Boys Become Sissies

Jefferson_Remnant_Ver_1Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Let’s go back to yesterday’s discussion about men “growing sets” and being real men.  That means being virtuous men, standing in the company and the presence of females and not drooling all over them, instead wishing to impart to them: I am your knight in white, shining armor.  No need to fear me, sister.  I’m here to protect.  That’s just one of the things.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let’s go back to yesterday’s discussion about men “growing sets” and being real men.  That means being virtuous men, standing in the company and the presence of females and not drooling all over them, instead wishing to impart to them: I am your knight in white, shining armor.  No need to fear me, sister.  I’m here to protect.  That’s just one of the things.  Listen to this story.  Brian Lombardi writing Friday, “27 Ways to Be a Modern Man.”  Gentlemen, if you don’t’ want to read this story, take my word for it.  You’re not going to find anything in here that you’re going to want to do so that you can become a modern man.


Being a modern man today is no different than it was a century ago. It’s all about adhering to principle. Sure, fashion, technology and architecture change over time, as do standards of etiquette, not to mention ways of carrying oneself in the public sphere.

[end reading]

Mike:  He’s wrong.  Right from the get go he’s wrong.  Etiquette does not change.  Manners don’t change.  If something is — why do we have manners?  Somebody has to answer these questions and somebody has to confront these fools.  For what purpose do we have manners?  What do we need manners for?  We can’t sell them.  If I told you to draw me a picture of manners — Paul, can you draw me a picture of manners?  Can you show me a photograph of manners?

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Paul:  Like a Venn diagram or something like that?

Mike:  No, just draw me a picture of manners.  Could you draw me a picture of justice?  You might be able to draw the scales of justice, but could you draw the principle of justice?  No.  You can’t draw the principle of manners.  Etiquette does not change.  If etiquette changes then, what does it change to?  If it doesn’t change for the better, what was the purpose of changing it?  If you’re going to go along with this, [mocking] “Everything’s gotta evolve,” why does it have to evolve?  No one ever answers the question of why things must progress.  This is a heresy in thinking of sorts.  To say that things must progress is to rely then or base that opinion upon that things that have come before, everything that has come before has been unsatisfactory.  I can shoot that argument down out of the sky in one fell swoop.  Life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, argument concluded.  Back to the piece:


Sure, fashion, technology and architecture change over time, as do standards of etiquette, not to mention ways of carrying oneself in the public sphere. But the modern man will take the bits from the past that strike him as relevant and blend them with the stuff of today.

[end reading]

Mike:  Relevant to what?  Here we are off on horrifically erroneous thinking.  Do you want to hear what number one is in “27 Ways to Be a Modern Man”?


27 ways to be metrosexual1. When the modern man buys shoes for his spouse, he doesn’t have to ask her sister for the size. And he knows which brands run big or small.

[end reading]

Mike:  I have never been asked, nor have I ever been tempted, to purchase a pair of shoes for my spouse.  Have you?  You can read the rest.


6. Before the modern man heads off to bed, he makes sure his spouse’s phone and his kids’ electronic devices are charging for the night.

[end reading]

Mike:  You’re assuming that, number one, the modern man can be bothered to get married, unless he’s marrying Steve.  Number two, since he married Steve, he’s not going to have any kids.  I believe he’s describing the modern metrosexual, and I’m not sure if the metrosexual is a man.


13. The modern man listens to Wu-Tang at least once a week.

[end reading]

Mike:  Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to inform you that I thus am an antediluvian man (that’s before the flood).


20. On occasion, the modern man is the little spoon. Some nights, when he is feeling down or vulnerable, he needs an emotional and physical shield.

26. The modern man cries. He cries often.

27. People aren’t sure if the modern man is a good dancer or not. That is, until the D.J. plays his jam and he goes out there and puts on a clinic.

[end reading]

Mike:  Let’s contrast the modern man in the New York Times to this, the story of Chris Mintz:


Among the survivors of the mass shooting at an Oregon community college last week is one man whose heroic actions have gained national attention. Chris Mintz, a 30-year-old former Army infantryman, was shot five times while attempting to protect his fellow students.

According to one eyewitness, when the shooting began Mintz ran into the school library, pulling fire alarms and warning others to get out. He then ran back toward the building where the shooter was and tried to barricade a classroom door. He was shot three times through the door. When the gunman entered, Mintz, wounded and lying on the floor, tried to reason with him. “It’s my son’s birthday, don’t do this,” he said. The gunman shot him two more times and moved on.

Mintz was hit in the upper back, abdomen, left hand, and upper and lower leg. Both his legs were broken in the attack. His family has said he’ll have to learn to walk again. The media have hailed Mintz as a hero, and by all accounts he is. The day after the shooting, he told ABC News, “I just hope that everyone else is okay.”

The Age of the Beta Male [Mike: The beta male is the metrosexual loser that I was just reading to you about from the New York Times.]

Too often these days we hear about weak modern men, so-called beta males who are unwilling to risk their safety on another’s behalf. The embodiment of this new archetype was the man who did nothing as a man stabbed another man to death with a pocket knife on a crowded Washington DC, subway car the afternoon of July 4, and then took to Reddit to justify his cowardice.


Some readers were outraged when I wrote about that—not at the bystander but at me, for suggesting he was a coward and that I would have reacted differently. I do not claim to know how I would have reacted, either in that subway car or the community college in Oregon. None of us do. But every man and woman should be able to say, clear-eyed and without hesitation, that we hope we’d react the Sissy Nationway Mintz did last week. He is the opposite of the beta male who defends his refusal to act, utterly dependent on the courage of others.

I say “beta male” to provoke, but also to describe. In our egalitarian age, it’s in vogue to say men should not be manly, they should not necessarily possess virtues like courage or valor, [Mike: Courage, by the bye, is one of the seven gifts that you will receive from the Holy Spirit.] they should not “mansplain” things. Manliness is the legacy of a sexist past, we’re told, the mark of white male privilege, and should be discouraged from a young age.

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[end reading]

Mike:  We do a good job of that.  We don’t do a good job of anything else in school anymore do we?  But we can sure turn boys into sissies, and those sissies into adult wussies, can’t we?  Dressed in tight jeans with their hair all quaffed up on top of their heads smelling of that Axe crap.  Not smelling, wreaking of that Axe garbage, whatever that is.  This author said we should expect more from men, John Daniel Davidson.  We talked about this yesterday and have talked about this for a couple years here on this program.  This guy is onto something.  He cites this piece and then says this “27 … Modern Man” thing is just preposterous.


In an era when identity is ever malleable, when Bruce Jenner can decide one day he is Caitlyn, or when marriage between a man and woman is no different than marriage between two men, it’s understandable that some would deny there is any such thing as “masculine” traits or virtues.

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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