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Ryan Doesn’t Make Romney Conservative

todayAugust 13, 2012 3

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    Ryan Doesn’t Make Romney Conservative ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – What exactly is conservative about voting for TARP, about the GM/Chrysler bailout, about voting for the Medicare Part D, voting for and supporting afterwards the “No Child Gets an Education” Act and supporting endeavors in federal education?  These things are all patently unconstitutional.  I will give anyone credit for saying if the choice is between doing a buttload of harm with Obama/Biden and doing less harm with Romney/Ryan, then doing less harm to your current and future home is obviously the choice you have to make.  Staying home as a show of protest or whatever, that’s just silly. Check out today’s clip and transcript for more…

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    Ryan Doesn’t Make Romney Conservative ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Hello, Ty, how are you?

Caller Ty:  I’m doing really well, Mr. Church.  Thanks for taking my call.

Mike:  You’re very welcome, sir.  Thanks for making the effort.

Caller Ty:  I don’t know how much effort I made, but I’ll try to put in my two cents’ worth.  You had a caller earlier, and I’ve heard other callers from your show previous who said basically not voting is — if you’re a Dr. Paul supporter or if you just don’t think Mitt Romney is conservative enough, that not voting is basically a vote for President Obama.  I just see it completely differently.  I think if Mitt Romney is who you want to be president, then by all means, vote for him.  If he’s not and you vote for him, then you’re basically wasting your vote.  If you don’t vote for either one of the candidates, it seems to me you leave a void in the marketplace of ideas.  Some candidate is going to have to come along and earn your vote.  It seems to me, if you just vote for Mitt Romney because he’s not Obama or he’s the Republican candidate, it seems to me it’s a waste of your vote.  That’s my two cents’ worth anyway.

Mike:  So you should vote your conscience, in others words.  You should be a principled voter.

Caller Ty:  Sure, sure.  That’s not just in voting, but it seems to me in all walks of life you should be principled.  Maybe that underscores why we’re in such a mess that we’re in, because we don’t seem to be very principled anymore as a society.  I think our leaders reflect that.  They’re just a reflection of us, to some extent.

Mike:  I would just like to plant a seed in your mind, Ty.  Think about this.  The rest of you listening, think about this.  The unenviable and politically perilous position to be advocating and talking about right now is not to be endorsing or stumping for Obama/Biden.  By the way, I have two campaign slogans — I should make them into bumper stickers — two campaign slogans for Obama/Biden.  Number one: We have discovered what is at the heart of the Obama/Biden 2012 campaign, and it is that it doesn’t have a heart.  Number two: Obama/Biden 2012, because some people are still employed.

The non-politically perilous place to be if you’re in my position or if you’re a writer or television personality, on a news network, anything of the sort, is to either be a proponent and a defender and promoter of the Obama/Biden ticket or the Romney/Ryan ticket.  The politically perilous and dangerous position to be and to hold is to be one of the ones that says, “Wait a minute.  You guys are running around using this term and using it very forcefully, conservative this and conservative that.  We’d actually like to know what conservative means to you now.”  Apparently now, according to Rich Lowry on the National Review Online, and this is not a revelation.  We have new listeners tuning in now because the campaign is heating up.  If you’ve never listened to this show before, you have to give it either weeks.  I’ve already gotten two tweets today, [mocking] “What are you doing on a channel called Patriot?  Why aren’t you supporting Romney/Ryan, you jerk?”

What exactly is conservative about voting for TARP, about the GM/Chrysler bailout, about voting for the Medicare Part D, voting for and supporting afterwards the “No Child Gets an Education” Act and supporting endeavors in federal education?  These things are all patently unconstitutional.  I will give anyone props and credit for saying if the choice is between doing a buttload of harm with Obama/Biden and doing less harm with Romney/Ryan, then doing less harm to your current and future home is obviously the choice you have to make.  Staying home as a show of protest or whatever, that’s just silly.  You’re also going to have Gary Johnson on the ballot in all 50 states for the Libertarian Party, and probably a few other cranks out there that will make the ballot for some unknown party.  They won’t be on the ballots in all states.  Some states have write-in.  You can write in candidates in some states.

If you’re pragmatically trying to make the case, that’s fine.  If you’re trying to make the case, like I was telling the gentleman earlier, that this is a conservative vote, you’re not conserving anything.  You’re slowing the bleeding down.  What are you voting to conserve?  There are some of us that think and still believe that the New Deal does need to be undone.  I never accepted it.  I never signed up for this social compact or this social contract that these goons run around saying if you don’t support it now, there’s something wrong with you.  Did you vote on that?  I didn’t.

Caller Ty:  No, I didn’t.  In order for a contract to be enforceable, you have to have the agreement of all parties and it has to be in writing.

Mike:  That’s right, and I do not agree.

Caller Ty:  Me neither.

Mike:  I continue to be insulted and people calling me names, questioning my integrity and my patriotism, because number one, I want to see the wars ended and I want to see the troops brought home and the empire overseas dismantled.  I want defense to be what we do.  I want to have a War Department and if we don’t need it, we don’t have to have a War Department.  We have a Department of the Navy, which the Constitution says we should have.  These are all things that minimize the threat to our liberty from the state.

You people seem to think that just because Republicans are going to run the giant leviathan, that all of a sudden you’re going to wake up one morning and it’s going to be your buddy, your friend, the leviathan is going to hold your hand.  I got news for you.  The same bureaucrats that are tormenting you today under the aegis of the Obama administration, will still be the same bureaucrats that will torment you under the aegis and under the umbrella of the Romney administration.  There may be less of them, but they’ll still be there.  Don’t feed me this line that this is conservative.  Again, it may be practical, I will grant you that, and I think that’s truth in advertising.  I don’t have a problem with that.  I could support it on a practical, from a purely short-term practical matter, but principally and politically speaking, there’s not an awful lot here.  Say what you will about all these things, the records don’t lie.

We just had this blowout last week with Ann Coulter and members of the non-mainstream media, which are other people that have radio shows that aren’t this one, throwing major hissy fits for the spokesman for Governor Romney.  I wonder if the calls are still in place to fire Andrea Saul, or has now all been forgiven because Paul Ryan has been chosen?  We have some more digital media files.  They were on 60 Minutes together last night.  I actually have not heard this other than one cut I heard from the bubble-headed bleach-blondes on the early edition of Fox and Friends this morning.  Andrew, who did the interview?  Was it Steve Croft?

AG:  It was Bob Schieffer.

Mike:  It was Bob Schieffer, who usually does Face the Nation during the — he’s usually not on 60 Minutes.  He’s the host of Face the Nation.  Here’s Bob Schieffer with Romney and Ryan or just Ryan?

AG:  They’re both sitting there, but it’s just Ryan.

Mike:  It’s just Ryan, “the country is in a perilous position.”

[start audio clip]

Paul Ryan: I’ve felt for a while now that our country is in a very perilous position.  I’ve done everything I could in my career as Chairman of the Budget Committee to try to make a difference, to tackle this economic and fiscal challenge before it tackles us.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Democratic attacks on Romney are a distraction:

[start audio clip]

Paul Ryan: What I see happening is the president has a terrible record, so he can’t run on that.  He didn’t moderate his positions whatsoever throughout his term.  He doesn’t really have much to run on.  He’s going to try to run on these distractions.  He’s going to try to divide people, to distract people to try to win this election.  That’s why these attacks against a record that is outstanding, a record of creating businesses and turning around struggling businesses.  That’s what we want to see happen throughout the country because it creates more jobs, it creates better take-home pay, gives people better futures.  Why wouldn’t we want a leader like that, who knows how to make those kinds of executive decisions in the White House to help us turn this economy around?

[end audio clip]

Mike:  I must say that glorifying the term take-home pay, most people wouldn’t even think about that.  Why do we have the term “take-home pay”?  That’s another thing I didn’t sign up for.  I didn’t sign up for this tax me for healthcare for when I’m 80 years old, Medicare tax.  I didn’t sign up for it.  No one Congress can bind another other than an edict or enumeration in the Constitution.  Why do I have to worry about take-home pay?  All my pay ought to be take-home pay.  You don’t get any of it.  You get your excises, your imposts, your duties and your tariffs as the Constitution says and that’s it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Eric Lebo on August 14, 2012

    Once again I agree with you Mike.
    I say if the republicans want to be the lesser of two evils or democrat-lite as I put it.
    They deserve to lose EVERY SINGLE TIME. If this union goes through an economical collapse. Sp be it.
