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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
DeceptiCONNED: NRO writer thinks ANY ruling made by the SCOTUS is “the Supreme law of the land” apparently he has never read the “in pursuance thereof” clause nearby or is just another yale educated “constitutional scholar” (like Obama)
After reading Scalia’s AZ Case Opinion I am even more demure in saying that we live in a penitentiary-there is no escape-and there is no law other than what our Imperial masters make for us whether we agree with it or not
More coverage of the SCOTUS AZ tyranny – gee, I cannot wait to see what these bungling barristers do with ObamaCare!
The “activist” SCOTUS!? Ha! That is a howler-here are some facts
Kindergarten-where you send your kids to learn how to dress like the opposite sex… and LIKE IT
NY Slimes has studied the issue of the SCOTUS new “rightward lurch” and concluded it is a myth
If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State. I dissent. – Antonin Scalia on AZ decision
Obama’s DHS suspends communication with AZ, so I ask the question: WHY should Arizonans stay in the union, pay their taxes, admit ANY Feds? Independence, anyone?
Written by: TheKingDude
arizona conservative Homeland Inseccurity Independence Kindergarten Scalia scotus
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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john difiore on June 27, 2012
Thank you for the response and link to further reading, Mike. I like your show and value your opinion, so I don’t want to see you stretch yourself out of shape just to have a different opinion from other talk show hosts. Scalia may not be a SCOTUS justice that you like, but if he is the only one who decided correctly in the Arizona case, then it is more proper to attack the opinions of one of the other eight justices. Go ahead and rip apart Justice Roberts if you need a right-wing target in this case.
john difiore on June 26, 2012
Mike, I don’t understand why you devote your efforts on the show to arguing with the opinion of Justice Scalia when he is the only one whose opinion is closest to your own. There are eight other justices whose opinions were contradictory to constitutional law, as you often describe it, yet you analyze Scalia’s opinion down to the letter and complain that he is deluded in his thinking about the issue. It doesn’t make sense to me why you would do that.
TheKingDude on June 26, 2012
If you had read Scalia’s opinion in Raich vs Gonzales or that chapter in Gutzman/Woods “Who Killed The Constitution” you would know that Scalia is an “Incorporationista”. It is not my job or purpose to heap adulation on SCTOUS jurists who have become darlings of officially corrupt Mordor simply because “everyone else does it.” Here’s more on Scalia’s treachery from the SCOTUS bench: