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Secession Should Happen and It Should Be On Our Terms

todayOctober 11, 2012 11

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    Secession Should Happen and It Should Be On Our Terms ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – If you don’t want to be a citizen of the world, if you’re tired of being told you have to subscribe to the UN’s Agenda 21 and this, that and the other from the United Nations and the European Union and all that stuff, then get out of it.  Lead the way.  Of course, the Constitution, that glorious document, provides us all the methodology needed to accomplish this.  This is within your power, my friends.  You’re told that it’s not because to break up the party is to take the money and the power back from those that continue to, in a corrupt fashion, steal it from you and steal it from our children on a daily basis.  So I say to those that are bitching about how Chicago is rotten and how Chicago screws up Illinois politics: secede from them. Check out the rest in today’s audio and transcript…

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    Secession Should Happen and It Should Be On Our Terms ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Pick up your “Secede or Die” Shirt right here!

Mike:  I want to go back to the angst from the caller from Nebraska and this situation we seem to be stuck with.  If we’re going to turn back and look back historically at what the founding generation, and I would even suggest that the two generations after the founding generation, until Lincoln killed that spirit of ’76 inside of them and made the right of choosing your own form of government some kind of crime in the eyes of some of you lunatics out there and the Lincoln lovers, before any of that happened, history shows us it was a common practice to divide states, even large states — the states weren’t always in the shape they’re in today — divide states into smaller polities.  This was to better administer the services and forms of government.

There were, obviously, differences between the people that lived in the northern part of the Dakota and the southern part of the Dakota, thus you have two today.  There are obviously differences from those that lived in the western part of Virginia and Virginia.  That’s why you have West Virginia, ironically seceded and carved out of Virginia illegally by President, the tyrant, Lincoln.  This was why the people west of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, all the way to the Mississippi River in what you know today as Kentucky, decided that they wanted to have their own state.  They wanted to elect their own United States senators.  They formed that state out of the bosom of Virginia.  As a matter of fact, any one of you that lives in Kentucky, you probably know this better than I.  I’ve only traveled Kentucky twice in my life and I marveled at the names of the counties.  You can’t swing a dead cat near Lexington, Kentucky without hitting a county that’s named after a Virginia farmer: Madison County, Henry County, Washington County, Jefferson County, Taylor County, Randolph County.

The entire of the country that we know today was carved out of larger bodies that formed themselves into smaller, sovereign entities.  Folks, this is not an option.  This has to happen.  It is ridiculous to me, absolutely unconscionable that we don’t have the critical thinkers out there that are leading the way on this.  Why aren’t there leaders in southern Illinois demanding that Chicago leave them alone?  Why isn’t that happening?  Why aren’t you people in New York marching on Albany with torches and pitchforks demanding a federation convention of the State of New York to figure out how to divvy the state up?  Who cares if Congress doesn’t admit you back into the union.  You’re probably better off.  You divide the northern part of New York as Bill Kauffman the author wants to do, into the State of Iroquois.  You have the Adirondack State, Long Island.  You could just take New York and you could have the European Union.  You could have 15 different polities there.  My point is not to dwell on how this happened but to encourage the debate to start over it so it can happen.

The reason I bring this up, we had this report yesterday that ObamaCare has begun to work its horrors.  Since it has begun to work its horror, a new study out there says it’s already cost $27.6 billion and killed 30,000 jobs.  There are many of you out in rural areas and smaller-scale suburban areas that want nothing to do with the city-dwelling folks and their clinics and their HMOs and PPOs and all that.  You want Doc Hollywood.  You want Michael J. Fox, Doc Hollywood.  You want Marcus Welby, MD.  You can’t have him as long as you have ObamaCare.  Right now, the Senate is divided into 50 states’ worth of senators, 100 senators.  Just imagine for a moment, since illegally, in my opinion illegally, the Congress stopped apportioning the House of Representin’ according to the census, which they are supposed to do every time you have a census.  They fail to do this every decade since 1930.

Since they won’t do that and Congress won’t divvy its own house up, there’s another way that you and I can do this.  We can do this by dividing our states up, and then each new state — as I said, if they don’t admit us into the union, glory be, oh happy day — is then accorded two brand-new United States senators.  Just imagine the St. Tammany Republic here where I live in southeastern Louisiana, Western St. Tammany, Eastern St. Tammany Parish, Washington Parish, Tangipahoa Parish.  We might let parts of East Baton Rouge Parish and maybe Ascension Parish in.  No, scratch Baton Rouge.  You’re on your own.  Just imagine that you have your own two United States senators.  All of a sudden, after we get done divvying the power up and after we kick the inner cities and sentence them to suffer under the silly redistribution of wealth that they thought was their ticket to utopia, when you can’t suckle off the farmers and the suburbanites anymore in your little inner cities, what’s going to happen to them?  You’ll either get back to being productive, you’ll get back to being classy, you’ll get back to being virtuous or you’ll perish.  You’ll be third world.  People will leave in droves.  This is the natural course of things.  This has to happen, and it will happen.

The best way for it to happen is for people, good American citizens, or good citizens of whatever new republic or federation is founded, to lead the way.  Do it under your terms, not the terms that someone wants to impose on you.  This is the manner of political thinking that would characterize a Jeffersonian, ladies and gentlemen.  If I sound shocking to you, I’m basically repeating things that I have read the Jeffersonians, and yes that would include Thomas, say and write and advocate when they were still alive.  This is what makes up good [r]epublicans.  If you’re wondering why I say this show administers daily doses of the founders red pill, it does.  What’s the founders red pill?  Teach republicanism.  Republicanism is the closest thing to a perfect commonwealth form of government that you’re going to find.  It’s not perfect and it requires eternal vigilance in its administration to preserve the people’s liberty, but it is the best form, handed down all the way from Athens, now today to what new republics form in Europe where they had the good sense to form their own republics.  Why isn’t the United States leading here?

If you don’t want to be a citizen of the world, if you’re tired of being told you have to subscribe to the UN’s Agenda 21 and this, that and the other from the United Nations and the European Union and all that stuff, then get out of it.  Lead the way.  Of course, the Constitution, that glorious document, provides us all the methodology needed to accomplish this.  This is within your power, my friends.  You’re told that it’s not because to break up the party is to take the money and the power back from those that continue to, in a corrupt fashion, steal it from you and steal it from our children on a daily basis.  So I say to those that are bitching about how Chicago is rotten and how Chicago screws up Illinois politics: secede from them.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Blockade Runner on October 18, 2012

    Secession was the founders’ response to tyranny. Shouldn’t it be ours?

    Synopsis for a book entitled SECESSION. Imagine….It’s Family & Barter Day at an independent Christian Cowboy Church that never bothered applying for 501c3 status. Members have set up a prepper workshop, and various families have brought honey, preserves, jerky, raw milk, firearms and household items to trade and swap, no federal reserve notes are used, and no tax is paid. A raid by combined Federal mafia of FDA, ATF, IRS and FBI, degenerates into strip searches of some of the wives and daughters. Several fathers and sons resists, only to be tazed, nuetralized and handcuffed. A quiet member, a local sheriff’s deputy, slips out to his pick-up for his rifle, and calls for back-up.

    Within minutes, a makeshift posse of heavily armed local farmers, ranchers and first responders arrive, and a stand-off insues when an agent is shot and killed, and two church members are wounded, one a fiesty 14yr old highschool athelete. Feds promise to return and deal harshly with resistance. The mayor and county commissioner, who is a cousin of the governor, secure his promise to garner support in the state house for a resolution condemning armed federal action within the state. The DOJ responds that they will begin to enforce an embargo on agricultural products from the state. Neighboring states express outrage and solidarity, and soon, a half-a dozen states are poised for a stand-off with the arrogant regional director of Homeland Security.

    The White House calls for the mobilization of a U.S. Army unit, it is unable to respond, because over 60% of it’s members are from the states affected. The president utilizes an executive order to then dispatch a Ukranian and Serbian unit at Ft. Polk on a training assignment, to form a cordone around the state capital in Oklahoma City. There governers from the effected states are meeting with legislative leaders and church leaders to discuss a constitutional remedy. Things go badly awry from there, as Sooners from as far away as Muskogee pour into the state capital, and engage the foreign troops from neighborhood to neighborhood, assisted by police, sheriff deputies and street gangs, virtually slaughtering the Europeans who had donned blue UN arm bands…. Electrical power to the defiant states is shut off. A six state region, suddenly plunged into helplessness, quickly descends into chaos and anarchy.

    Except, that about this time, groups law men, preppers, and military who have been meeting for bible study, days of fasting and prayer for two years, begin to see their prayers for revival being answered. Instead of the blackout destroying the will of the people to resist, amazingly, it quickly brings the population to it’s knees, not in surrender to the national authorities, but to God… Charity and dependence upon their neighbors, and a newly rediscovered spirit of piety and community, and an awakened courage anchored upon reliance upon Divine Providence, enables David to once again stand against Goliath.

    A convention of the six initially-involved states plus 3 others calls for the formation of a new nation, based on a combination of the Articles of Confederation and the original U.S. constitution, including an enhanced Bill of Rights that codifies Christianity as the official religion, outlaws abortion and tax on income, and specifically includes military grade weapons for resisting government, in the new 2nd ammendment. When the forces of the North American Union and NATO are put on alert, and the beginnings of total martial law is introduced in states threatening to join the new breakaway union, Texas, finally leaving the sidelines, announces that, It too, is declaring independence, and will divide up into 5 distinct states, per it’s constitution, though not without in-fighting. One of the ‘new’ states, Austin, expresses it’s desire to remain part of the U.S. This does not prevent the new Republic of Texas from entering an alliance with the nine states already seceeded, in which they promise free trade, and mutual defense.

    The move is quickly followed by Montana, which forms a union with Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and the Dakotas, and likewise pledges cooperation with Texas and Federation of the Mid-South (OK, Kan, Mo, Ar, La, Ms, Al, Tn, Ky) Now it becomes 3 new young, strong, heavily-armed and determined countries to one strained, over-weight, corrupt government. Military units begin reporting to the governors of the states, while sheriffs and state guard units begin imposing sanctions on federal agents, and virtually all U.S. government bureau and department offices close. Washington begins to experience serious rifts, when the Spirit of Revival, not to mention the ‘writing on the wall’ reaches the U.S. capital. A sudden and severe natural disaster, which strikes D.C., is seen by the whole world as the hand of God, and a handfull of devout Sheriffs and military leaders begins to speak truth to the conscience of a sick land. Areas uneffected by the spiritual wind, mainly major cities, become dark jungles full of death and terror, while more and more of the countryside, experiences amazing peace and cooperation. The overall reaction spells a new birth of freedom and a widespread return to faith in the God of our fathers ,in the former United States. Wholesale demands for arrests and trials at the highest levels, sets about to make things right. America will go on, but it will happily never be the same.

  2. Dallon on October 13, 2012

    Drudge report today… Oct 13… UN to tax the internet. You probably saw it. Enjoy your show and daily clip when I miss the show. Thanx, Mike.
