Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these fuckers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.
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by Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute
Ever since an American Indian cried and lied on camera, claiming that he was harassed and disrespected by a group of high school boys from Covington Catholic high school at the end of the March for Life, the boys and their families have had their lives, their bodies, and their professions threatened. You can read about the well-documented lies by clicking here.
Speaking in response to the incident, Covington student Nick Sandmann (the student who had a drum beat inches from his face) released a statement indicating that he and his family have been receiving threats since it was first reported.
Sandmann said:
“I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.”
As the event has gone viral, so has the vitriol. In addition to individual threats received in private, some celebrities have publicly called for doxing and violence against the boys.
For instance, disgraced “comedienne” Kathy Griffin posted a tweet calling for the doxing (identifying of private information) of the boys of Covington high school, saying, “Shame them.”
A DJ in Los Angeles also took to twitter saying, “LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT B***H TO THE GROUND.” He also called for people angered by the reports to “Fire on the MAGA c***su*****. On sight.”
Just this morning, classes were cancelled at Covington Catholic high school over fear for the safety of the students as threats continued to pour in and the American Indian Movement chapter of Kentucky and Indiana planned to hold a protest outside the Diocese of Covington’s offices.
But rather than acting as true shepherds, whose mission is to guide and protect members of the Catholic faith, at least three United States bishops threw these boys to the wolves.
Shortly after news of the alleged disrespectful behavior came out, Bishop Foys issued a statement through his diocesan office condemning the boys, apologizing to Nathan Phillips (the Indian at the center of the controversy), and asserting an investigation that could result in expulsion.
And he wasn’t alone.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore also released a statement, saying:
“The Archdiocese of Baltimore condemns the disrespect shown toward a Native American elder during the March for Life. Respect for life demands all are treated with dignity.”
The normally reserved Archbishop Kurtz even joined the condemnations by issuing a statement saying:
“I join with Bishop Foys in condemning the actions of the Covington Catholic students towards Mr. Nathan Phillips and the Native American Community yesterday in Washington. I have every confidence that the leadership of the Diocese of Covington will thoroughly investigate what occurred and address those all involved in this shameful act of disrespect.”
American jurisprudence requires the presumption of innocence in the face of accusations, but the court of public opinion holds no such regulation. Unfortunately, these three bishops rushed to judgement before investigating what actually happened, and now, because the shepherds refused to defend the sheep, these boys are in real danger.
Let’s remember that what took place in Washington, DC was a verbal assault on minors by two different groups of grown men. These men not only verbally harassed, threatened, intimidated, and cussed at this group of high school children … some as young as 12 … but they videoed them and plastered their images all over social media.
These boys deserved protection, first and foremost from their pastors, but they were abandoned by them. They deserved protection from responsible journalists, but instead were directly targeted and smeared by them. And now, their entire lives are being tossed upside down.
Amazingly, despite the mounting evidence that these boys were seriously harassed and slandered by an American Indian activist, Bishop Foys continues to discuss potential “corrective action” against them. The Archdiocese of Baltimore has likewise refused to apologize for rushing to judge the boys, repeating the condemnation “of disrespect and denigration toward any person or group based on the color of their skin, their religious or ethnic heritage, or immigrant status.” While both bishops have taken a “softer” stance toward what happened due to the release of new evidence, neither have apologized for their part in placing those boys in danger. Even Archbishop Kurtz is refusing to take measures to defend and protect the boys against what is becoming a violent leftist mob.
In an updated statement, Abp. Kurtz said:
“I have received many calls and email messages with seemingly opposite messages about the incidences involving Covington Catholic High School students at the March for Life. Many of these calls and messages have revealed the regrettable polarization in our Church and in our society.
I have sought to act in solidarity with the Bishop of Covington, who is in a position to have the best information about what transpired and who has pledged an independent investigation of the situation. (See the statement from the Diocese of Covington below.) At this time, I am not going to get ahead of the Diocese of Covington’s independent investigation with additional comments.
I want to assure those who are concerned that I am confident that Bishop Foys and the school will reach out and respond to those who were impacted by these events and media reports.”
And now, Nathan Phillips, a man who has been proved to have lied on nearly every aspect of his account of this debacle, is amazingly calling for Nick Sandmann … who did NOTHING wrong … to be expelled for not apologizing to him.
This whole situation has gotten way out of hand, and the blame rests in large part on bishops who not only refused to defend these boys, but even joined in the virtual lynch mob!
Written by: candacechurch
Covington Catholic School lePanto institute MAGA March for Life Michael Hichborn Nathan Phillips Nick Sandmann
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