Daily Clip

Sorry Libs, but The Constitution IS A Compact

todayAugust 7, 2014 5

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    Sorry Libs, but The Constitution IS A Compact TheKingDude

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “I told you that we didn’t need James Madison to complete the circle.  We can have Madison, that’s fine, but you don’t need him to complete the circle.  Whether Madison sanctioned it or not doesn’t matter.  It’s irrelevant.  It helps when you’re trying to convince people of certain things, that you can have famous people to rely upon and quote, but it’s not necessary.  All that is necessary is a healthy and correct understanding of what a compact is, which is not hard to understand.  To explain that and then to explain the issue of sovereignty, which is another one that is misunderstood, if we understand all these things, then we can arrive at some political solutions or some solutions for some of the problems that we collectively face.  I had received some comments on the nullification piece over the weekend as it was displayed.  One woman was trying to inform me, [mocking] “You don’t know what you’re talking about.  Compacts don’t matter.”  The Constitution is not a compact.

Check out today’s audio Clip of The Day & Exclusive transcript for the rest….

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    Sorry Libs, but The Constitution IS A Compact TheKingDude


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    Sorry Libs, but The Constitution IS A Compact TheKingDude

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  We had done a segment last week on nullification and on nullifying federal laws.  I had done just a small, brief clinic, a rehash.  We went over some material we had covered in the past having to do with interposition and nullification.  I told you that we didn’t need James Madison to complete the circle.  We can have Madison, that’s fine, but you don’t need him to complete the circle.  Whether Madison sanctioned it or not doesn’t matter.  It’s irrelevant.  It helps when you’re trying to convince people of certain things, that you can have famous people to rely upon and quote, but it’s not necessary.  All that is necessary is a healthy and correct understanding of what a compact is, which is not hard to understand.  That’s number one.  Number two, was the Constitution ratified as a compact?  Yes, it was.  Then what does that then mean for the parties that have signed onto or even in the future might sign onto the compact?  We know what it used to mean.  Today we don’t know what it means anymore, but we know what it used to mean.

To explain that and then to explain the issue of sovereignty, which is another one that is misunderstood, if we understand all these things, then we can arrive at some political solutions or some solutions for some of the problems that we collectively face.  I had received some comments on the nullification piece over the weekend as it was displayed.  One woman was trying to inform me, [mocking] “You don’t know what you’re talking about.  Compacts don’t matter.  The Constitution is not a compact.  We have to obey federal policy.  We don’t get our choice in whether we can have a menu that we want to disregard and we want to do this and we want to do that,” to which I gently and calmly responded: Well, if it is a compact, as I have argued, and as Albert Taylor Bledsoe drew out for us in the greatest legal case ever presented for us, and the historical case in his book available in my Founders Tradin’ Post at MikeChurch.com, Is Davis A Traitor — if you want to argue that point, the point you are arguing is that the Constitution is a Hotel California.  You can check in anytime you like but you can never leave.  I would also argue that, if that’s the case, if it’s not a compact, then why is there language in it to amend it, and the only people that can amend it are people that are parties to it?  There’s no getting out of the Constitution as a compact.  First graders, kindergarteners ought to understand this. [/private]

Mike Church's own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.
Mike Church’s own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.

Just to try to make this as simple as is humanly possible, so that when you’re talking about how to redistribute some of this power that’s being weighed over your head, an understanding of the Constitution or of constitutions as a compact is necessary, it’s important.  What is the amendatory process?  If the Constitution is the law of the land — it can be amended, we all know that — what’s the process?  What’s the process?  We know that in two instances the power to amend was almost wholly left in the hands of the states.  The states can hold another convention at any given point in time if they want to and write a whole new constitution.  There’s nowhere in the document where that’s prohibited.  The states can also, per the current Constitution, can also apply for what’s called an Article V Amendment Convention and propose their own amendments.  Only a sovereign entity could do that, and only if they were parties to a compact could they do that.  In the third instance, how could it be modified?  The Congress can propose an amendment by two-thirds of both houses, but then what has to happen?  Three-quarters, 75 percent of the states have to ratify it.  An act of ratification indicates that the parties ratifying are parties to a compact.

So why some of you want to argue over this is just beyond — you know what?  You want to argue over it just so you’ll have something to argue about, I believe.  It’s inarguable.  If you don’t understand it, [mocking] “You’re just making that up.  I don’t believe you.  That ain’t the way it ought to be,” fine, you desire to live in a poor, run from the center out mass consolidated democracy.  Good luck, with that.  As a matter of fact, we’re stuck in one right now.  How’s that working out for you?  Consider that when, in the future, we talk about these things, because I think it’s important.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: TheKingDude

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