Transcripts Mike Church Show- Review of 2016 Al Smith Dinner That Invited Killary Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […] todaySeptember 25, 2024 34
insert_link Transcripts Michael F. Holt Book: Why the South HAD to Secede and Why Today is Even Worse todayApril 25, 2024 63
Rogers D. Littlejohn, lt. Col. USAF Ret. on March 12, 2013 Short further comment– Mr. Walker is absolutely correct. He knows what he is talking about having argued the case before the Supreme Court and was not even a lawyer, I believe. What an achievement that was. To clarify a misspoken point of my previous note, we, The Jewel of does not want to impose any additional limitations on our freedoms by virtue of any amendments that we might be successful in getting adopted. We are proposing an amendment which would provide an alternative to the current impeachment process which would take it out of the hands of the Congress where the party politics and good old boy syndrome is so pervasive and puts it into the hands of the state legislatures and a special “Constitutional Court” composed of federal judges from the various districts. We believe that the two to six year delays to which we referred previously also creates the need for a quick freeze on “outlandish” actions of the Congress. At the very least we need a minimum of sixty days delay between the final vote in the Congress and the Signing by the President. The Stimulus and the Healthcare bills are a clear indication for such a need. Would it be reasonable for the states to have such an authority through their legislature with either two thirds or three quarters having the authority to freeze it and do a more thorough study of the matter? Sorry that I seem to generate more questions than answers but you will find some in “ Log in to Reply
Rogers D. Littlejohn, lt. Col. USAF Ret. on March 12, 2013 You just might find velly intaresteeng. Back to states rights, and much more. Our attempt and intention is to apply some preventive and corrective controls effective in less than two or six years (terms of House and Senate). We now have learned an almost fatal lesson that being that with the wrong combination in Washington, DC the rug can be completely pulled out from under the entire nation including the foundation, the Constitution. Hopefully we have not at any point imposed more limitations on the freedoms of the PEOPLE themselves. Please let me know your thoughts when you have had an opportunity to take a look at the referenced items. My immediate goal is to help get that first Article V convention with or without Congresses calling. If we have to apply nullification then so be it. I think that means without Congresses not calling it as required by Article V. Rogers Littlejohn, Personal info. age 90, vet WWII and Korean War and still defending——- Log in to Reply
Bill Walker on February 15, 2013 For reference. The reason the convention method has never “been used” is the fact Congress has ignored the 748 applications submitted by 49 states and refused to call the convention. The applications can be read at As to the three proposed amendments Mr. Church mentions. All three have long since been submitted by the states in applications already on record with Congress and therefore as part of a convention agenda. The particulars of the proposals can be read at the FOAVC website. BTW all were submitted many years before the gentlemen and groups Mr. Church mentions even existed. In short, the states saw the need for these amendment proposals and acted long before these groups and individuals came along. The reason they have not become part of the Constitution lies in the fact Congress refuses to obey it. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757