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Stand With Rand Vs. Trumpzilla, And Where Is The Forgotten Man? AbbyMcGinnis
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Again, we are in a war of ideas here. The battleground on which you and I and Senator Paul used to stand and fight is a battlefield of principles. Again, we have to get the little things right. We have to be correct on principle. We have to be correct, steadfast, well-informed, and above all humble on these things. Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Stand With Rand Vs. Trumpzilla, And Where Is The Forgotten Man? AbbyMcGinnis
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Stand With Rand Vs. Trumpzilla, And Where Is The Forgotten Man? AbbyMcGinnis
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: This is from The Federalist blog:
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said he doesn’t know what fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump really believes but exclaimed that it “boggles” his mind that any conservative would support the man, an individual Paul claimed represents much of what’s wrong with Washington.
Paul came out swinging against Trump Tuesday evening at a town hall in Claremont, New Hampshire, expanding on jibes he took at the magnate in last Thursday’s GOP debate.
[end reading]
Mike: Again, we are in a war of ideas here. The battleground on which you and I and Senator Paul used to stand and fight is a battlefield of principles. Again, we have to get the little things right. We have to be correct on principle. We have to be correct, steadfast, well-informed, and above all humble on these things. That will take you great distances with the right people. It’s not going to inure you to the hoi polloi. They don’t want anything of it. They want Tinder. They want to swipe through life and get to the easy stuff. Intelligent reasoning is difficult. Mindlessly going along with the crowd and shouting, “USA! USA!” and “I’m a conservative” is easy. It requires nothing. How much intellectual contemplation does it require for someone to pronounce that they are a conservative? It doesn’t require anything. It does require an enormous amount of cardinal virtues: fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence to actually live like a conservative.
That’s really what Paul is up against and it seems to have frustrated him. Trump should not surprise — Donald Trump’s success in electoral politics should not surprise anyone. This was going to happen. You people — not the people who listen to this show but you people generally have been trained by talk radio mafia doyennes for 20-some years to embrace this sort of thing.
“If you challenge him he says you’re fat, or you’re stupid or you’re bleeding,” Paul said to the crowd of around 75 who applauded loudly. “Is this really what we are going to nominate? The emperor has no clothes basically. He’s walking around saying nonsense and unless someone says it’s nonsense it’s going to keep happening.”
[end reading]
Mike: That’s the reason for this then, because he’s saying nonsense and somebody needs to stop him. Senator, it’s your base. It’s the base of the alleged conservative movement that wants this. They’re the ones clamoring for it, which I have maintained all along has always been the case. The intellectual case for modern conservatism does not exist. It’s because of this. You’re seeing this with the rise of Trump.
An orange chainsaw and numerous large stacks of paper representing the burdensome regulations and tax code Paul wants to simplify sat in front of a “Rand Paul for President” backdrop as Paul expounded to the crowd about his small government ideals, desire to reduce American military interventions, and determination to hold both Republicans and Democrats responsible for failing to live up to the nation’s founding document.
It was clear from the start that Paul, standing in jeans, cowboy boots and a dark blazer, was on the attack and preoccupied with Trump, looking to capitalize on conservative and libertarian confusion regarding the real estate magnate’s surging poll numbers . . .
[end reading]
Mike: By the bye, new polls out from yesterday of people being surveyed Monday, Tuesday and compiled on Wednesday and posted last night, no change. That 22 to 25 percent number for the Donald stays where it was, and I don’t think it’s going to change. Just as David Simpson said yesterday, all this does is set up Ross Perot part three. [mocking] “I don’t want the job, Larry. I don’t want to run as a third party. But if the American people want me to do it, Larry, I’ll do it. Now look, Larry, we’ve got some serious problems with the deficit.” Remember that?
Paul said he started thinking of running around 2009 when the Tea Party was upset most of all not about liberals and Democrats but rather about “fake conservatives who promised us one thing and did another.”
[end reading]
Mike: That’s why I coined the term decepticon, folks.
End Mike Church Show Transcript
Written by: AbbyMcGinnis
conservative Donald Trump elections principles rand paul republican party Ross Perot Trumpzilla
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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