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Story Of St. Alexius To Caller John – What Is Real Charity?

todaySeptember 22, 2015 9

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    Story Of St. Alexius To Caller John – What Is Real Charity? AbbyMcGinnis


Revolt_Heather_t_hirts_displayMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The ultimate cause, number one, is the perversion of the old French word charité, or the old Latin word caritas, which is charity, of the trinity of a life spent following Christ and always casting our gaze heavenward towards eternity, and we practice those three theological virtues that we gain when were baptized, regardless of what denomination were baptized under, provided the ceremony is done properly: faith, hope, and charity.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Story Of St. Alexius To Caller John – What Is Real Charity? AbbyMcGinnis

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    Story Of St. Alexius To Caller John – What Is Real Charity? AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  John in Alabama is next up.  Hello, John.  How you doing?

Caller John:  Good morning, Mr. Church.  Thanks for taking my call.

Mike:  Yes, sir.

Caller John:  Absolutely, we need to move forward to try to defund Planned Parenthood.  I think there might be a two-pronged approach that would pay dividends in other areas as well.  I’ve heard my congressman many times and asked him to put forth legislation to make it illegal for any organization that receives government funding from contributing any of that funding to political campaigns, to break the incestuous cycle that’s going on.

Mike:  Certainly we would do well to try and break that cycle.  I look at the problem, again, from a philosophical point of view.  I look at the problem: What is the ultimate cause?  The ultimate cause, number one, is the perversion of the old French word charité, or the old Latin word caritas, which is charity, of the trinity of a life spent following Christ and always casting our gaze heavenward towards eternity, and we practice those three theological virtues that we gain when were baptized, regardless of what denomination were baptized under, provided the ceremony is done properly: faith, hope, and charity.  Charity has been bludgeoned.  Charity is no longer charity.  People don’t know what charity is now.  Charity to your average ‘Murican or your average person in the Western world is bringing a can of soup to some collection bin that’s going to be shipped off to some unknown destination somewhere to allegedly feed some unknown person, or making a cash donation.  Certainly these things are charitable.  Charity is the practice and process of actually performing the act ourselves or participating in the performance of the act.

Another form of charity is also praying for the grace to train our minds to look at our brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings, and to see in them what God sees in them.  God sees in each and every one of us — which is why he creates us — he sees something that is purposeful and something that’s beautiful, something that is eternal.  That’s why he created us the way he did.  That’s why he gives us an immortal soul.  These things are all part of the definition of charity.  You’re not going to find that definition in the IRS tax code, are you, John?

Caller John:  You’re not.  To me, looking at society today, abortion is just another one of those people’s self-universe ways of making their life more convenient.

Mike:  That’s a good analysis, brother.  I like that.

Caller John:  Charity involves giving of yourself.

Mike:  That’s true.

Caller John:  You have to bring you to whatever you’re going to do.  It’s easy to write a check and make yourself feel better, but that’s the society that we live in now.  I absolutely agree, if we continue down this path, there’s no other alternatives than a very severe judgment from our Creator.

Mike:  Have you ever heard the story of Saint Alexius of Rome?

Caller John:  I have not.

Mike:  He was just Alexius.  He was born a very well-to-do, well-placed, well-heeled family in the 3rd century, I think.  His father had arranged a marriage to a very well-heeled, well-to-do young lady with a substantial dowry.  On the wedding night, Alexius, who had just recently converted to Christianity and had heeded the gospel call to not have material things and to give them away, took it figuratively, practically.  On his wedding night he told his bride, he took this beautiful gold ring his father had given him, he gave it to her and said: I can’t participate in this.  I can’t take the goods.  I can’t take the material things and this is for the benefit of both of our souls.  He left.  He flees Rome and he finds passage and ultimately he gets on a ship and winds up in Syria.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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