alien and sedition

12 Results / Page 2 of 2



Ted Cruz – Another Birther Controversy?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – At the time Ted Cruz was born, to which country did his mother owe allegiance? That’s the only question that is at issue here. Here’s how you arrive at this: could his mother have been prosecuted for treason against the United States? She’d have to be a citizen to be prosecuted for treason. The answer is yes, she could have, therefore he is born […]

todayMarch 22, 2013 17


Tyranny And Despair Are As Old As Man

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - My point is, we’re not the first people to deal with this, so let’s just get over ourselves. Let’s just get over our own little hubris and arrogance. Go about living your life. Don’t worry about your friends that you can’t convince. There are always going to be idgets out there and there’s always going to be ignorant people. You cannot control them. You […]

todayFebruary 7, 2013 6

Daily Clip

Alien Friends Can Stay Only At the States Insistence

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I have here in my hand a book called The Report of 1799 and 1800.  The Alien and Sedition Acts are famous, world famous.  Almost every American, people who listen to this show, have heard that.  The argument was whether or not the Congress could suspend the First Amendment and then confer upon President Adams the power to say, “I don’t like […]

todayJune 19, 2012 4
