
2 Results / Page 1 of 1


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The Irish Have Chosen Death, So Let It Be

Mandeville, LA - So let it be. Ireland has chosen between life and death. Death it shall have. The fallacy that a liberal abortion regime solves anything will soon become apparent to Irish citizens. The mother’s pain and suffering from abortion shall still remain. The shame and trauma of having delivered an aborted child are not erased as easily as the pro-abortion campaigners make out when they blithely talk of a […]

todayMay 29, 2018 2


Hey DeceptiCONS: I Thought It Was Terrifying To See 3 Year Olds Dressed In Kevlar?!

Mandeville, LA - Membah, membah the good ol' days when Michelle Malkin and the "conservative echo chamber" (CEC) bombarded us with pics of Islamic children holding guns or wearing combat fatigues as a sign of their utter barbarism and proof they were not civilized etc., etc.? What then to make of 'Muricans now buying and dressing their tikettes in bullet-proof backpacks and sending them off to school? Machine Gun 'Muricah […]

todayFebruary 23, 2018 9
