insert_link Catholicism October 22nd Feast of Saint Mary Salome, Proof Of The Ancient And Holy Catholic Church UPDATED (this post first appeared on October 22nd, 2014): For the feast of Saint Mary of Magdala, whose partial profile is below. Mandeville, LA - Today is one of those days on The Church calendar where we get perspective of the ancient and Divine origins of Christ's Church and it's teaching and tradition. Today is the feast day of Saint Mary Salome. The sculpture pictured is on display in Italy. Saint […] todayOctober 22, 2022 22
insert_link Catholicism FLASHBACK 2015: I Was The FIRST Cancellation Of Cancel Culture For Being “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” The only truly Catholic voice in “conservative” talk radio has been silenced. Here is what we Catholics can do about it. Christopher A. Ferrara The Mike Church Story (originally published on 11 July, 2016) Richmond, VA - Perhaps, like me, you have long wished that someone in the vast wasteland of “conservative” talk radio would actually tell the truth about what really ails American politics and American society: that our […] todayApril 22, 2022 241
insert_link Catholicism Halloween: Another Holiday Stolen From Catholics & Made Into Hallmark Horror Mandeville, LA - Pop Quiz, halloween hotshots: What do Christmas, New Years, Fat Tuesday, Lent, Groundhog Day, St. Valentines Day, St Patrick's Day, Good Friday, Easter and Halloween all have in common, that almost no one knows of today? Answer: They are all yearly celebrations from the Roman Catholic Calendar & tradition that have all been co-opted for the Walton family, Hallmark Cards, Amazon and every other big-box vendor of […] todayOctober 31, 2021 10
insert_link Catholicism Our Lady’s Miracle of Snow In August & The Story of St. Mary Major Mandeville, LA - My grandmother was named Essie Pearl MARIE Gomez and later took her husband's name to become Essie Pearl Peel. Grandma Pearl was the holiest person I ever knew who wasn't a priest and she never stopped her devotions to the Blessed Mother until she was unable to because of her age and failing memory. After her death on Thanksgiving Day, 2016, I inherited dozens of her relics […] todayAugust 5, 2021 94
insert_link Catholicism How I Stand Accused of “Slut Shaming” By Nancy Pelosi-ized “Catholics” Accused of "Slut Shaming" by Mike Church Yesterday started off innocent enough, until my friend Dan M sent me an email alerting me to the following: Catholic teens protest high school skirt ban, demand their old uniforms back: 'This is absolutely sexist'. I posted the story and my comments to Twitter, 24 hours a later, a gaggle of teenagers formed a Twitter lynch mob to reprimand me for "slut-shaming". My […] todayMay 23, 2019 26
insert_link Pile Of Prep Spy Wednesday Pile of Prep-Notre Dame, Indiana, Will Not Be Mocked by Gay, Mayor Pete, Notre Dame France Is A Warning Veritas et Sapientia - "Marie-Julie continually announced Our Lord and Our Lady were preparing the coming of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff, which many saints and mystics had announced centuries before her. St. Michael promised Marie- Julie he would one day come and smite the Freemasons from the face of France with his flaming sword. France would once again by governed according to the rule of government favourable to […] todayApril 17, 2019 10
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia – All Good Society’s Have Chivalrous Men Mandeville, LA - The accident of King Richard's military genius and prestige gave England something which it kept for four hundred years, and without which it is incomprehensible throughout that period—the reputation of being in the very vanguard of chivalry. The great romances of the Round Table, the attachment of knighthood to the name of a British king, belong to this period. Richard was not only a knight but a troubadour; […] todayFebruary 25, 2019 6
insert_link Daily Clip Social Media Isn’t Reality Until You Defame Covington Catholic High Boys, Pumpkin! HEADLINE: BREAKING: School investigation clears Covington boys of wrongdoing in March for Life standoff by Calvin Freiburger The investigation discovered NO chanting of “Build the Wall”, or making racist statements to Phillips. “The immediate world-wide reaction to the initial video led almost everyone to believe that our students had initiated the incident and the perception of those few minutes of video became reality.” He did not reference the Diocese’s own […] todayFebruary 14, 2019 9
insert_link Contributors What Does the War on English Fox Hunting Mean for America? The recent English controversy over the banning of fox hunting has ramifications that go to the heart of the future of the United States. If there are two Englands, rural and urban, there are two Americas also, the red heartland and the blue coastal fringes. The traditional heart of America is threatened by the radical fringe… Reprinted from First Things by Joseph Pearce Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, is […] todayJanuary 13, 2019 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1756