
149 Results / Page 3 of 17


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – Why Being Rigid Is The Only Position The Christian Man Can Hold

Mandeville, LA - This, therefore, is, in conclusion, my reason for accepting the religion and not merely the scattered and secular truths out of the religion. I do it because the thing has not merely told this truth or that truth, but has revealed itself as a truth-telling thing. The outer ring of Christianity is a rigid guard of ethical abnegations and professional priests; but inside that inhuman guard you will […]

todayAugust 13, 2018 7


All Hail The Courageous And Beautiful Saint Clare, Model of True Feminism

Mandeville, LA - The modern "feminist" movement currently promotes the mortally sinful and horrifying, in the eyes of God, proposition that femininity is animated by the obsessive pursuit of sexual gratification. The current edition of the most popular publication of this error is Cosmopolitan magazine, the current cover is shown, right. I won't put into print what the graphic image displays and that includes the shameless, immodest exploitation of former […]

todayAugust 12, 2018 5

Daily Clip

Papa Francis Is Leading Gullible Catholics To Ruin – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La To Listen to or Download This Episode Click HERE Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:16 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Pope Francis News - You are promoting and encouraging error! You know what you are promoting is wrong but you think your opinion matters on Dogma. You don’t get a vote on Dogma! The Western world with the aid and […]

todayAugust 6, 2018 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Pope Francis Can’t unDeath Penalty Jesus and Can’t unTeach The Truth-With Chris Ferrara

Mandeville, LA - The news broke this morning that Pope Francis has changed the catechism on the Death Penalty. The Catechism of the Church, which sums up the teachings, had previously stated that the death penalty could be used in some cases. It now says it is "inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person. Mike had previously scheduled Chris Ferrara, author of Liberty […]

todayAugust 2, 2018 11


Permission to Die – The Story of The 16 Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne

Permission to Die - The Story of The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne Download Permission To Die, On-Demand, Here! Mandeville, LA – Mike Church narrates the epic tale of the ultimate sacrifice offered by 16 Carmelite nuns on 17 July, 1794, on the guillotine scaffold. "During the executions, no sounds could be heard save the sisters' singing Veni Creator Spiritus, their chorus reduced one by one, and the remorseless slicing of the […]

todayJuly 27, 2018 17

The Mike Church Show

The Machines Have Come For The Kids – The Mike Church Show – 120718

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:15 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:22 6:28 NATO Festivities - This was a sanitized, easy on the eyes, blue sound stage. Politicians exist to do what? Get reelected! HEADLINE: Trump berates NATO allies and then asks them to double their defense spending goals by Michael Birnbaum and Seeing Min Kim FIFA is being played […]

todayJuly 12, 2018 7

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The Culture We’re Burning Is Christian Culture

Mandeville, LA - "The beginnings of Western culture are to be found in the new spiritual community which arose from the ruins of the Roman Empire owing to the conversion of the Northern barbarians to the Christian faith. The Christian Church inherited the traditions of the Empire. It came to the barbarians as the bearer of a higher civilization, endowed with the prestige of Roman law and the authority of […]

todayJuly 10, 2018 18

Shop Mike's Store

The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Mass

Rev. Fr. Martin von Cochem, O.S.F.C. Book Description: An absolute revelation to most Catholics! Based on the Traditional Latin Mass, but actually about the essence of the Mass itself. Shows it is not just a prayer, but a powerful sacrifice given to us by Almighty God to fulfill all our spiritual needs. You will divide your life into "before" and "after" you read this book. Going to Mass will never […]

todayApril 25, 2018 11
