The Mike Church Show

The Machines Have Come For The Kids – The Mike Church Show – 120718

todayJuly 12, 2018 2

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Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE



NATO Festivities –

  • This was a sanitized, easy on the eyes, blue sound stage.
  • Politicians exist to do what? Get reelected!

HEADLINE: Trump berates NATO allies and then asks them to double their defense spending goals by Michael Birnbaum and Seeing Min Kim

  • FIFA is being played here: Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow

AUDIO: Bail Out Bit Clarke and Dawe – European Debt Crisis

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HEADLINE: After Kavanaugh, the Deluge by Ross Douthat

  • The power the executive branch has…
  • So expect a party-line vote or close to that to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy with Kavanaugh, and then expect a court that moves to the right in some sense, but not necessarily in the most predictable of ways. 
  • The Trump Bandwagon – I drove that freaking thing for months but I will continue to call him out when he does something that is either unconstitutional or not moral.
  • Hence the tagline of the station #TruthInRadio #KingsizedTruthFromRadiosizedSpeakers
  • What did voting Republican get you?
  • Want to end Roe vs. Wade? There is a simple process to get this done.
  • Here is how you do it – the answer is both the Congress via Article I & III powers and the States through Article V

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HEADLINE: The Tech Industry’s War on Kids – How psychology is being used as a weapon against children by Richard Freed

  • Conform your mind to reality. How was Western Civilization made?
  • The alliance between the tech industry and psychology.
  • Has your mobile device made you a better person?
  • Has your mobile device gotten you closer to Jesus?
  • Has your mobile device made you less lazy or more?



Caller Kress from Toronto:

  • Setting brush fires with virtue
  • I don’t put faith in politicians but every now and then they do something good and it should be mentioned.
  • This also touches base on vocation. Where is your vocation as a parent?
  • What happens at the beginning of a Latin Baptism?

Please upgrade from basic monthly or basic yearly to Brother monthly or yearly! Please help keep our radio station alive. We also have Founding Father and Crusader levels.


Back to Headline: Tech Industry’s War on Kids


Mike’s Story of golfing with his old friend last week –

  • online purchases

Back to Headline: Tech Industry’s War on Kids

  • Important Questions Simply Aren’t Asked
  • We live in a car culture. If you don’t have an automobile in the US you are basically screwed. You have entire cities that are totally devoid of places to shop b/c most Americans have cars.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to



Caller ‘Citizen’ Mittus Celeste Youngblood –

  • Petunia when she turned 13 wanted an iPod.
  • Then the 2nd iPod was taken away.
  • She then got to the point where she actually needed a phone to ask for us to pick her up from her job etc.
  • I could see the physical issues she was actually having b/c I took her phone away.
  • She was SnapChatting over 5 hours a day!
  • Update on Petunia – she has been without tech for a few days, she is calmer, more pleasant and she is actually interacting with the family.







Special Guest Christopher Ferrara from Italy –

  • I have raised 5 boys and 1 girl
  • Catholic Symposium where we exchange ideas on the role of the faith and bringing it back to civilization.
  • There has been a change of government in Italy.
  • You are seeing cultural Catholics but they don’t attend Mass on Sunday.
  • Immigration Policy in Italy follow

HEADLINE: Pope Francis and Immigration Fraud by Christopher Ferrara

  • Because they have cut the illegal immigration down the number of people dying at sea has dropped drastically.
  • Terminal stage with this crisis in the Catholic Church. It will end…we just don’t know when or how.
  • This isn’t the 1st time the Church has been on the verge of crisis.
  • Our Lady of Fatima came at the turn of the century to warn about the developments.
  • She warned us about something even worse coming after WWI.
  • A spiritual revival in the West, but under what circumstances?
  • Just before election night there was no problem with Russia, now all the sudden once Trump is elected Russia is an enemy now. Suddenly within 48 hours Russia becomes the greatest, most brutal enemies. Why?
  • We are told Russia got Trump elected and Russia is to be feared by all Americans but at this very moment we have an American and a Russian astronaut together in the space station.
  • It is the longest fake news narrative I have ever witnessed.
  • Brett Kavanaugh nomination – my view is we should be just short of jubilant. – Chris Ferrara
  • Why?
  • If you look at his prior decisions, he will be excellent on Christian or religious liberties.
  • He is great on the 2nd amendment.
  • I don’t see him as another Kennedy but I put him centimeters to the “right” of Kennedy.
  • We already have 5-4 and we are looking for a 6-3 vote in religious liberty cases.
  • He made it a point to mention his faith, his parish, and all of that in a very quick way before his address. This was a little shot over the bow in my opinion.
  • I do know he is very likely to rule the way Scalia ruled.
  • Casey vs. Planned Parenthood legality on this in other cases
  • Fetal heartbeat is detected, then no abortion!
  • Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Cardinal McCarrick scandal – massive undertaking the pervasive infiltration of the hierarchy with homosexuals.
  • Crisis in the Church that will be resolved.
  • Joke from Ferrara’s conference – Sledgehammer Joke
  • The Church will have a “ta-da” moment.
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Meta-tags for show

Pope Francis, immigration, Chris Ferrara, Celeste Youngblood, smartphones, addiction, social media, Putin, Our Lady of Fatima, President Trump, Russia, NATO, Michael Birnbaum, Ross Douthat, Kavanaugh, Richard Freed, Catholic, virtues, FIFA, Justice Scalia, SCOTUS, Casey vs. Planned Parenthood, SPLC, homosexuals

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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