
149 Results / Page 6 of 17


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

USA Shills for “Zion” Term Corruption – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 2, Episode 527. USA SHILLS FOR "ZION" TERM CORRUPTION The full US military might is used to protect & expand a nation 8000 miles away based on a term corrupted by the Scofield Bible How Do I Listen To The Mike Church Show, When It's Live? Click Here! | How Do I Listen To This Episode of The Mike Church Show? Click […]

todayFebruary 7, 2018 6

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Vatican II Is Soured Milk, Youth Want the Old Ways – The Mike Church Show CHURCH DOCTRINE

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 2, Episode 527. TIME TO LET GO OF VATICAN II “It described itself as a pastoral council, and it sought to repackage the teaching, life and worship of the Church to suit a world in flux. For this very reason the Council was necessarily going to have a best-before date. That date has been passed. The sad thing is that its milk […]

todayFebruary 7, 2018 6


Apologetics Lecture Number 2

Mandeville, LA - Brother Francis Maluf's 9 part series on Apologetics, discussed lecture by lecture on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 EST/6CST and co-hosted by Mike Church. The Apologetics course's programming, RSS Podcast Feed, LIVE Chatroom and audio processing are all presented FREE and provided at expense to the CRUSADE Channel and the Veritas Radio Network. Please consider making a donation to offset our expenses, click here to donate. Go to […]

todayFebruary 6, 2018 8

Live of The Saints

Stronger Than Hercules: The Story of Saint Agnes, Virgin, Martyr, Role Model

Mandeville, LA - St. Agnes was born around 290 in Rome and her story is one of the most cherished in all of the Roman Martyrologies. Her riches and beauty excited the young noblemen of the first families in Rome, to compete with each other in order to gain her hand in marriage. “You may stain your sword with my blood, but will never be able to profane my body, consecrated […]

todayJanuary 21, 2018 16

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Pick A Church, You Can’t Have A Foot In Mammon’s AND Christ’s

Mandeville, LA - "This effort to keep a foot in both churches won’t work, any more than one can be simultaneously Muslim and Buddhist. Even so, the effort to enjoy dual religious citizenship, particularly among politicians and others in the public eye, remains commonplace. It should be understood for what it is: an attempt to serve two very different—indeed, competing—religious masters. In sum, secularist progressivism is less a political movement […]

todayJanuary 18, 2018 5

Lives Of The Saints

Saint Sylvester’s New Years Resolution: Give Thanks For The Catholic Faith This Year

Mandeville, LA - December 31st, New Years Eve is the final feast day of the calendar year and it honors Saint Sylvester, Pope and Confessor. In our modern conceit we often are told to reject most anything that cannot be proven by the scientific method or seen in document form. If we were to attach ourselves to this method of validating tradition, much beautiful tradition and history would be lost […]

todayDecember 31, 2017 20


Christmas Eve Truth: Luther Did Not Invent The Christmas Tree And Adam And Eve Are Saints Today

Mandeville, LA - Today is Christmas Eve and Catholics will celebrate the Vigil of The Nativity of Our Lord. Today is also the feast day of Saint Adam and Saint Eve. Adam and Eve Are Saints!? No, Way Mitter Chur.... Brother André Marie confirms Christmas Eve as the feast day of Saints Adam and Eve. [Adam and Eve] may be called saints on their feast day, which is the vigil […]

todayDecember 24, 2017 34


Beazelbub Smiles, Never Thought It Would Be This Easy: The transgenders And The Mammys Have Come For The Kids

Mandeville, LA - Watch the video below and weep for the patience and love God is showing the human race at this moment. Stunned. That is all I have to say. I am stunned. Sodom and Gamorrah was a Holy paradise compared to this epoch in every western land. You might be tempted to say that these are "good people, they just are thinking wrong". No. These people's "goodness" was […]

todayNovember 25, 2017 13



Hey Wil Wheaton: Real Men Pray & Accept “Thy Will Be Done”, What’s Your Excuse?

Mandeville, LA - Hollywood Heretics To The Faithful: Drop Dead, Your Prayers Didn't Work In Texas. By Mike Church "If Red Seas worked, Pharoah'd still have his Moses." - Logical response to apostate Wil Wheaton. Actors Will Wheaton and Michael McKean took to that "final frontier" of intellectual discourse, Twitter, to vent their hatred for prayer and by admission declare themselves apostates and they threw in some Harvey Weinstein pleasing […]

todayNovember 8, 2017 26
