
30 Results / Page 1 of 4



The Timeless Debate: Public vs. Private

George Washington Wanted A National University And Thought Seminaries Stunk At Educating Kids In Gubbmint Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "He was calling for West Point basically, citing just as I had reminded you earlier, that he saw the need for officers.  The need for officers does make sense.  I’m not prepared to get into a full discussion of that, but I can tackle the education question."  Check out […]

todayJune 3, 2015 15


Amtrak-Bride Of Federal Reserve Notes

Amtrak Bride of the Federal Reserve Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, Congress doesn’t have any money.  The only money they have is what they can take from us, they can tax from us or get through duties, tariffs, and imposts.  They don’t have any money.  Just because the Fed prints it doesn’t mean it’s money.  It’s paper.  Yet the deceit continues.  We just witnessed a bailout, didn’t we, of […]

todayMay 14, 2015 30


Linahan, Gutzman – Why Common Core Is Anathema To Federalism, Part 2

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Alice Linahan, who is also on the board of directors of the Women on the Wall Coalition is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us with Professor Kevin Gutzman.  Kevin, what is your perspective on this?  I know that you’re going to submit a one-page paper to help Alice with her testimony.  You wanted to add to some of the narrative, so please, go […]

todayFebruary 13, 2015 9

Mordor on potomac


The Cranes, Pt. I, Why Mordor on Potomac is Guaranteed to Grow

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –  "You’ll know that your vote for Congress is meaningless.  Your vote for president is meaningless.  Your vote for the Senate is meaningless.  You may as well go into the voting booth, sit down a pint of Jack Daniels or Jim Beam or Blanton’s or Maker’s Mark, pour yourself a shot, sip it, pretend like you’re voting, and then walk out.  You’d accomplish the exact same […]

todayOctober 6, 2014 41

michelle obama FLOTUS


FLOTUS Bans Bake Sales With State-Level Sugar And Butter Czars

FLOTUS and Her War on Bake Sales Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Who established this office of FLOTUS, First Lady of the United States?  And who made the FLOTUS the czar of school cafeterias?  And then who made the czar of school cafeterias the chief nutritionist?  All good and fair questions.  As I pointed out, we’re supposed to have a government that’s free of titles of nobility and what have […]

todayAugust 11, 2014 6


State Sovereignty and State Income Taxes

State Income Taxes and It's Relation to State Sovereignty Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Under this concept of federalism, which I live I a perpetual state of amazement that our fellow citizens don’t or won’t get this.  Under the concept that I just explained to you, it is not our border that is being encroached on the Rio Grande.  It’s the border of the sovereign people of the State of Texas.  […]

todayJuly 30, 2014 6


Interview With Brion McClanahan – Abbeville, Lincoln, Roads, And The VA

Interview with Brion McClanahan (author of Forgotten Conservatives in American History) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s talk about the Abbeville Institute for a moment or two.  I discussed a little bit of a recent essay that you posted up there at The Abbeville Review, which is AbbevilleInstitute.org, “Democracy, Liberty, Equality: Lincoln’s American Revolution.”  The subject that’s covered here -- we’re talking about the expansive power of the president when it […]

todayMay 28, 2014 21


George Mason and Granting Congress Direct Tax Power in the Constitution

George Mason and Direct Tax Power Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "George Mason was an epicurean republican aristocrat.  He was one of the wisest men of his generation and Mason was having none of this talk about having a new central government that was going to have the power to lay and collect direct taxes.  Of course, Madison and company would say they’re not direct taxes, they’re indirect, but we’ll […]

todayApril 16, 2014 19


The Ratchet Effect Is Alive And Growing Government Well

The Growing Government and the Ratchet Effect Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The ratchet effect has done its job.  And after it has completed all this, whatever agency, whatever act, whatever bureau, whatever series of regulators that has been employed to solve the crisis will never become unemployed.  If you can imagine a crescent wrench, a ratchet crescent wrench, you can imagine you put the socket end on the bolt.  […]

todayApril 14, 2014 23
