
72 Results / Page 8 of 8



Stop Being So Cynical And Find The Beauty Around You

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Many people had the greatest intentions and look how it all turned out. Then the problem becomes that people will not admit, government is not allowed and will not admit its own failings. It just hasn’t plowed enough money in it, hasn’t tried hard enough. Now it seems like we’re stuck always looking for, always expecting the worst and the bad. That’s no way […]

todayJanuary 29, 2013 6


Where Are The Modern-Day Martin Luther Kings?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Do you see any Martin Luther King -- of course, you don’t see any George Washingtons around either -- do you see anyone following in the tradition of a gentleman that spoke as King did? I know he didn’t always live up to the high ideals, but he was human. That’s part of the human condition. Do you see anyone out there amongst the […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 11


George Carey – Can Traditionalists Regain The Republican Party?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This goes out to you people out there that agitate this and promote this, and you do so on a daily basis, if not hour by hour. [mocking] “We gotta take the party back. We gotta kick these RINOs out.” As I have been trying to preach to what I hope is an expanding choir out there, that is another fool’s err. Carey explains […]

todayJanuary 22, 2013 13


Do Gun Laws and Executive Orders Make Us All Magically Safer?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If all we have to do is pass laws to stop this, it would seem to me we could pass laws and stop all the malady of the human condition. We can pass laws to make every woman happy, fully employed, paid more than her male counterparts. Can we? Pass a law. We can pass laws and stop all the bullying immediately. We can […]

todayJanuary 17, 2013 5

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show Caller Bob vs AG on Abortion

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - In order to push and promote his view of how the black man should be treated in the American society and in our civilization and communities, King basically had to advocate some form of civil disobedience. There were laws on the books that made it impossible for minorities to do certain things. As King viewed them, they were incompatible with a free society. He […]

todayJanuary 16, 2013 5


Are The Citadel Walls Keeping People In Or Out… Why Do They Even Need Walls?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Unless they’re violating Article I, Section 9 or 10 of the Constitution, or some other amendment that has prohibited them from doing something and they wish to remain in the union, then Godspeed to them and let them do as they will. If they’re a bunch of rotten, Godless people, they’re not going to last very long, but that ought to be their prerogative […]

todayJanuary 16, 2013 13


Caller Ellen Tries To Get People Involved… But Most Just Want To Go To A Movie

Mandevilla, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I don’t think the early generations of republicans went off into their legislatures carrying the wishes of the hoi polloi. I think they went off to their legislatures and they were trusted by the hoi polloi or by the peasantry that they had their best interests at heart and were going to carry it into fruition. As a goal and an objective, they were […]

todayJanuary 15, 2013 5


Caller: People Aspire to Have Community Bonds Without Doing What Cultivates Community

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Membership is aspired to and it’s what makes community so powerful. You have no guarantee, even if you’re in the United States, and no sense of guarantee or no sense that you should accept without actual investigation that those people you’re about to counter believe as you do, that they fear retribution of the transcendent, of God, if they commit certain acts and atrocities […]

todayDecember 18, 2012 6


Our Digital Age Makes Us Less Community-Centered Thus Less Human

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Consider what it is that the internet does. It desensitizes people to human concerns. You would not yell at your fellow man, in person, in the manner and would not call him or her the names. You would not insult their heritage, their parents, their children, their neighbors. Ninety-nine percent of what is done online that continually desensitizes and coarsens our discourse, cheapens it […]

todayDecember 14, 2012 2
