
642 Results / Page 5 of 72


Liberty Institute

The CRUSADE Channel’s Constitution Hour: The Truth of Nullification Is an Epic Scandal

Mandeville, LA - "The Constitution is a compact between states" begins Albert Taylor Bledsoe's  1866 opus "Is Davis A Traitor-Was There A Constitutional Right To Secession Previous To The War of 1861?". No Republican or Progressive ever bothered to answer Bledsoe because he answered his own question "Yes" and the linchpin of his argument was the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, The 1787 Convention Notes, the VA Ratifying Convention Debates and the […]

todayMarch 3, 2016 6


Ted Cruz And The Never Ending Argument Of Citizenship

Why Is "Natural Born" Status So Important? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s first establish that the clause natural-born citizen is inserted into the Constitution for a specific purpose.  If you read the letter that John Jay, future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, wrote to George Washington at the time the Federal Convention of 1787 was in full swing, Jay wrote to Washington and said it must be […]

todayFebruary 29, 2016 10


9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America

Interview With Brion McClanahan Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Brion McClanahan, author of 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried To Save Her is on the Dude Maker Hotline.  One of the other things that bothers me, and ought to bother everyone out there listening to this about this, about the USDA, what else that has done.  It has removed the beautiful and traditional necessity of […]

todayFebruary 29, 2016 15


Mike Church Show – It’s The Corrupt, Immoral Capitalism, Stupid – FREE Preview

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church talks about the Distributive system it's immoral, corrupt, evil and extremely idiotic. What do you need government for? What can government do, that God can do? Listen to the FULL hour and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND LISTENING TO THE NEW, MIKE CHURCH SHOW ON THE CRUSADE […]

todayFebruary 22, 2016 5

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – Pope Leo XIII’s Encyclical on Revealed Truth Exposes Glenn Beck

Mandeville, LA - On February 16th's Mike Church Show, Mike exposes, counsels against and prays for an end to Glen Beck's "the constitution is divinely inspired, just like the Bible" heresy. Pope Leo XIII had an encyclical defining revealed truth, which Beck and Cruz should read. Listen to the FULL hour and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO […]

todayFebruary 17, 2016 14

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia-The Constitution Was “Acceded to” Meaning It Can Be “UN-acceded to”

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: This passage from Bledsoe was never answered by any Republican at the time, indeed, remains unanswered. Bledsoe's assertion is that the States formed the Federal government BY their accession and if this formation required their "accession" then the Union can be unmade by withdrawing that consent.] In like manner Gouverneur Randolph, who was also a member of the Convention of 1787, and who had just […]

todayFebruary 17, 2016 5


Ted Cruz Defense Ploy To Elect Jeb Bush

The Common Sense of Ted Cruz's Eligibility Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we read from the records of the Federal Convention – the question on Senator Cruz’s eligibility is: Did the men that drafted the Constitution, did they have a copy of Emmerich de Vattel’s Law of Nations?  If they did, then we know what the definition of natural-born citizen is.  Cruz ain’t it.  He’s not qualified."  Check […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 6


Defending Cruz Is A Full-Time Job

Harvard Lawyers Defense For Cruz Not Factual Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I wanted to get your take on and talk just a moment about your other favorite radio host who is on in the evening and who invented the Article V Amendment Convention process.  This is after he invented many other things after they were discussed here on this show, then they were discovered, and then he claimed […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 5


How a Modern Publius Proved Ted Cruz And Now Nikki Hayley Are NOT a Natural-Born Citizens

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Do you think the Congress would have allowed that the electors of the several states, especially the Southern ones, would have allowed or would have given their votes in the electoral college to someone that was born in Mexico by a Mexican father just because his mother happened to be from Tennessee?  Bet you they would.  Betcha.  Wanna bet?  This discussion should be […]

todayJanuary 11, 2016 5
