
642 Results / Page 53 of 72



The Constitution: Game Over Man, Game Over

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner of Ohio's 8th Congressional District held a press conference in a Virginia lumberyard today along with other GOP window dressing to unveil their cost cutting measures should they regain majority in at least one house of Congress following the mid-term elections. The Pledge to America outlines how with Republicans in charge by golly, the federal government will get down to the […]

todayApril 13, 2013 4


Constitutional Traitors In The Senate, Big Surprise

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to repeat, there are three instances under which the militia would fall under the control of the Congress, and then only to write rules for how they should be disciplined. The three instances are: there is a declaration of war, the country or a state has been invaded by a foreign warring force, or there has been a rebellion in one of […]

todayApril 12, 2013 13


New Hampshire’s New Slogan: Live Marginally Tyrannized But Healthy

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You can live free, but you’re not going to be able to die with a weapon in your hand according to Senator Ayotte. You can have a slingshot. You can have a peashooter, a .22 personal revolver that will fit in the watch pocket of your front pants, but we’re not giving you anything that you can defend against a government out of control […]

todayApril 12, 2013 7


Michelle Obama Joins The Gun Control Bandwagon, Using Children As Pawns Of Course

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We all know the story. It’s a sad, tragic story. Again, they had a handgun ban in Chicago. It didn’t save that little girl’s life. Do you really think background checks or gun registries for the madman that took that little girl’s life would have saved it? Please. There’s just something really, really -- it is disconcerting to see children manipulated and used in […]

todayApril 11, 2013 6

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Hate Mail: “You Idiot! ‘We The People’ Nullified States Rights

frequently receive hate mail from this letter writer with nearly all of it being very similar i.e. "...hey, IMBECILE! The SCOTUS has ruled for We The People on the _____Amendment making it applicable to_________ and even the little Martian looking Quisp dude; so, why don't you take your treason off the airwaves and join a Branch Davidian chapter nearby?" Today, I am accused of "sacrificing the BOR to "my flawed […]

todayApril 11, 2013 16


The State Will Do What The State Wants To Do

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As I have been saying, those that are being pilloried for their promise to filibuster this, in my humble, constitutional opinion, are in the correct. They are trying to prevent damage to the federal constitution, what little shreds of it remain, not that I think it’s going to make a difference, but it is admirable to see some devotion to principle, is it not? […]

todayApril 10, 2013 8


Can Libertarianism And Republicanism Co-Exist?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – According to Politico, the libertarian brand of Republicanism is making inroads and a big comeback. I will tell you that certainly when it comes to young people, the youth, they tend to be more libertarian. There’s a problem with that. Young people age. As they age, they tend to become a little less libertine or libertarian. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayApril 9, 2013 16


Why Is The Second Amendment Debatable (and Others Aren’t)?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Would anyone lose their cookies over a filibuster to defend and protect the 14th Amendment? What about the 13th Amendment? Do you think anyone would lose their cookies, [mocking] “This is part of the Constitution now. We have to do this.” Of course, the 13th Amendment is outlawing slavery, thus it is a punishment for a crime. Would anyone get their proverbial knickers or […]

todayApril 9, 2013 9


Kansas Joins The Nullification Fight Over Gun Laws

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Yesterday we talked to my buddy Mark Kreslins about the attempt to nullify Obamacare in the State of Oklahoma and that it stalled in the Oklahoma Senate because of the protestations of one historically ignorant senator, a gentlemen by the name of Clark Jolley. That’s up for debate as to what’s going to happen with that. There is another effort in the State of […]

todayApril 9, 2013 7
