
642 Results / Page 65 of 72


Daily Clip

What You Can Learn From Amendment XXI and Prohibition

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Any one clause in the Constitution cannot clash with another. They all have to be in harmony. One does not cancel out another. By an act of Congress, you just couldn’t say that prohibition is over, because it would clash with the amendment that’s on the books. The only way to get rid of prohibition was to say that the amendment that […]

todayDecember 22, 2012 10

Founders Quotes

Was Secession A Constitutional Right? 1868 Book Concluded It Was

Was Secession A Constitutional Right? 1868 Book Concluded It Was. "In order to show that the Constitution is not a compact between the States, the position is assumed, that it is not a compact at all. If it be a compact, say they, then the States had a right to secede. But it is not a compact; and hence secession is treason and rebellion. The great fundamental questions, then, on which the whole controversy […]

todayDecember 18, 2012 10


We Beg Girls to Hormone Up With the Pill But Ban Boys From HGH

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Our government is now involved in the process of life and death, basically in deciding who lives and who dies at creation and afterwards, while still a part of the young woman. All the while, it’s subsidizing and by law bringing all of this into effect. Does this sound like something out of a horror movie, something out of a dystopian future that you […]

todayDecember 13, 2012 8

Founders Television

Interview with Brion McClanahan – Secession is Legal… But is it Still Too Soon?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - On today's Founders TV show we have special guest Professor Brion McClanahan discussing the legality of Secession. You can find his article on the subject right here at We agree that Secession is legal, but is it still too soon for the American public? Mike and Brion also discuss what will happen to the average American if the Federal security blanket […]

todayDecember 12, 2012 2


What the Kentucky Resolution Says about Illegals and ObamaCare

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The Kentucky Resolution specifically deals with alien friends. This is another great part. For those of you that think that the general government -- and there are a lot of you clowns out there that think that all immigration is under the purview and responsibility of the Feds, including some very famous television hosts on a certain network from 8-9 EST. Chew on this […]

todayDecember 12, 2012 13


Scalia and Feds Control Over Marriage is Wrong

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - You might notice in the movies these days they say, “By the power vested in me by the State of Louisiana, I now pronounce you man and wife.” What do you mean by the power vested to you by the state? Marriage is a sacrament. Latin sacramentum, gift, gift from God. It is a religious bond consecrated in the eyes of God. It is […]

todayDecember 11, 2012 15
