David Webb

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Democracy’s Epic Fail: The Electoral College Should Be Brought Back

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The way it would work and the way it was pitched in the ratifying conventions, and the way it was discussed in the drafting convention was that the founders had a great fear that if you left election or selection of the presidency in the hands of the hoi polloi, they’d wind up choosing demagogues, they’d screw it up.  Check out today’s transcript […]

todayAugust 11, 2015 7

Pile Of Prep

Milquetoast Mitt Emerges On Top The Leaderboard but is it too late!?

Milquetoast Mitt offers the "moderate" voting public a choice and the conservative voting public a lot of hot air, either way, he will extend most of the tyranny of Obama should he win Gottfried: What is this "conservatism" of which you speak and why does it differ from "liberalism" of which you claim to hate? I wonder if the polls that many claimed "were rigged" which are now moving Romney's […]

todayOctober 8, 2012 5
