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Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Note To South Haters: Confederate Soldiers Were NOT Traitors

Mandeville, LA - "The sole object of this work is to discuss the right of secession with reference to the past; in order to vindicate the character of the South for loyalty, and to yipe off the charges of treason and rebellion from the names and memories of Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Albert Sydney Johnston, Robert E. Lee, and of all who have fought or suffered in the great war […]

todayAugust 21, 2017 7

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia-The Constitution Was “Acceded to” Meaning It Can Be “UN-acceded to”

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: This passage from Bledsoe was never answered by any Republican at the time, indeed, remains unanswered. Bledsoe's assertion is that the States formed the Federal government BY their accession and if this formation required their "accession" then the Union can be unmade by withdrawing that consent.] In like manner Gouverneur Randolph, who was also a member of the Convention of 1787, and who had just […]

todayFebruary 17, 2016 6


The Homosexual “Law of The Land” Is Not A Law At All, And You Are NOT Required to “Obey It”

Mandeville, LA - Rowan County Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis refuses to issue “marriage licenses” to homosexuals and she is right to do so, and worthy of your [re]publican and Christian defense, despite the reigning “media” authorities of our time insisting that she “enforce the law.” Who is actually a St. Benedict or a Benedict Arnold here? I humbly submit certain conservative writers are in Red Coat uniform, and here’s why. UPDATE 10:10 P.M. […]

todaySeptember 2, 2015 6
