insert_link Transcripts Caller Steve: ObamaCare Makes His Insurance $6,900 More Expensive Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we’re looking for any kind of a silver lining from the ObamaCare implementation, and I’m not promoting this as a silver lining, and no, I’m not happy about it. What I said was, in the first hour, that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has lifted the shroud on what this stuff actually costs. People are shocked. They are shocked at what it […] todayDecember 2, 2013 7
insert_link Interviews Interview With Kevin Gutzman On Obamacare Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Yesterday, I’m sure you have seen some or all of the president’s wielding of his scepter at his press conference yesterday, asserting he was granting all these insurers and the states this power to alter their plans and basically I guess to ignore what is actually in the Affordable Care Act. I asked you in an email exchange: Is there any precedent for this? […] todayNovember 15, 2013 10
insert_link Transcripts Raise The Minimum Wage, Destroy The Market Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Any wage control damages a market because it has an effect on the price mechanism. Wage is part of the price mechanism, too. Your ability as a businessperson to set the wage, this is part of the price mechanism. This is how you arrive at how much to sell the donut for. The labor cost, that goes into the price mechanism. Anytime the government […] todaySeptember 2, 2013 23
insert_link Transcripts If You’re Going To Have A Minimum Wage, You Need A Minimum Purchase Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Why is it any different for the State to compel a business person to pay someone for a service that is rendered, and voluntary service that is rendered, at a preordained or predetermined price? Why shouldn’t the State then be able to compel, or why shouldn’t the store be able to use the power of the State to compel the consumer to spend a […] todaySeptember 2, 2013 19
insert_link Transcripts Interview With Tom Pauken, Candidate For Governor Of Texas Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now to the Dude Maker Hotline, let us say hello for the first time to candidate for the governor’s office of the great State of Texas, here is Tom Pauken. Mr. Pauken has decided to throw his hat into the ring. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayAugust 19, 2013 20
insert_link Transcripts Non-State-Based Thinking On Women In The Workplace From John Stossel Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You know what is intriguing about Stossel’s writing is he has left out State-mandated, State-regulated, and edict-based solutions or methodology in arriving at his conclusion. In other words, he has not called upon: Well, since the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Act of 1974, there has been . . . since the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Act was enacted by President Obama . . ..” Instead, […] todayAugust 15, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Detroit Bankruptcy Isn’t Just About Economics, It’s About Values Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We have the news from Detroit. This is really sad, really sad and tragic. It’s not sad and tragic just in an economic sense. If you haven’t heard the news, Detroit is going to become the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States as it has filed for bankruptcy protection. Much of this, I think, could have been averted, but it […] todayJuly 19, 2013 4
insert_link Transcripts Public Education Is Designed To Create Workers, Not Thinkers Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We have education systems today and we all agree the education is not to make better Christian young men and women of great virtue and great promise and great potential. We have an education system that is designed and specifically and explicitly constructed to do what? Train the next generation of workers. We all say it all the time. Check out today’s transcript for […] todayJuly 8, 2013 19
insert_link Transcripts Will The Next Bailout Be The Trillion-Dollar Student Loan Debt? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Don’t forget, folks, the student loan debt is the largest debt owed on Earth. The only thing that trumps the outstanding student loan debt in the United States is the federal budget deficit or the national deficit. That is the only debt that exceeds student loans. There are over $1 trillion -- you can hear Dr. Evil saying it now in an Austin Powers […] todayJuly 2, 2013 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757