founding fathers

183 Results / Page 21 of 21


Pile Of Prep

DeceptiCONNED: Boehner Congress LEads the Planet In New Debt Created

  Oy! VA Governor McDonnell says that borrowed money, printed out of thin air helped VA balance its books in 2009 Kaufman: Ron Paul, the Thin Man cometh is either a harbinger of the future or the last gasp of an optimistic attempt to save the former DeceptiCONNED: Just as I have lamented like a broken Journey 45 skipping at "nah nah nah nah nanah", Boehner Congress blows more in […]

todayJune 4, 2012 5

The Constitution

Who Wrote The Constitution and The Preamble “We The People” Script?

Mandeville, LA -If you have ever wondered which of the Founders who attended the Federal Convention of 1787 actually wrote the text, using a quill pen, of the Constitution, including the beautiful "We The People" script, wonder no more. In this letter, written at the fever pitched height of the Hartford Convention/Secession Crisis of 1814, Morris settles the mystery once and for all. Morris had attended the convention representing PA […]

todayMay 30, 2012 6

Founders Television

Brad Birzer and Winston Elliott Discuss “A New Dark Age”

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] [nonmember] This is a preview of the full post show show available to members only. If you'd like access to the full show please join the Founders Pass today. [/nonmember] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's Post Show Show podcast Brad Birzer and Winston Elliott III discuss "A New Dark Age" (link), an article that Brad wrote for The Imaginative Conservative. In the article […]

todayMay 23, 2012 2
