insert_link Listeners Lounge Travis Pope on the Art of Being a Statesmen and Gentlemen Promoted by Y/T Mandeville, LA - for those who were looking for the brief letter I read on-air today about gentlemen and statesmen, from listener Travis Pope, here it is. Thanks Travis and please keep send us posts like this folks. Mike Church [h]as been doing a ton of shows on being a "Statesman" and how Chivalry is dead in our nation. Men are not men today they are boys or sissys. When […] todayNovember 14, 2013 85
insert_link Transcripts Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, “Twerking” – What Is Going On With The Youth? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It is a torrid, lewd, sad and regrettable animated gif rundown of what the once cute and adorable Hannah Montana did on the Video Music Awards last night. In the United States, we don’t reward people for being chaste and virtuous, for saving certain activities until marriage, or implying that you would. We certainly don’t reward them for being debutantes or demure or more […] todayAugust 26, 2013 28
insert_link Daily Clip Boy Scouts Need Real Gentlemen To Lead Them Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Most boys look up to their fathers. If dad is a good gentleman and has a good vocabulary and does those things that gentlemen ought to do, there’s a very good chance the son is going to pick up on all that because he wants to be like his father. Again, we’re at the crisis point here where it requires a male, un-metrosexual, to […] todayFebruary 6, 2013 13
insert_link Transcripts Roger Scruton On Conservatism Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This is a review of a book written by a guy named Roger Scruton. I’m only going to read a paragraph or so of this because I thought it was insightful given the current discussion about the state of conservatism and whether or not the Grand Old Party is worthy of your time, attention and money any longer. Check out today's transcript for the […] todayFebruary 6, 2013 15
insert_link Latest Dear Mike: You Are a Demeaning, Illiterate, Proselytizing, Catholic Dolt Mr. Church, 1. "You people" is indeed demeaning. But please continue. It is your show. 2. Matriculate. People do not matriculate to the city. They move to the city. 3. Prurient? Wanton desires. 4. What is insensitive? Responding to a caller who mentioned he is paying $1,500 a month for his family insurance? Laughing and wishing him the best of luck. It is your show. 5. How about using your […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757